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Everything posted by GKar

  1. If by military you mean anything other than brand new ARs, dont bother with Mahoneys. Definitely Byrds if you are looking for older stuff. And TCGD is definitely worth a stop.
  2. GKar

    Sig P938

    Having shot both the EMP 9mm and the 938, they feel like totally different beasts to me. I found the EMP to be much more accurate and easier for me to shoot well, and the felt recoil is less, particularly with a larger load (147gr). Like with the 238, I struggle to get the 938 really comfortable in my hand (kinda fits like OJs glove)...whereas the EMP immediately finds its happy place. My wife shoots her 238 very well, as well as the EMP, and likewise found the 938 to be less accurate at this stage in the game. Now that will in all probability change as she puts more rounds thru the pipe on the 938...she has a couple of thousand rounds thru both the 238 and the EMP 9mm at this point, and only 100+ thru the 938. I believe the Extreme model is currently the only version of the 938 that comes with the extended 7-rnd mag (which I found to be more comfortable than the regular 6 rnd mag). Was also told that availability of the Rosewood model has been delayed due to a problem with the grips cracking.
  3. GKar

    Sig P938

    It fit a DeSantis Nemesis pocket holster for the 238 even better than the 238 did, and is a snug fit in a Don Hume IWB holster for the 238.
  4. GKar

