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Everything posted by GKar

  1. TN AG Slatery and DOS Commissioner Gibbons sent this letter to VA AG Herring yesterday, requesting at least a delay until July 1 for additional considerations.  A few decent arguments within.
  2. So, how many folks contacted their legislators and told them what bills you wanted to see?
  3. From other articles, it appears that these mental giants mixed a methanol-based race fuel with the green stuff.  Nasty symptoms, those were.   If its good enough for an alcohol Funny Car, it must be good enough for me...
  4. My essay would be quite short...two letters, methinks...
  5. GKar


  6. GKar


    Had about 7" in the yard here in Bristol just before dark this evening.  Still dusting a bit on and off, with a bit more expected tonight.  I gotta say that Bristol TN road crews have been doing a good job out on my end - you can sure tell where the state line is and you arrive in the Commonwealth of VA, where they apparently don't even own a window scraper...
  7. Reportedly they are exclusively Big Brown now.
  8. p238 in a Recluse TS Front holster.  Cocked and locked - never had the safety go anywhere I didn't take it.  Draw is smooth, holster stays where it should, gun comes with me.
  9. HB 2131 prohibits public postsecondary institutions from taking any adverse action against an employee or student as a result of such person's lawful transportation and storage of a firearm or ammunition in the person's parked motor vehicle.   HB 2146 Constitutional Carry and more, from a different approach than Green's bill.   And then there's this, from the Governor's Legislative Package for 2016: "The Efficiency in Handgun Permitting Act improves the process for gun owners and lowers the fee associated with obtaining a handgun carry permit. It extends the current five-year handgun carry permit to eight years, lowers the initial handgun permit fee from $115 for five years to $100 for eight years and expands the renewal cycle from six months to eight years after the expiration of a permit before a person must reapply as a “new” applicant. Under this proposal background checks will continue to be conducted at the time of initial issuance and at the time of renewal. Additionally, an internal background check will be conducted in the fourth year of the eight-year permit."  And who else but good ole Haslamite Gerald McCormick (along with his accomplice, Sen Norris) would carry this pile of shiite for the Gov...
  10. One word out has Lucky Gunner as the suitor...
  11. Wideners apparently overhauled all their ground shipment contracts last week, too.  No stone left unturned, eh?
  12.   Not so sure about that.  For one, I don't believe Green would carry it if it were foregone that it is dead outta the gate - he has too much invested in an upcoming run at the Gov's chair play those games this session.  If this one were just "do it 'cause the ___ (fill in your favorite gun right's org) wants to keep it in the forefront", you'd see someone with less on the line carrying it this time out.  Which then turns the onus upon the House - which has been the black hole for things 2A of late.  Much of that can be attributed to Beth's juxtaposing her head deeply in Bill's colon - but of late, she has been making efforts to extricate herself, as she too envisions sitting in his chair.  I suspect she may call off her dogs in CJ Sub and Fnce to perhaps gain political capital with an increasingly hard-to-control House floor - capital she'll need for other even more thorny battles to come this year.   JMO.  Optimistic - perhaps.  Hoping to see a slight shift in the prevailing winds over Middle TN?  Most certainly.  Actually trusting any of the people mentioned above?  Hell no - but I DO trust their motivations, as greedy and self-serving as they may be...
  13. Hate to hear this - they were the one place I could find kegs of Red Dot and Green Dot of late, and no shipping was a real bonus.  Hope Gamaliel gets some in before fall, when I will need more.
  14. This one is interesting:  SB1736   "As introduced, establishes that if a person or entity posts to prohibit the possession of firearms on the property, the posting entity, for purposes of liability, assumes custodial responsibility for the safety and defense of any handgun carry permit holder harmed while on the posted property."   I'm sure the Chamber of Commerce has already put its stamp of approval on it...
  15. You'll need to ask Andy Holt.
  16. Today's new offerings: 1) - permits full-time employees of state public colleges or universities to carry a handgun while on property owned, operated, or used by the employing college or university if the employee has a valid Tennessee handgun carry permit. 2) - waives the application and processing fee required with a lifetime handgun carry permit application for retired federal, state, and local law enforcement officers who retired in good standing as certified by the chief enforcement officer from the organization from which the applicant retired. 3) - clarifies that a sheriff or a deputy sheriff is permitted to carry firearms at all times, regardless of the officer's regular duties, unless otherwise prohibited by federal law, court order, or otherwise by law. 4) - confers civil immunity on a member of national guard who has a handgun carry permit, is authorized by the military to carry a personal handgun, and uses the handgun in justifiable self-defense.
  17. So far, the new entries appear to be an open carry (?Const Carry-ish?) bill, a bill to increase the penalty for firing from inside a motor vehicle (reckless endangerment) from a Class E to a Class C felony, a bill to greatly restrict/prevent legal carry in parks hosting events that require a ticket for admission, a bill allowing the TN POST commission to deny a retired LEOs application to carry as an LEO under certain circumstances, a bill allowing a person whose rights have been restored after certain felony convictions to utilize certain defenses to unlawful possession/carrying a firearm, a bill to reduce teh lifetime permit cost from $500 to $200, a bill to authorize sheriffs and deputy sheriffs to retain their service weapon upon retirement if approved by 2/3 vote of county legislative body, and a resolution asking the POTUS, Congress and SecDef to review and revise law and policy regarding the carrying of firearms by military service members on military installations.   And its just getting started!!
  18.     Go here and scroll to the last calendar item to see what its up against:  dead silence.  Carter and Lundberg wouldn't touch it...and its a given that Beck and Jones won't.   And this is the excuse that will be given if any of them are asked why no one wanted to bring it up.
  19. In my trap shooting circle, many of us routinely shoot 300 birds at least twice a month, and 150 birds every Thursday.  Perhaps by no coincidence, most of us also find a Kick-Eez recoil pad affixed to the buttstock.
  20. I'm in.  #26, black blade.
  21. If you venture into the hill country, check out Tri-Cities Jeep Club. Pic from last year's gathering at Windrock.
  22. I see a few new ones are up. 
  23. After seeing some folks try to handle a shottie with a release trigger, I'll pass...
  24.   "...a big tall tree and a short piece of rope..."
  25. In order to keep a bill from Sargent's black hole committee, you will have to prevent enterprising young scalawags seeking a sniff of the Speakers hemline from attaching a fiscal note - regardless of whether it is factual, relevant, etc.  Despite her caterwauling to the contrary, that practice is still alive and well on on BH's watch.


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