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Everything posted by hardknox00001

  1. Sorry for mini-thread revival but, Careful, I would find out from the insurance company exactly what they will and won't cover and for how much before I assume something, learning that lesson myself the hard way Anybody ever use these or anything from this company.......... Console Vault-Vehicles Products - Worry-Free Travel Gear for your peace of mind - Travel Gear, Anti-theft Travel Accessories & Travel Safety Tips or this http://www.corporatetravelsafety.com/catalog/transporter-portable-safe-p-780.html or even this http://www.corporatetravelsafety.com/catalog/security-lock-p-807.html these look plenty sturdy, more so than the center of mass. The do have a much more sturdy price too, however.........
  2. Anybody know about the gun show this weekend in Lebanon, as in is it any good???
  3. Seems those should have nuts in them....................or corn
  4. Its called a long test drive........
  5. he he.......he he......he said corn holing while tailgating.......he he.... yeah, yeah........he he Shut up Beavis...........
  6. lost all interest
  7. Well, the only true way to know is to try. I would think that you would be able to have some sort of success. 80 -20 meters seems to be the hot spots right now with current solar cycle conditions with sporatic openings on the rest of the bands, and most are working with a simple dipole mounted as high as their conditions will allow, and having some success. Can I guarantee that you'll get to Japan or Australia, no but I would think that a simple setup would allow North and South America and Europe. Besides, some of the super stations with their super beam antennas mounted on a 200' tower out there could probably pick you out of a tomato can, just have to get something out there to get their attention. I have a simple station now, the only antenna I have for HF is a Gap Titan DX multiband vertical. I have talked to Russia, Italy, France (who surrendered immediatly), Hawaii (dude had previous mentioned super station), all over the US, Costa Rica, etc, etc. I am sort of in the same area as you, over here on the Smith Fork Creek just north of Dowelltown so I would think that you would have some success of some sort.........
  8. We've got him boys, go in for the kill
  9. Installing Coreldraw 13, watching the Braves win in dramatic fashion, deflating bladder on bushes outside, etc, etc Better yet, refer to kb4ns avitar, remove cat, install hardknox00001 = explaination sort of complete
  10. I get it, twist the wire before you screw it together so that when it runs out of thread and its "tight" the wire rope will still have some "wanting to screw tighter" tension from the pretwist out of box thinking Reddog is.........
  11. I'm right there with ya on this. My dad had intestinal surgury. Basically, they pulled all of his intestines out looking for a blockage, found several adhesions, fix those, fixed a hernia and stitched him up. Was looking really good, docs all happy. Lasted about a month until this just past Easter, a pulmonary embolism (clot) got him. Sad part was a few days before that, he felt he had a cramp or charlie horse as he called it in his leg. Only if any of us had thought to connect that with a possible clot....... Seems to me that the docs would have had him on something for clot prevention
  12. So Jon, have you ever been in a Turkish prison????
  13. Give me a vector Victor................
  14. Well, I am way over here close to Smithville and I have one, even rigged a power cord to plug into cig lighter in vehicle cause those things eat batteries like obama spends money. I go to M'boro regularly so if needed, I would be willing to bring it by with some notice...................
  15. I prefer using this..................
  16. Even better if you can find somebody with one of these........ MFJ Enterprises Inc.
  17. Don't forget about shipping............... That Ken Rockwell site I recommended to you also says that when he is asked about what DSLR to buy, he recommends the D5000. There is alot of useful stuff sort of hidden on that site, but he has a search box. Good read FWIW.
  18. This is a memorial of my younger, single life......................... This was not on my car however, I'm crazy, not stupid................
  19. hardknox00001


    Far out maaaannn!
  20. I had always hoped to go see a launch in person myself. Never have though. I think they are making a mistake retiring the shuttles with nothing else to go to.
  21. Right on, I think all red lights should be banned for safety, except for tree hugging, leftist, liberal democrats.........
  22. Select all info, right click copy, paste to word document, save for future reference
  23. I will say that the Yaesu FT857 or Icom 706 would be good radios, all of the HF and the more common vhf bands (2m, 70cm) are covered in all modes (FM, AM, sidebands, etc.) Another one to look at is the Yaesu FT897. Those can be run out of a backpack on batteries, or on a vehicle power source, or with a power supply, off 120v. There is "internal" batteries that can be installed and there is a specifically made for it power supply factory option. (I just used an external power supply) The 897 is bulkier so it may not be the best for in a vehicle operation but in a pinch, that won't matter. I will caution you very strongly about buying used electronics off of ebay or any other site unseen. I prefer to see it operate in person before I buy now as I have been bit by a radio that didn't work until I spent another $200 to make it work. By then, I could have bought a new one. There are many forms of communication possible on ham radios, voice, digital, morse code to name a few. Even can work through satelllites. Lots of different avenues to go down. Congrats on passing your test, Randy KF4MGN


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