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Everything posted by GKar

  1. Yeah, I got used to the "tuck" when we'd go out. Gotta be able to tell its a gun from three angles, IIRC. Lookin forward to that practice being retired soon. Back during the summer and the heated debates about "guns-in-restaurants" and such here in TN, it was always interesting to point out to folks around here that, just across the street downtown, people have been open-carrying guns where they serve alcohol for years, and so far the blood hadn't run across the street into Tennessee...
  2. A key VA Senate committee today passed on to the floor of the Senate a bill that would allow permit holders to carry concealed in any restaurant that serves alcohol (previously, you could open carry, but not concealed carry - ?!?). This legislation has passed the General Assembly on two previous occasions, but fell victim to vetoes by the former governor. Newly elected Gov. McDonnell supports this bill. Since most of the better restaurants in Bristol are located on the VA side of town, this bill actually does more for me than similar Tennessee legislation will...LOL. Also coming in the VA legislation this year - permit renewal by mail (not sure how they have to do it now - they can get their permit, including training class, online!!), and carry in a locked compartment of a boat or vehicle even if you do not have a permit.
  3. Personally, I have no problems with Todd's efforts - if indeed they accomplish the stated objective of essentially making ABC enforce the laws that are already on the books. Granted, this coming from one who does not drink (but that is my own choice, and really don't give a rat's rear if anyone else drinks or not as long they do so responsibly and do not endanger others with their choice). It then becomes incumbent upon those establishments negatively affected to mount support for sufficient legislative efforts to effect their desired changes in those now-enforced laws. That's the way legislative processes work, oft times.
  4. Geez, this old bat ain't got a fricken clue... Senate-Judiciary Debate in the Sen Judiciary cmte on SB2390 Try to follow her questions at 2:13:15 or so...I feel sorry for Jackson. And Kyle isn't any better (2:17:40). At least the bill goes to the Sen Floor, and would create an exception that allows a non-permit holder to have in their privately owned vehicle a shotgun or rifle that has an empty chamber and empty magazine/clip (would allow loose ammo, ammo in vest, etc to be in "close proximity"). This amendment arose when a constituent of Jackson's was driving home from turkey hunting with an empty shotgun in a soft case behind the seat and shells in a vest on the pssgr seat. He was stopped by "an unmarked black SUV" for not wearing a seat belt...during the stop, Mr zealous LEO also charged him with intent to go armed upon seeing the cased shotgun and the ammo in the vest. The man ended up pleading guilty and losing his gun because he could not afford to go to jury trial.
  5. Well, getting a read receipt is no guarantee its been read, either...only opened. And even then, likely by a staffer
  6. It has not yet appeared in any official capacity...
  7. If using certain versions of Outlook to manage email, you can have a pane open where you can see the contents of an email without officially "opening" it. I use this configuration at work, and get questions all the time about "why didn't you read this?" when they get the exact message Alpha7 got after I delete it. I did read it....I just did it my way and not yours.
  8. If you deleted subsection ©, you arguably are still subject to the restrictions and penalties described under 1359 even if this bill does not make reference to same. The only way to avoid those would be to recast the bill to specifically exempt HCP holders from those provisions - and, if you place that exemption within this bill, it would only apply when you were in a place that served alcohol, since this section of the code only addresses those locations. Possible too is the argument that if you remove reference here, but 1359 remains effective, you may have again created a "vague" situation for HCP holders when a posting is present.
  9. Rep West/Sen Jackson originally filed this one last February, and it sat in deference to the legislation that ultimately was passed. This bill is now scheduled for consideration by the House Criminal Practice and Procedure subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee on Feb 10, 2010. The current language of the bill apppears below. SECTION 1. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 39-17-1305©, is amended by adding the following language as a new, appropriately designated subdivision: (3) (A) Authorized to carry a firearm pursuant to § 39-17-1351; ( Is not consuming liquor, wine, beer, or other alcoholic beverages, as defined in this section; and © Is not otherwise prohibited by the posting provisions of § 39- 17-1359. Doesn't seem quite as clean as HB 2694, and it goes back down the road of establishing an exemption rather than removing the offense. Thoughts?
  10. GKar

