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Everything posted by Motasyco

  1. I'm no lawyer and I haven't stayed in a Holiday Inn Express for a while but shouldn't the federal privacy act come into play here somehow?
  2. Maybe they're going to turn Beale St into a park.
  3. I guess he doesn't read his mail. The mail he receives or the mail he sends.
  4. Welcome!
  5. If price is the determining factor I'd go KelTec. If you can add a few bucks, the M&P. Go to a shop and handle them.
  6. GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! The Hamblen County Commision won't even let landowners shoot on their own property let alone county property.
  7. My understanding is that if guns are not going to be allowed in the park, it must be posted with a sign meeting state defined requirements.
  8. Welcome! Once upon a time 66 Fury VIP.
  9. I'm not concerned about guns in bars. I'm not concerned about guns in parks. I'm not concerned about rifles in trucks. I am concerned that if someone heard me sing, I'd get shot.
  10. Darn, every time I think I have every thing I need.....
  11. I just can't understand how a gun in the truck thread turned into a shootout at Walmart. That's a far reach that takes some real imagination. People are driving (poorly) deadly weapons (vehicles) in the Walmart parking lot everyday. I'm more concerned about some DA running me over while going the wrong way (see it every visit) against the arrows and traffic flow. I'm sure MOST of you have heard this before but....guns don't kill people...etc.
  12. Welcome!
  13. Welcome!
  14. I can't believe I read this whole thread.
  15. It's not so much about if I may need it, but you never know, I just don't want anyone telling me I can't have one.
  16. I'm a master at stating the obvious.
  17. Quality certainly is a factor. Look and feel enter into it as well. I would buy a Glock before I'd buy a Hi Point...but then, I don't own either. If all things things are equal, then .
  18. Welcome!
  19. Welcome!
  20. Welcome!
  21. Congratulations! Where's the cigars?
  22. More pictures of TGOers having BIG FUN! A great day I won't soon forget!


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