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Everything posted by Motasyco

  1. Wow! Way to go S&W! I sent my S&W Model 22A. off to S&W last week for the recall and it came back today. One week turnaround! A form enclosed with it says slide and barrel replaced to meet S&W standards. Yup, the serial number matches, it's mine. I feel special after reading some of the other posts on here. I'm nothing but impressed.
  2. Can't get more fair than that. I've been looking around for a OWB close fitting belt holster but have the same concerns about the finish on my gun. I want it as my every day carry but it's too pretty to mar. Then again it does no good sitting in the safe. Let us know what you finally come up with that solves your problem.
  3. Asteroids and Space Invaders but really prefer pinball to video games. I have a Gottlieb Buck Rogers and a Data East Time Machine.
  4. Motasyco

    TGO Stickers??

    Shhhhhh.... low profile. Just like with a NRA sticker, it would probably get your vehicle broken into. Especially if you were parked outside a posted business.
  5. WOW, what's that, weinies of warcraft?
  6. Now, let me understand this. You want to charge extra for a game that's already played? What's the idea of the game if you don't play it yourself? That sounds kinda like paying an extra hundred bucks for jeans that already have holes in them. Oh yeah, that's right, people do that too. I'm sitting here by myself just shaking my head.
  7. Buford Pusser would have straightened them out.
  8. I see another thread on this. Mods? Thread merge or close this one?
  9. They told me on the phone a three week turnaround. If I don't have it in four weeks, the phone calls start. If you sent yours off in April and it's not back yet, it's time to pick up the phone. Keep us posted.
  10. This guy understands what the US is supposed to be about. The newscaster wanted to make that a bad thing but she couldn't twist it her direction. Surprise! I loved it when she questioned his motto and got "You have a problem with God?".
  11. Never eat less if there's room for more.
  12. Ok, you asked. The can opening pics are here: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/general-off-topic/24417-how-many-tennessee-gun-owners-members-does-take.html Here's some more. Was having too much fun shooting to take many pictures.
  13. Today was a beautiful day. Thank you sir! May I have another?
  14. I believe a picture of the 1" steel plate would be appropriate if you have one available. I'd like to see the end results.
  15. All you have to say is "I'll bet you can't open this".
  16. And you bent the rebar!
  17. How many TGO members does it take to open a case of 7.62x54r Mosin Czech ammo? At least four and one to take the pictures. Mike.357, OhShoot, and Garufa hard at work while I closely monitor the progress. Pictures by Blackbeltchick. Thanks to all of you for the help. I could have never done this on my own. At least it wouldn't have been as much fun. A great day and a great time at the East TN TGO Monthly Shoot. I'm looking forward to next month.
  18. Pad? Pad? I don't need no steenking pad!
  19. Votes Percentage of 2552 Votes Yes94737% No160563%
  20. Not for lack of trying.
  21. Sasquatch playing a trick on you.
  22. But you're getting gun wealthier!
  23. Pretty sure I've heard that somewhere before.


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