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Everything posted by Motasyco

  1. I quit that about 12 years ago. That's why I look 35 today. It's just my attitude that's 55.
  2. I was thinking of taking 6 years off my age.
  3. I guess I'm too old to post in this thread.
  4. I've been practicing for about 45 years. Got three chords down pretty good.
  5. Motasyco

    Yo Mama

    I was a single parent for many years. One of my most prized possessions is a Mother's Day card my son made for me when he was about 6 or 7 years old. He made it in school when the other kids were making their Mother's Day cards. It helped me to realize the everyday difficulties a kid deals with without a mother. My mom died from cancer many years ago but her love and her smile are with me every day. Thanks Mike for giving us this opportunity to think about our mothers.
  6. Saved me the effort. Tesla was brilliant but ahead of his time.
  7. I thought you said they were fishing without a license. No license = breaking the law
  8. I have seen the monkey fists for sale but haven't been tempted to buy one. I don't understand why I need one of these. They seem a bit large to carry in my pocket with my keys. Can someone give me a clue? I'm apparently missing something.
  9. Frontier is a good place to shop. I stop in often when passing through. Even if they do give us former USAF guys a load of crap. They're just jealous. I understand.
  10. I've not used a hot wire but an electric knife with a shot of silicone spray on it will cut through foam like butter.
  11. I had mine done in Canada in the late 90s. $500 for each eye, eh. $2500 for each eye if I would have had it done in the US at that time. Best money I ever spent.
  12. Motasyco

    Whale Wars

    Well, that didn't post very well.
  13. Motasyco

    Whale Wars

    Japan is taking some action. Japan deports convicted NZ anti-whaling activist - Yahoo! News Japan deports convicted NZ anti-whaling activist TOKYO – Japan deported a New Zealand activist convicted of assault and obstruction after he attempted to stop the annual Japanese whale hunt. Peter Bethune, 45, who clambered aboard a Japanese whaler in the middle of the Antarctic Ocean in February, was detained aboard the ship and arrested when it returned to Japan. Earlier this week, a Tokyo court sentenced the former member of conservation group Sea Shepherd to two years in prison but suspended the sentence. On Friday evening, Bethune was escorted by immigration officers onto an Air New Zealand flight bound for Auckland. Japan each year hunts hundreds of mostly minke whales — which are not an endangered species — in Antarctic waters. U.S.-based Sea Shepherd has been actively protesting Japan's whaling trips for years, often scuffling with whalers at sea. Japan conducts whale hunts in the region as part of a research program, an allowed exception to an international whaling ban. But Sea Shepherd and other critics say it is a cover for commercial whaling, noting nearly all the meat ends up in restaurants. Bethune was convicted of several offenses, including assault for throwing bottles of rancid butter at whaling ships, trespassing, vandalism and possession of a knife. He slashed a protective net around the Shonan Maru 2 with a knife to board the ship from a Jet Ski. In a tearful closing statement at his trial in June, Bethune apologized for the trouble and said he never intended to hurt anyone. During earlier trial sessions, Bethune said he just wanted to confront the Japanese ship's captain and hand him a $3 million bill for the destruction of the Ady Gil, a Sea Shepherd vessel that sank when the two boats collided in January. Sea Shepherd announced during the trial it would not let Bethune participate in further protests, but said Thursday that was a tactic to help him avoid prison time and he's free to rejoin. Japan, Norway and Iceland hunt whales under exceptions to a 1986 moratorium by the International Whaling Commission. Japan's whaling program involves large-scale expeditions to the Antarctic Ocean, while other whaling countries mostly stay along their own coasts. Confrontations between Sea Shepherd boats and Japanese vessels have at times turned violent. Activists try to obstruct whaling ships by cutting them off, dangling ropes in the water to snarl their propellers, or throwing containers of rancid butter. The whalers have responded with water canons and sonar devices to disorient the environmentalists.
  14. Motasyco

    Off-Road 4x4

    The Explorer may not be the ultimate off road vehicle but you apparently have the most important thing needed and that's the desire to get off road and play in the dirt. Go do it. The things you learn will help you if you decide to upgrade.
  15. Supreme Court extends gun rights to all 50 states FOX News headline
  16. I didn't expect it but the Sheriff in my county signed mine and mailed it back to me.
  17. I thought refinishing a Mosin included banging it on some rocks, maybe dragging it down the road tied by a rope to the back of your truck, then leaving it out in the rain for a few days just to add character. Maybe you got it right. They have plenty of character anyway.
  18. There is an "over 21" diner in Morristown that is a smoking restaurant. I stay out of the place. I like to taste my food.
  19. If I had a hydrogen powered car, how far could I go on a can of drano and a roll of aluminum foil? And why have we not capitalized on this energy packed backyard science? I did see a news report a week or so ago about one of these going off in front of someone's home. Somewhere around Knoxville IIRC. I got the impression that the cops were taking it pretty seriously.
  20. Motasyco

    "Good" Entry 1911

    I have a RIA Tactical and a Compact. Both great guns. I've heard plenty of good things about the Taurus but not many good things about their customer service.
  21. S.S.S., coffee, sausage biscuit (yep, homemade), played with the dog, a little news, the boat's hooked up to the truck, let's go to the lake.
  22. It's rare that I ever actually laugh out loud but that did it. Twice.


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