    9mm shot shells

    Haven't tried in a Glock, but have verified that the CCI 9mm shot shells will adequately cycle a Taurus PT111 and a Taurus 709 slim. Related, have had similar success with the .45 shot shells in several guns - but the .40 cal shot shells would not correctly cycle a Glock, an EMP or an XD subcompact.
  11. The first two weeks of the January sesson (which didn't start until the middle of January) were a special called session dealing solely with Governor's education proposals...not possible to do much of anything else. So beginning around Jan 21st or so, new bill introduction began...including at least one possible remedy to the situaion. Sen Jackson has not yet seen fit to introduce his bill...perhaps he has reconsidered, we don't know...or maybe he has "lied" to some folks....I dunno, you'd hafta ask him. But various legislators have indicated that there have been and will continue to be a number of meetings and consultations by the folks in Nashville, including with representatives from NRA, on ways to resolve this. They also seem genuinely determined to do so. Just cause you ain't seen it (or seen evidence that to your satisfaction indicates it) doesn't necessarily mean it hasn't happened. And if it hasn't happened at your desired pace...well, maybe a run for office should be in your future so you can try your hand at matters diplomatic.
  12. Like many businesses across the state and nation, my workplace has been under government pressure/mandate to establish a "disaster" plan so that the products and services we provide will remain available (or can be made even more available) in the face of a wide variety of adverse events - widespread power failure, inclement weather conditions, etc. We have those plans in place, and both state and Federal inspectors look at them as they desire. Those plans, if enacted, may requre a broad network of employees - perhaps including desk clerks, shipping supervisors, quailty auditors, and upper management - to make every effort to get to one/more of our facilities. So no, it seems not too great a leap to ask that government be prepared to offer those same things they require of the governed...
  13. Most of the legislators on this end of the state indicate they will support this one. It's fate may lie with folks west of here...unfortunately, an oft repeatred scenario.
  14. That's good. He sits on the Crim Practices subcommittee that is the first hurdle for this one. Its chaired by Watson, which seems good, but is co-chaired by Sontany. Bass, Camper and Matheny comprise the rest of the subcmte...not an easy row to hoe.
  15. Looks like Vance Dennis' bill repealing the statutory prohibition relative to possession of a firearm where alcoholic beverages are served picked up Senator Bunch as sponsor, and has been moved to the House Criminal Practice subcommittee of the Judiciary committee. Campfield's bills also picked up Bunch as the Senate sponsor, and DA Hardaway's crapola bills picked up an equally impressive Senate sponsor - Marrero. New entries: HB3064 (Campfield)/SB3745 (Bunch) As introduced, limits reproduction of handgun carry permit records. - Amends TCA Section 10-7-504. HB3141 (McDonald)/SB3009 (Jackson) As introduced, prohibits employers from prohibiting persons possessing a handgun carry permit from transporting and storing a firearm out of sight in a locked vehicle on any property set aside for vehicles; prohibits employer from terminating, demoting, or other discriminating against such employee. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13.
  16. Hi Craig. I'm in the same building. LOL!
  17. "Do you trust gun owners?????" As the question is written - not always. I know a few folks who own a gun (own=possess here, not necessarily equating to purchase) that I do not trust in handling that gun. I know several others who own guns and/or have their HCP who I trust as far as the handling of firearms, but whom I do not trust in some other facets of life. And I know several folks who are stellar in their handling of firearms, their knowledge of relative law/regulation, and so forth, whom I trust in most facets of life, but wouldn't trust them to work for me (read this as "Would not trust them to do the job the way I want the job done the majority of the time"). And, let's face it, there are some "gun owners" I wouldn't trust to come in out of the rain...reading about one now in another thread...
  18. HB 2694 was introduced 1/19/2010 by Rep. Vance Dennis, co-sponsored by Rep. Rich. As introduced, it would repeal the statutory prohibition relative to possession of a firearm where alcoholic beverages are served... by repealing the entire section! Actual wording of the bill: "Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 39-17-1305, is repealed." That's all there is to it. How's that for a simple, clear unambiguous solution? Instead of creating the exception, it eliminates the offense.
  19. Wife and daughter both purchased one this month. About 300 flawless rounds thru wife's, maybe 100 thru daughter's. Both shot a bit low/left. They both love 'em, and neither notices recoil.
  20. Added 1/19/2010: HB 2694 by Dennis. As introduced, repeals statutory prohibition relative to possession of a firearm where alcoholic beverages are served. - Amends TCA Section 39-17-1305. (Actual wording in the bill: "Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 39-17-1305, is repealed.") Added 1/20/201: HB 2720 by Campfield. As introduced, removes requirement signs be posted at establishments serving alcoholic beverages informing patrons that firearms are prohibited in such establishments. - Amends TCA Section 57-4-203. HB 2716 by Campfied. As introduced, authorizes canceled checks to serve as evidence of valid renewal of handgun carry permits when such permits have expired. - Amends TCA Section 39-17-1351. HB 2718 by Campfield. As introduced, provides that a certified copy of a birth certificate is not required for the issuance or renewal of a handgun carry permit. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13. HB 2719 by Campfield. As introduced, authorizes a person with a handgun carry permit to carry a handgun on a greenway that runs through a park, even if a municipality has voted to prohibit firearms in such park. - Amends TCA Section 39-17-1311. HB 2726 by Campfield. As introduced, authorizes persons with handgun carry permits to have a handgun in their motor vehicle on a public college campus as long as such handgun is stored out of sight and the motor vehicle is locked. - Amends TCA Section 39-17-1309. Also, several bills that stalled in the previous session have been moved to comimttee calendars in March.
  21. Guaranteed there's some blue dogs out there tonight shakin' like a hound crappin' peach seeds. The Obasm is over, and their day of reckonin' may not be far off.
  22. Sen Jackson has introduced in this session a new revision to 58-2-107 (see SB2391 that clarifies that emergency management powers compensating for, comandeering or utilizing private property may NOT be construed as including firearms. This revision also clarifies that similar emergency powers that "Suspend or limit the sale, dispensing, or transportation of alcoholic beverages, explosives, or combustibles" likewise may NOT be construed to include firearms or ammunition.
  23. Thanks. I wondered about the thins...seems that would work real well. Lookin hard at a couple of different designs. Very nice work!
  24. PackinMama - a question about your grips from Esmeralda. Are they her 1911 compact grips? KarlS - glad you like it. Put about 100 rounds thru my EMP .40 today, along with 150 thru the Micro-Compact .45. Nary a hiccup or misstep. Life is good!
  25. Well, I had a couple of FTFs with a Colt Combat Elite in the first few magazines, so apparently they are not immune, either. (And no, not recall related.)


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