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Everything posted by Motasyco

  1. COTEP? Edit: Never mind, found it. Very exclusive.
  2. Anyone else have anything to say about the DW Bobtail? I'm giving it serious consideration. I have a DW .357 revolver that's a very solid piece. Can I hear from the 1911 experts?
  3. Shhhhhh....... Don't tell everyone. I wanted to think about it overnight. Reviews seem to be very good.
  4. Welcome!
  5. I've not seen this posted here. Enjoy. GUN CONTROL Barack Obama at a recent city elementary school assembly in Richmond,Virginia asked the audience for total quiet. Then, in the silence, he started to slowly clap his hands once every few seconds, holding the audience in total silence. Then he said into the microphone, 'Children, every time I clap my hands together, a child in America dies from gun violence .' Then, a little boy, with a proud Richmond Virginia Drawl, pierced the quiet and said: " Well, dumb**s, stop clapping!'
  6. And I'm not mating with my phone, I don't care what any of you say. That's just wrong.
  7. Yeah, that and I'll be able to open carry without people thinking I'm some kind of gun nut. Hmmmm, wait......, I am some kind of gun nut.
  8. I think I fell asleep during this one. But that happens during most movies....and football....and NASCAR....a....n........d........
  9. I'm thinking we can work something out.
  10. I have no idea what you just said. And I thought businesses that you run from your phone were the illegal kind.
  11. I wondered why you left me out. I look forward to meeting all of you.
  12. Cool. Chicks with guns are hot!
  13. Please! Nobody bring a 1911 for sale!
  14. My age is showing. I can't think of anything I need a cell phone for other than to make a call. And that would be rare. Fat chance of me answering it. Unless it's my wife, I don't need that trouble. I've never sent or received a text. Heck, if I have a phone in my hand I'll just call. I have a digital camera that doesn't make calls. I figure my phone doesn't need to take pictures.
  15. If I order beer from out of state does the delivery company have to report that to the state so I can be taxed like with ammo? The next thing you know we'll be in trouble for having alcohol and ammo delivered the same day.
  16. I'll probably skip the breakfast. Shoney's breakfast bar would make for a pretty heavy load to carry through the day until I get home. I'll plan to arrive around 10 when the eaters are cleaning their plates.
  17. I'm still planning to be there. Really looking forward to this!
  18. Xingu is awesome but very hard to find. Love most any stout or porter. Black and tan to lighten it up if having a several.
  19. Too funny!!!
  20. Motasyco

    Range Warning

    ditto on the .40 down the shirt
  21. Nothing like starting the day out with a good laugh! Good one!
  22. By the way SUNTZU, you must have that embedding videos thing worked out.
  23. I'm in great shape too. Round is a shape...right?
  24. I thought I just heard on the news a week or so ago that Microsoft was going to ship a lot of jobs out of the country because of something Obama has up his sleeve. Sorry I don't remember any more about it than that.


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