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Everything posted by hardknox00001

  1.   Hahahah, that's funny but I would have to say that is standard operating procedure for most people anyway.....
  2. I would watch old tv stuff all the time if I could.  Tim Conway, Johnny Carson, Emergency, 6 Million Dollar Man, even Chips, to name a few....   Do NOT go see any of Melissa McCarthy's movies, nothing but cussing from beginning to end.  Made the mistake of watching Identity Theft thinking she would be funny from watching Mike and Molly...... wrong   There are some modern shows I do like but not many.
  3. I was too young and stupid at the time but now I wish I'd have gotten in to messing with the Heathkit stuff.  Got some old Heathkit ham stuff that needs some attention now.  Wouldn't have a clue as to what to do.   Ah, to be able to go back to youth with current knowlege.......
  4. Just a note for your information.  If you are ever in Pensacola, their "home" is the Naval Air Station Pensacola and they have practices that are open to the public and free if they are not out on the road.  You will also get to meet them at the (I highly recommend it) museum after the show, er, practice.  It's all free and the museum is something to see even if they are not there.   Here is a link for more information:   http://www.navalaviationmuseum.org/attractions/blue-angels/
  5. Probably had an empty left lane that went nowhere
  6.   We were just joking to ourselves the other day at the office, seems Murfreesboro has turned into mostly used car lots, restaurants, and beginning to be the mattress store capital of the south.... LOL
  7.   In case it gets removed, here is what it says, and I quote:   "2,110 rounds to be sold as one lot, will not sell individual boxes. $250 FIRM. * * * And here's a special message to all you mealy-mouthed WHINERS who complain about price gouging - how do you know what I paid for this ammo, or how much, if any, profit I'm making on it? You're welcome to e-mail me all you want, I get a kick out of reading your childish comments... Last time I checked, this was still America, where the law of supply and demand affects the price of everything from a gallon of gas to a gallon of milk, and an unemployed person is free to charge whatever he wishes for products and services rendered in order to put food on the table. And here's a parting thought... back in 1999, when you could buy a brick of 500 22's at Wal Mart for around ten dollars, gold was selling for $250/oz. Would you begrudge a man who bought gold at that price then sold it when the price hit $1,900/oz a couple of years ago? Know this - 22LR ammo has become like gold. As long as supply is limited, demand is high, and people hoard it, the price will continue to rise until the demand decreases."   End Quote   Sounds like one or all of yall have hit this dog in the pack sort of speak.... :up:
  8. Ok, sounds to me the ballasts are faulty in some way.  Depending on what type fixture you have, ie came in a box as an assembly from Home Depot, etc., it may be cheaper to change whole fixture.  You can price ballast at your local supply house, just tell them what size lamps and how many and they'll figure which ballast for you.   EDIT:  Hmm, nightrunner faster typer than I am.  Rats.
  9. Fluorescent fixtures are simple circuits.  Line voltage in to the ballast, ballast voltage out to lamp sockets, lamps.  I would change the ballast if it were bothering you much.  Sounds like the one you have is doing something goofy either in the warming circuit or the running voltage circuit.  Do the end of the lamps turn black?
  10. Thoughts and prayers to you and the family.
  11. BING - An error has occurred BING - An error has occurred
  12. In general, the wording on that sign strikes me as coming from a man who doesn't have a business mind set.  Sort of a "its my way or the highway, I'm right, you the customer are stupid" kind of feeling.  I don't think I would go in there anyway even if I did agree about not being armed on the premises, so I wouldn't be subjected to being called a douche for dropping my fork.
  13.   LOL
  14. I tried.  Couldn't get a bite.  Hard as a rock.
  15.   That in itself to me is news.....
  16. What frosts me about the whole mess is the price difference between the same brand store just a few miles apart.  I realize that they probably got a load of fuel at different times but I've noticed the Kroger fuel stations in Murfreesboro are always significantly different.  The one at Georgetown Square is always, always higher (most of the time by 5 to 10 cents) than the one at Hwy96 and Northfield/Rutherford Blvd.
  17. I for one will miss your postings and look forward to your return.  In the meantime, I hope the Doc's get it sorted out and you find relief and cure.   I dabble in lanterns a little so I have a mil-spec lantern in my small collection.  I will light it later and offer a prayer on your behalf.
  18. As found on another forum I frequent......
  19.   Me as well.  I will stand down to your expertise.
  20. For you conspiracy theorists, here is another theory.   http://mh370shadow.com/post/79838944823/did-malaysian-airlines-370-disappear-using-sia68-sq68
  21.   I think this article sums it up well.  One thing it didn't mention that crossed my mind was why they climbed so high.  If they had a severe fire on-board, the higher you go, the less dense the atmosphere and less oxygen is available to feed the fire.  It is possible that they climbed that high to try and extinguish the fire.   With the lack of "radical group x" claiming responsibility for a terrorist act, I would say that ship has sailed.  This article to me seems the most plausible at this point.  I would lay odds that it went down somewhere in the water on the way to Pulau Langkawi as this article states.


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