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Everything posted by GKar
Fallguy - you missed Johnny Shaw's definition of a bar. In his words, a bar is any place that serves booze... You missed a lot of things that you are probably glad you missed.
Similar to PWS, the amendment won't affect me directly...but I just get this sneaking feeling that there's more to it than appears at the moment, and that it may eventually fall into the old trap of "the more complicated you make the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain." So, the telling question may be - if an HCP holder carries into a place that is NOT properly posted yet falls below the 50% food sales threshold AND something occurs to highlight the situation, can the HCP holder be charged with a crime under the new legislation as amended?
Good point...and frankly, I hope so. Sometimes, collateral damage is a good thing...
Did anyone catch the little tet-a-tet between Williams and several cmte members? Williams said, somewhat whimsically, he noted that many "former" committee chairs voted against him on this legislation. A male voice retorted that they had noted he voted against many of those who put him there...
As much as I dislike the amendment, one might wonder if it may pave the way to avoiding a veto...after, it does address what presumably was the major objection.
Bill passes 20-6 with 5 abstentions.
Ahhh...Odom ask about enforcement. Tindall admits there are no penalties. "Thinks" they'll be told they must put a sign up. Voting again????
Now, Naifeh praises a feature of the bill, acting as a real HCP holder. I just lost a good lunch...
Tindall's amendment passes 27-4. That's gonna be a problem, downstream if not now.
Tindall's amendment not tabled...damn Williams.
Under Tindall's amendment - if a place has <50% food sales and doesn't post: does that then open them up to enforcement action by the ABC???
Crap...Williams caves.
OS - I believe you are correct RE the exact signage; however, it seems the Senate has an amendment on one of these bills (this or their version of 2694) that allows the circle/slash as a substitute for the exact language. Tindall's amendment is gonna be difficult to defuse. But, it is poor legislation - it is a backdoor way to define bars, which is always fraught with errors.
Graoooaaannnn...Odom et al trying to amend it to death. First one (increase penalties) failed 17-14. Second one (lesser signage) fails 16-14. Thank goodness Casada keeps cutting them off. Now, Tindall wonders why we're here???? So now, he finds himself in a dilemna RE restaurants vs bars - newsflash, ace: YOUR FRIENDS CREATED IT!!!
Another interesting facet here: HB2694 has already passed all committee votes, and is awaiting placement to the floor by CAlendar and rules. The Senate version is on the board for discussion in Sen Jud at 3pm today. If HB31125 gets delayed by HFWM again (or unacceptably amended there), be interesting to see if the Senate Jud will pass their version of HB2694 and send it to the floor...might then see 3125 dropped and the House and Sen mutually take up their respective versions of 2694 in floor votes very soon (possibly later this week or early next)?
Interesting note: there is a new fiscal note placed on 3125 (and its Senate counterpart) as amended that indicates there is no significant financial impact AT ALL...so why is the bill (still) before FWM? (other than the obvious answer that this committee represents the last, best hope the opposition in the House has to defeat it before going to the governor?) Still gripes me that the esteemed Mr. Williams is the single responsible party for the makeup and leadership appointments to ALL of the House committees...and that a number of his appointees have been so very instrumental and effective (due to their positions) in hampering the progress of this and other 2A legislation.
Watched the Senate discussion. Kudos to Sen Bunch for calling out the restaurant/hospitality/chamber shill and telling it like it is. Jackson did a nice job in presentation and defusing the opposing arguments. Marrero and Kyle...well, nuff said...just glad I live closer to Canada than to them.
The companion Senate Bill is up before the Sen Judiciary Cmte, which began at 2pm ET - anyone catch those proceedings? Watching now, but they are deep into SB2905...just wondering if they already disposed of this one (SB 3012). EDIT: Rolled 1 week to 4/13/10. I'm certainly not ready to sing unbridled praise of Mr. Williams...his committee appointments leave a lot to be desired.
He was there, and did vote. As he pointed out, everybody knew how they were going to vote before they ever stepped into the room. He made an impassioned appeal to quit wasting time and just get the votes over with. Of course, Shaw, Naifeh et al tried to make hay with the "We're elected officials, and owe it to our constituents to ask questions and carefully consider" BS...as if ANYTHING they heard in that meeting had a snowball's chance of changing their minds.
I hope the full FWM is not as stacked as the Budget sub. You can bet there will be an opt-out amendment written up by then...Naifeh says he didn't know this bill would be debated today. Is the old fool not capable of reading an agenda printed in English?
Bill goes to full committee by 8-7.
Naifeh forcing roll call votes on deferral, opt-out. Both die.
Not deferred for a week....yet...Naifeh is in fine form...
Naifeh tries to offer amendment to allow local opt-out...
TN passed the most liberal gun bills in the nation last year???