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Everything posted by Motasyco

  1. Hello and welcome!
  2. I'm impressed. I had no idea this was possible.
  3. Oddly enough, I started looking at airguns myself today. Seems like a way to shoot in the backyard without getting in trouble wih the neighbors or the law. I found this site: Air Guns, BB Guns & Pellet Guns | Air Rifles, Pellet Rifles, Air Pistols & Blank Guns | Airgun Depot . At least it gave me some ideas of what's available and for how much. You can get everything from a Red Ryder BB gun (don't shoot your eye out) to airguns for varmint hunters. I was suprised at the variety. With ammo so limited in supply it looks like a good way to keep the skills sharp. Maybe someday there'll be a TAGO (TN Air Gun Owners) site.
  4. I have a P-3AT and my wife has a P-32. Both great for what they are intended for, concealed carry. Never had a problem with either. My 3AT is in my front pocket most of the time and I hardly notice it, let alone anyone else noticing. You won't win any marksmanship awards with one, they're made for up close and personal. As a bonus, it seems that their value just continues to increase. That Obama sure is a heck of a good gun salesman.
  5. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What he said. Just in a different place.
  6. I have a S&W Model 22A. Very accurate. Cost around $235. The only ammo I have trouble with is the Remington bulk pack but it also fails to fire fairly often in my two .22 rifles. No feed problems. I don't blame the gun, I blame the ammo. Any other ammo seems fine. I suspect others would say the same about the Remington bulk ammo.
  7. The City of Memphis runs a strip club?
  8. I looked up the Harris #5 and removed my handguard to see how to install it. Looks like a simple solution but now that I have the handguard off I may have to give some consideration to the quadrail. Hmmmmm... I knew I'd get great advice here!
  9. I had picked up a Harris bipod that was supposed to fit on the front sling mount stud. I drove out the sling pin to mount the bipod but the bipod mounting mechanism didn't open wide enough to attach. Here's what I'm working with for a bipod: Here's what I have for the optics:
  10. Is she hot, or not? Seriously, I didn't say WHICH German woman named Bertha. I just said A German woman named Bertha. I'm sure the one I'm thinking of isn't your grandmother.
  11. Welcome!
  12. I have a S&W M&P15 with a fold down rear sight. I'd like to add optics and a bipod to it. I don't have a bottom rail and was also wondering about the best method for mounting the bipod. I have a top rail for the optics and would welcome recommendations on mounting options for the optics as well. It has a fixed front sight. What do you use or recommend?
  13. Just my opinion of course, but I find the Glocks a bit ugly. Some guns have nice shapes with curves in all the right places. Nice to hold and look at. Glocks remind me of a German woman named Bertha.
  14. I expected some residue but this was more than I had seen on any of my guns before. I guess I usually stop before I get so many rounds down the tube. I just got this gun, my first 1911, and for some reason I had trouble stopping. I even took some time with several other members of the "family" but the CBOB kept calling me. In fact, I just finished cleaning, oiling, caressing, and fondling it and we have a date set for later this week. I figured many of you had similar "relationships" and I value your advice. I wouldn't want to do anything to cause undue wear or damage by using cheap ammo. Thanks for the reassurance. Maybe I'll use her a little harder next time out!
  15. Welcome!
  16. I put about 170 rounds through my DW CBOB yesterday. Accurate with no hangs, jams, or failures using cheap Winchester white box ammo from Walmart. I love this thing. I was a bit suprised by the residue around the muzzle at the end of the day. Is this normal or just cheap ammo? Maybe just an indicator of having a good time. Cleaning it is like therapy. Well, so is shooting it.
  17. I'll miss Billy, well, kinda, but that's funny.
  18. I'm posting this reply using Firefox. No problems. Must be something on your end.
  19. A great afternoon! Between my shooting partner and I (numbers may not be exact but pretty darn close): 350 rds .22LR Colt M4 Ops 150 rds .22LR S&W Model 22A 70 rds .40 S&W M&P .40 24 rds .380 KelTec P3AT 60 rds 9mm KelTec P-11 42 rds .32 KelTec P-32 170 rds .45 Dan Wesson Commander Bobtail Indoor range. The Colt was hitting pretty consistantly in about a 3 inch group at 25 yds with a red dot. Bunnies beware. First time to a real range with the DW CBOB and I was hitting very consistantly within about a 10 inch group at 25 yards with a few strays that i can only blame on me. I couldn't believe the accuracy. The M&P shoots well but in the same hands the CBOB was clearly superior. The KelTecs, well, you better hope the bad guy's within 7 yards.
  20. I hit the Morristown Walmart at 8 this morning. All of the 9mm was gone. Snagged the last two boxes of 45.
  21. Welcome!
  22. Welcome!


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