Please don't misunderstand me. I would prefer that the jobs and the profits stay here. I was the victim of jobs moving to Mexico a few years back. I certainly don't endorse that but would still rather see US vehicles purchased than vehicles made by foreign owned companies. In my opinion the unions and their shenanigans are what have driven much of the US automakers to manufacture outside our borders. I would ideally like to see US citizens buying US vehicles made of US parts by US employees using US materials. Better yet, people in other countries as well buying US vehicles made of US parts by US employees using US materials. Let's get back on top! Anything less than this is sending our dollars, at least to some degree, to other countries. I'm tired of seeing our economy supporting other countries when we need to be looking after ourselves. It kills me to see someone on a government income (my taxes) spending money (mine) to buy a product that builds the economy of another country.
Another problem is quality. Too many workers just don't care about the quality of their product anymore. If we build crap, people will by from somewhere else. Work ethics have changed dramatically over the last 25 years. Many don't want to work for a paycheck anymore. Something for nothing is the name of the game and our country can't economically survive long with that attitude.