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Everything posted by Motasyco

  1. I don't know, if that's the case, I must get used to mine really quickly (because they're not all the same) and I never get used to yours. There must be more to it than that.
  2. I heard that happens to your laptop if you surf too much porn.
  3. Hmmm...makes me wonder...does anyone know the medical science behind this phenomenon? Inquiring minds would realy like to know. I don't mean why do you get gas, I wonder why yours always smell worse than mine?
  4. Motasyco


    I also hate to see a gunshop close it's doors. I do most of my local business with M&M. I've been in SMO quite a few times but have not bought much there. The place always smelled like an ashtray and the staff, although I wouldn't go so far as to call them rude, wasn't as welcoming as I would expect from a business that is competing for my dollars. What we need here is a gun shop with a range! I'd shoot several times a month if I had a place to do it without spending a large part of the day traveling to and from the range.
  5. Drunk driving is no accident. It's intentional. If you're careless and stupid enough to get behind the wheel after drinking, you're showing that you have no regard for your safety or the safety of the public in general (my safety). If you have no regard for my safety, I don't want you anywhere around me with a gun. A vehicle and a gun can both be deadly weapons. And yes, I have known people that have been killed by a drunk driver. If you think a DUI is no big deal, you need to re-examine your values.
  6. Motasyco

    Camo 1911

    It looks silly. Like a guy that dresses out in full camo to shop at Walmart.
  7. You're the man Cody.
  8. In the Rasmussen poll I just saw, the people feel that no health care reform is better the proposed legislation. By a 57% to 34% margin! How can these politicians possibly think they're representing the people?
  9. I got that. +1
  10. I've put hundreds of rounds through my M&P 40. It's never failed to operate perfectly. I have S&W Model 22A that had a recall. They paid shipping both ways and I had it back in a week. I was very impressed with their service. I don't think you'll be disappointed in the M&P. I wouldn't trade mine for two Glocks.
  11. Motasyco

    Kimber Owners

    For around the same money, I prefer a Dan Wesson over a Kimber.
  12. There's an RK gun show at the Great Smokey Mountains Expo Center in Morristown/WhitePine this weekend. They don't happen here often and it's my chance to hit one without driving an hour or more. The last I attended here was actually pretty good. Anyone else going?
  13. The savings must offset the time involved and the cost of fuel burned. In other words, the miles I would drive is directly related to the money I can save. The greater the savings, the further I'm willing to drive. Before I would make a long drive I would need to have a specific item in mind and know that the price would make the drive worthwhile. No long drives for "window shopping".
  14. Silence. And it is golden.
  15. Motasyco

    My new 1911...

    If you haven't shot it yet, you're in for a treat! If I remember right, I think I put around 200 rounds through mine the first time out. It's hard to stop. Congratulations!
  16. It takes me over an hour to get to SIR and I've tried a couple of different routes. Where I live in Motown is probably about the most distant point from Sevierville that you can be and still be in Morristown.
  17. My impression, after meeting him, was that he was already ahead on the growing up curve.
  18. I wish I had a range as close as 45 minutes away.
  19. My plastic gun of choice is an M&P. My .40 has never failed to go bang when I pull the trigger and it has never gone bang when I didn't pull the trigger.
  20. There's just nothing a Glock can give me that I can't get from another manufacturer. Well, except maybe for Glock butt. And yes, they are ugly and they don't feel comfortable in my hand. I can't figure out why every gun shop wants to push them on me. There must be a huge dealer markup. There are many that love them and I have no problem with that. They're just not for me.
  21. How about "wathereg" short for water thermal regulator.
  22. Perhaps it should be renamed a Water Temperature Maintaining Device.
  23. Deputy Dawg
  24. RIA has a 3.5" compact tactical and a 5" tactical.
  25. I'd be afraid of setting it down and not being able to find it.


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