    Sig P938

    Wife picked one up this weekend (Extreme - grey grip, one extra cap mag and one standard mag). We put about 150 rounds thru it Sun evening w/ nary a hiccup. Nice shooter. Its still breaking in, but so far no probs at all...handled a few Ranger SXT 147gr just as easy as regular ball ammo. Will replace her 238, I've been told...
  5. I was soooo very tempted to write-in "Fred Smith" on both...just cuttin out the middle man, eh?
  6. Certainly not someone who is "in the know", but I've observed two things that may or may not count for anything: A) they've moved a boatload of them in the last two weeks at that price they seem to get a pretty good rap over in the CMP Bolt Action trader forums.
  7. WalMart in Bristol TN had 5 boxes this afternoon, and the lady said she had more to replace those.
  8. Good deal...hopefully, that will turn some heads. Possibly even shake things enough to can Harwell as Speaker. Up this way, looks like Tony Shipley barely survived "getting primaried" - took Sullivan Co by only 11 votes. Unfortunately, Ramsey and Lundberg ran unopposed.
  9. <<And at the end of the day, all this effort really did was to make the Cathy family (the owners of the chain) richer than they already are . . . >> And the problem with that would be...?
  10. The newer one in Bristol VA had a line of cars extending way down onto Lee Highway and wrapped around the building...and the neat thing was folks werent leaving the line (like they normally would), but were sticking with it. Purportedly, the mall location in Bristol had folks backed up across five store fronts at one point.
  11. Have seen these popping up the last day or two... http://www.wideners.com/itemview.cfm?dir=700|701|1381 They've been adding new ones several times a day.. Thought there might be some interest...folks in the CMP bolt forums have been interested. My wife has three dachshunds, owns 5 Walthers and one Mauser pistol, has a 1998 BMW Z3 as her mid-life crisis car, and has informed me that of all my old military hardware, she really only likes my k98...see a pattern forming?
  12. Kettlefoot in Bristol has IDPA matches every fourth Saturday, and usually follows the standard match with a BUG match (although they lately been toying with carbine and/or full autos a bit, IIRC).
  13. YW! They are really easy to use: kit comes with two containers of a putty-like material (one white, one with the color you've chosen). You take one-half of the material out of each container, knead them together (think mixing epoxy), roll into a little sausage and place into your ear, pressing and molding until you get a good seal. Leave that one in till it cures well on the outside (about 15 min or so), carefully remove and WALLA!...you're done. Repeat for the other ear. And at only about $12 a set, replacement dont break the bank.
  14. Also check out Kettlefoot Gun Club in Bristol (VA side). They have a dedicated rimfire range at 50 yds/50meters with about 60 shooting stations. They host monthly outdoor rimfire IR 50/50 events during the spring and summer (including state and regional events), and then move to the clubhouse for a winter "Country Boy" indoor league from Nov - March. Holler if you need more info.
  15. Have used these for trap shooting...lot of the guys I shoot with use them too: http://www.gamaliel.com/earplugs/radians-custom-molded-ear-plugsdo-it-yourself-kit.asp If you pay attention to the directions when molding them to your ear, you get a great fit. My current pair is over two years old, and I still get a tight fit - you almost have to pry them out. I shoot about 7000 rounds of 12 gauge a year, and these give a real good level of protection. Plus, they are completely flush with your ear, so no difficulties with stock fit, headgear, etc.
  16. And it just gets better... http://www.timesnews.net/article/9048387/police-arrest-near-rainbow-family-gathering-nets-nearly-90000-worth-of-meth-other-drugs almost $90K in meth, peyote, liquid THC and...Viagra. Mebbe shoulda stayed in West-by-d**n Virginia...
  17. "...Officer Sean Hayes, an instructor at the Chicago Police Academy, tried to unlodge bullets from the gun. The .22 caliber bullets were jammed inside. He even tried using a hammer to remove them, but couldn’t." 'Scuse me Officer, but there's a Mr. Darwin knockin at your door...
  18. Yep, they're here. Sull Co Sherriff's Dept had to obtain an extra $25,000 for overtime expenses to provide 24/7 coverage in the area, cause the Cherokee Natl Forest troops are totally overwhelmed. Its another week before "The Event", and already their vehicles are parked along the side of the access roads for over two miles in most directions. The advance scouts are diggin latrines, running water access lines to the creeks for the kitchens, and such. Seen lots of hitchhikers at the interstate exits, and a lot of walkers coming up from Johnson City. Hope they scoped out their area smartly...the locals in Hickory Tree may have some active stills remaining in that area, and just might not take kindly to Hanoi Jane showing up uninvited...topless or not. Dem boys generally shoot first, and never get around to askin any questions 'cept "Now where did I bury the last one?".
  19. I think S&G Ammo has these now, as well...
  20. Yeah, this one's long in the tooth, but... I just noticed three more amendments to HB 3560 appearing on the tn.gov web site (#s 3, 4 and 5). Maybe I'm senile, or just never looked, but I could swear these were not there up to and immediately after the bill got set to summer school. Their content is interesting, in that it gives even more insight into the stances of a couple of the players (or suggests who else is lining pockets). P Johnson submitted an amendment that would exclude any transportation facility (ie, airport, railroad) who meets DHS standards for passenger screening or transports hazardous chemicals/materials. Dennis submitted one to exclude any hospital meeting definitions in title 33 or 68, then another one that excludes any "healthcare or social service facility designated as an Occupational Safety and Health Administration-Identified High Risk Industry (OSHA Instruction, Directive Number: CPL 02-01-052, Effective Date: September 8, 2011), specifically, a hospital with an emergency department licensed under Title 68, a psychiatric facility licensed under Title 33 or a community mental health center as defined in Title 33."
  21. Either HB 3560 was too big for her to read (all 3 pages of it), or her reading comprehension skills are surpassed by my dachshund. Pray tell, what bill was she talking about?? I can't find language even close to what she suggests in any portion of HB 3559 or 3560. Tony Shipley is meeting with the TFA chapter in Kingsport on June 19. Be interesting to hear how he, a supposed co-sponsor of this bill, defends her side of this story.
  22. So sorry. Praying His grace, peace and strength upon you and yours.
  23. Will do. Sorry to hear.
  24. Took my M1 and Springfield 1903A3 out for some exercise Sunday afternoon...musta been something in the East Tennessee air, cause I had the same experience as Jonnin - only person at the rifle range was leaving as I arrived. Ran through about 50 rounds in each gun, shooting 50, 100 and 200 yd targets. I could live that that....
  25. Yeah, I didnt write that very clearly - I was talking about the vote to suspend the rules. Since it takes a 2/3 majority to suspend, there will definitely be some sandbaggers (figuring they can vote to suspend, knowing there is enough opposition to cover their butts) - but at least there will recorded "No" votes for a good number of them. Funny thing is, the Dem minority may well vote en bloc to suspend the rules (just to further embarass the RINOs), thus forcing a larger number of the ®s to show their true stripes. I totally agree - I dont think ® leadership wants ANY recorded votes on this issue. Watching Bass get steamrollered in the Calendar committee was proof of that. I am glad, tho, that he stood his ground and forced a recorded vote there - Dunn and others looked like someone was pulling their toenails out when they had to acknowledge that vote.


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