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Everything posted by Motasyco

  1. Actually I had seen the $129 estimate price you posted but too many times I have seen the "estimate" not be the actual final price. I should have had more respect for S&Ws estimating ability than I do for auto mechanics and A/C repairmen. Appreciate the clarification.
  2. Welcome!
  3. Welcome!
  4. So why does my wife keep telling me size doesn't matter?
  5. Thanks for the education. Darn it. I still love the M&P, it shoots great, feels great but pulls a little harder. I guess I'm spoiled.
  6. Welcome!
  7. My wife likes my 1911 too but she hasn't asked for one. Shhhhhhh...... Don't be a trouble maker.
  8. Good question. I'd like my M&P .40 to pull like my DW CBOB.
  9. Welcome!
  10. My wife had a KelTec P3AT and didn't like to shoot it. She now has a KelTec P32 and loves it. It fits great in a pocket or purse.
  11. Guess she's made her return to Charlie's Angels.
  12. I don't think Nancy Grace is ever happy.
  13. HLN just reported that the LA times is saying he has died. They had been saying coma until just now. I take what CNN says with a grain of salt but theres not many ways you can twist dead.
  14. Welcome!
  15. I've got this show recorded on my DVR in HD. If I had any idea how to copy that segment to my computer and post it here I would. Give me something to work on in my spare time. Any advice form the computer experts?
  16. I thought it all went down in a petrie dish.
  17. All the talk about carrying in a WMA is fine but will it mean we can FIRE our handgun in the woods. That used to be why we'd go to the woods to begin with. Carrying a handgun makes me feel more secure but I want to shoot it!
  18. I'm a believer in the M&Ps. I have a .40 and wouldn't trade it for a Glock .40 if you taped a $100 bill to it.
  19. I know where you can find a M&P 9c or at least see one: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/firearms-classifieds/22413-wtt-m-p-9c-s-w-340-a.html
  20. For a guy with no berries, he sure has a bunch of kids.
  21. Ok, maybe if there's alot of zombies.
  22. Yep, I'm making a list of who not to buy a car from. But seriously, I do think synthetic oils are great and do hold up for a lot of miles but for the $20 or so it costs me to change my oil every couple of months, it's cheap peace of mind. It only takes a few minutes, I like seeing clean oil draining from my pan and my car and bike stay very happy.
  23. I saw a review on this movie earlier today. It said something like it starts out bad and then gets worse. I don't really know who Megan Fox is but it's alot to ask for her and some zombies to carry the whole movie.


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