I'm no expert on Tennessee traffic laws but in some states passing on the right on a limited access highway is a violation. Drive on the right, pass on the left. I was happy to see that signs have been posted in Tennessee over the past couple of years that say something to the effect of "Slower traffic keep right" or "Keep right except to pass". Left lane cruisers really screw up the flow of traffic.
Now my rant.
A person may wonder, why was the LEO crusing in the left lane? Especially at a reduced speed. I couldn't venture a guess. It's not unusual, where I live, to see LEOs making turns without signaling or sweeping to the far lane when turning instead of turning into the near lane as is the proper and safe way to turn. But most everyone around here drives that way. Perhaps it's a case of "if you can't beat em, join em"? Maybe I'm wrong to expect a higher standard from a LEO.
I intend no LEO bashing, just driver bashing in general. Traffic rules are commonly ignored by most drivers if judging by my observations.
Rant complete.
Yes, I'm anal about safe driving. Riding motorcycles can make you that way. The other guy can be very dangerous and I have the scars and metal parts in my body to prove it.