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Everything posted by Motasyco

  1. I read a book titled 2012 by Whitley Strieber a while back. You know if there's any connection?
  2. Maybe you should upgrade from using Bob's Interweb Services.
  3. I ordered the book online and was able to pay through my Amazon account. It came to $8.49 delivered. The best price I could find. I called my local bookstore who had it in stock for $13 and change before tax. Here's where I found it: The Road : Cormac McCarthy : ISBN 9780307472120 - Buy.com
  4. I saw that post.
  5. If I make it to the gun show and I see a guy fitting that description (there probably won't be many), I'll flag you down to say hey.
  6. When I think freak, I think of something you may see in a carnival sideshow. What was called the freak show. I don't think they have tham any more. It wouldn't be politically correct. You know, the bearded lady, the lizard man, the guy with three legs or two heads. Wait, if I think about it, a lot of guys may think of themselves as having three legs or two heads. Anyway, it probably wouldn't have been complimentary. It also was associated with someone who may have been a heavy drug user and didn't shower often. I hope, for your sake, you don't have scales, use heroin, and you do own a bar of soap. If you have three legs, you're probably popular with the ladies.
  7. Please don't misunderstand me. I didn't say the girl on the cover was unattractive. I might be getting up there in years but I hope I'm a long way from dead. I just prefer a more natural look. And when I say natural, I don't limit that to just the face.
  8. Some great alternatives and suggestions! I'm glad I asked. Thanks and please keep the suggestions coming. There may be others that feel as I do. I see on the ASA site they'll give me my second year membership free for sending them my torn AARP card. I like the way they think already. I belonged to the AMA years ago but didn't realize membership could get me discounts. I wish they could get me more time to ride.
  9. Congratulations! Have a safe journey. There's no place like home.
  10. You are absolutely right! The book is always better than the movie. I can think of no exception. Even Lonesmoe Dove. The tv movie was very good and about 8 hours long, still couldn't equal the book. I said the same thing to my wife last night. My son is in his 30s with his own family and lives in a different state. I guess he's has his own family survival concerns to deal with now. I do wish he was closer so I could see it with him. Those of you that have young kids at home, cherish the time you have with them. They'll be grown and on their own too soon. Regardless of how much of a pain in the a$$ you think they are, you're going to miss them.
  11. I'm thinking freak means something different today than the meaning I'm familiar with.
  12. I'm a constant reader. Looks like I'm headed to the bookstore tomorrow. Thanks!
  13. Motasyco

    The Road

    I just saw a tv trailer for a new movie called "The Road". This appears to be a post SHTF story. It looked pretty good. Anyone hear anything about this one? This is all I could find: The Road (2009)
  14. I've been a member of the AARP for a few years, primarily for the travel discounts I get. The discounts easily exceed the cost of membership. With them backing the dems health care bill I have called them to tell them that I will not be renewing my membership. Does anybody know of other senior/retired persons organizations that may actually represent my views. Most hotels give discounts for "Membership in a senior or retired persons organization". That would imply there are groups out there other than the Association Against Retired Persons. I know there are some other "mature" members here. Any input?
  15. I can't pronounce
  16. could be bored
  17. It is a very good attention getting cover. She needs to back off on the eye makeup a bit. Lose the raccoon look. There's a similar picture in the article with safety glasses and less paint that looks better. JMHO
  18. I had brought this up on a different thread but since we're taking a poll here....embroidered camp shirts!
  19. For a lower priced 1911, RIA is the ticket.
  20. Maybe it's my eyes. A lot of guys think Pamela Anderson is hot. I find her disgusting.
  21. In your defense, Mike, her attitude was unattractive.
  22. Here ya go Mike. Tennessee Eye Doctor Directory Find an Optometrist or MD
  23. Would probably be in for a Saturday if planned a couple weeks ahead.
  24. You can't go wrong with a Dan Wesson. I love my DW Commander Bobtail.
  25. Excellent! I want more!


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