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Everything posted by Motasyco

  1. I found a listing for the Point Blank Range on West Watauga in Johnson City. The link is dead. Anyone know what's up with that?
  2. Two of them can use tools and one of them is a ....... oh, you get it.
  3. I have to drive up to Tri Cities this weekend and since there are no ranges near where I live, I'm hoping to make this a multi purpose trip. I'd like to find a range, preferably indoor, to burn through some ammo. Can anyone make any recommendations or are the shooters in the Tri Cities as range deprived as we are here in Hamblen County. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide! It's hard to believe that in a state with so many gun owners there are so few places to shoot. If only I had the money.......
  4. He and Johnny, together again.
  5. Welcome!
  6. Do you work at a day care? Sounds like there are a lot of babies there.
  7. Everything gets synthetic. Bikes and mowers included. Amsoil V-Twin in the bikes. Mobil 1 in the mowers. I use Motorcraft synthetic blend in my Ford as it is the oil recommended by Ford and is at least a synthetic blend. I also use it in my wife's Jeep as it meets the viscosity requirements, it's synthetic blend and it cuts down on the number of oils I have to have on hand. 4000 miles is the change target for all. Well, except the mowers.
  8. Now, this is more like the discussion I hoped to hear when I started this thread. This IS about the 10th Amendment. It's encouraging to see that states are beginning to take some kind of interest in the Constitutional rights of it's citizens. The federal government has overstepped it bounds. It's taken more control over us as individuals than was ever intended. Too many are willing to be passive, it's not worth the effort. WE need to stand up for our rights. Involvement by states will get much more attention than any of us would get individually. Will the feds fight it? Of course. But I'm not willing to give up hope until the door has been closed and even than I won't give up the hope that the door can be reopened. Ok. I'm done waving my flag for now, let's hear what the rest of you have to say.
  9. Welcome!
  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you for venting for me!
  11. Welcome!
  12. Welcome!
  13. Welcome!
  14. WalMart in Morristown had several bulk packs of Federal .22 LR. Some .40 S&W FMJ. Not much else.
  15. Welcome!
  16. Welcome!
  17. I was finally able to get over to my local gun shop and pick up my new Commander Bobtail. I love this thing! I can't hardly set it down. I'll have to get to a real range before I can give an official range report but as a preliminary....wow!!! Nice and tight but smooth, no rattles, handles great and feels like it was made for my hand. I've had it apart cleaning and oiling it twice just so I have an excuse to keep handling it. I have been enlightened. I'm really glad I didn't buy the Kimber I had been fondling at the gun shop for a couple of months. As promised, I took some pictures of it to post here. Clearly, I'm no photographer and I can't get the lighting right but I took the best of the group and made a nice wallpaper for my laptop. Here's the results:
  18. The feds are respecting this new law? I'm pleased to see this. A clear step forward. This must be another thorn in Bredesen's side after the comment he made when he allowed the bill to become law. "The act asserts that the federal government cannot regulate guns that are made in Tennessee and never cross out of the state. The law is based on a "fringe constitutional theory" that will not stand up in courts, Bredesen said".
  19. Welcome Norm!
  20. The hardest part is dragging the darn thing out of the woods after you shoot it. Have a plan.
  21. Welcome!
  22. In some states a restauarant where alcohol is served is still considered a restaurant and not a bar. Could they be counting states where guns are allowed in restaurants but not bars but under the laws of that state there is no difference in restaurants where alcohol is served and where it is not? Restaurants are defined in some states as an establishment where over 50% of the revenue is from food and they're only counting states where guns can be carried in "bars" with over 50% of the revenue coming from alcohol sales. That could certainly skew the numbers.
  23. Welcome!


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