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Everything posted by Motasyco

  1. Motasyco

    Advice on 45 carry

    I'm with you on the CBOB!
  2. Motasyco

    Advice on 45 carry

    +1 on the 1911 Commander
  3. Motasyco


    I got mine in the mid 60s. I used to shoot it alot years ago and it was always reliable and accurate. And ammo was cheap and plentiful. Mine is a Terni Moschetto per Truppe Speciali Modello 91/28 made in 1929. Usually called a TS 91/28. I think I'm safe. Thanks for the info though. I'll know what to look out for if I find any for sale.
  4. Welcome!
  5. Motasyco


    My local gun shop ordered Hornady 6.5 x 52 Carcano 160 gr for me. They said there was plenty available. I got it in less than a week. It was $24 for a box of 20. I don't see it on the Hornady web site but I have it in my hand. Could be available for the 7.35 as well.
  6. Motasyco

    Attn USAF guys

    I couldn't find mine there. You lucked out. I used to have a book I got back then with the picture in it but I haven't seen it for years. Probably lost forever. I'll have to check back now and then. Maybe someone from my flight will post it. Thanks for the link.
  7. The older you get, the greater the price you pay.
  8. Welcome!
  9. Somebody's term of office should expire within one year. Sounds like BS to me.
  10. Welcome!
  11. Any business has the right to post....and the right to lose our business. I don't go where I'm not wanted either. Well, I do go to work and can't carry there but I like getting a paycheck. Darn the realities of life.
  12. Are optics permitted?
  13. Pretty soon you'll have to go hunting with a rubber band, a paper clip, and a spatula.
  14. That would like mighty nice in a frame.
  15. Motasyco

    RIA 45

    You tease. I saw RIA .45 and thought maybe it was for sale. And with the short barrel. I've been scouting around. You had me excited for a moment. Good find. Lucky Dog.
  16. Happy Independence Day! Celebrate and Remember.
  17. Unfortunately, there are young people today that think the holiday is called "The Fourth Of July" instead of Independence Day. They have no clue as to what we are celebrating and think it's all about fireworks and picnics. U.S. History was part of my education as a kid. Today I guess it may be politically incorrect to discuss some of the things that occured in our nation's history. We wouldn't anyone to think a rebellion is an exceptable concept.
  18. Welcome!


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