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Everything posted by Motasyco

  1. one for today
  2. you're no stranger
  3. Thanks for sharing?
  4. my daily contribution
  5. Couple of new toys to try out. How can I pass this up. Planning to be there.
  6. PM sent
  7. Thanks for the help.
  8. How about a nice KelTec P-11 9mm. Owned by a grandmother. Never abused. With some ammo.
  9. Make that guns
  10. I use a super double secret ninja browser that eliminates any clutter.
  11. Motasyco

    Advice on 45 carry

    If you're driving one of those things like in your avatar, I think I can pick you out in a crowd.
  12. Two wheels rule
  13. Watch for idiots
  14. I'm still not noticing them.
  15. 1. Knocks the BG down 2. Reliable 3. How it handles, the zen factor 4. Accuracy 5. Looks
  16. If I took price out of the equation and only consider what I'd like at my side, I can't think of a 9mm I'd rather have than a RIA Compact. Just my opinion. I don't care for 9mms but love 1911s. Are you working on a deal?
  17. Motasyco

    Advice on 45 carry

    Now we do.
  18. What ya gettin
  19. This thing's dying.
  20. So we all know what you're talking about, what words are underlined?
  21. Not underlined on my browser? Hmmmm. I do see acronyms expanded when I hover though.
  22. He did his time, OK. Let him have his life back, alright. Let him back into the NFL where he is a role model for young people around the world, I don't think so. He lost my respect when he gave the finger to the fans in his home stadium. If it were up to me, that would have been his last day in the NFL. And that was long before I ever knew he had dogs. Scumbag. And his brother's no better.
  23. Progress is made step by step.
  24. It is a pretty heavy pull if shooting DA. If you cock the hammer and shoot it SA it shortens and lightens the pull. Also, I weighed it. Just under 28 ounces. One other plus is the way the cylinder moves forward when shooting, effectivly eliminating the escape of high pressure gasses from between the cylinder and barrel. Helps keep fingers safe. It must be considered pretty reliable as it's the third longest serving sidearm in modern military history behind the Webley Service Revolver and the Colt M1911. Yes, I've been to the Nagant revolver wikipedia page. Interesting reading: Nagant M1895 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I just think it's a cool little revolver.


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