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Everything posted by Motasyco

  1. If guns can be banned in a business, why can't cell phones?  A jammer could be used to restrict phone service in specific areas.  Do we have a greater right to cell phone use than we do to bear arms?  I'm not saying this should be done but just asking the question.  Certainly a cell phone can be a useful tool just as a firearm can but there seems to be little outrage over gunbuster signs.     I would always choose the "No Phones" section of a restaurant if I had that option.  A compromise.  It seems like a reasonable solution to the annoyance of being forced to listen to someone's loud and often foul phone conversations.  If it would work for phones, why not a "No Guns" area in a restaurant?  That would be better than no guns at all.  I'd be in favor of a "No Screaming Snotty Nosed Kids" section in a restaurant as well.   Just a random train of though triggered by this thread.
  2. It's a trust issue.  I can't trust that I'll be able to buy it next month.  I can't trust anyone in Washington.  I can't trust the media to tell the truth.  :tinfoil:
  3. WVLT reports that there was a big turnout for the gun show.  In the story it says "The hall was packed with dozens of people looking to buy firearms".   Only dozens?    http://www.local8now.com/news/headlines/Big-turn-out-for-Knoxville-gun-show-185224762.html
  4. Looks like "nothing" is far in the lead.  They'll be sweeping this one under the rug.
  5. You're likely to be pulled over so they can help put out the fire under your hood.
  6. So is my hair and I can't do anything about either one.
  7. The people that need to understand wouldn't understand #2.
  8. I haven't had a raise in 5 years.  I want one too.  Too bad Obama doesn't have to run the country like a business.  Or maybe the company I work for just needs to print some money.
  9. I'm glad I never bought into the Facebook fad.  The twit thing is even more ridiculous.  I don't care how many friends you have and I don't have any interest in what you had for lunch.  I might join something called "Gunbook".  Naw, TGO is all I need.
  10. Gregory was supposedly informed by the DC police that having the magazine would be illegal.  Not only did he intend to commit a crime, he did commit a crime. 
  11. I pay $200 per month for my range membership.  It's very exclusive.  I own it.  Of course there was an initial down payment involved.  After repeated frustrating visits to public ranges I felt that my sanity and safety were worth the investment.  I can use it any time, there's no waiting, gated access, and best of all, I don't have to be repeatedly muzzled and deal with obnoxious rudeness.  As a bonus, I can hunt there, ride my 4 wheeler, pick any campsite I want for my 1987 camper, and blow up TVs with tannerite.  At most ranges, you pay your money and it's gone.  At mine, I pay my money but it's still mine.    I offer this not to brag but to present what to me was a sensible alternative to public ranges.  I'm not a wealthy guy and had to make some sacrifices to accomplish this goal.  I wound up with 22 acres, mostly wooded, 20 minutes from my home.  Closer than any public or private range.  Yes, I have also invested a good deal of sweat, and continue to do so, to make it what I want.  It has a small pond, a crank well and a barn and could be a good bug out location if it came to that.  It took a while for me to find a suitable location that was affordable so I also had some time invested there as well.  It has been suggested that I look into selling some timber to recoup some of my costs and I may decide to hire a forestry consultant at some time.  That would just be a bonus.   I haven't once regretted the decision to go this route.  Just something to consider.   
  12. I've been practicing (but not enough) for about 50 years.  I've got three chords down pretty well.  OK, maybe a few more than three but still I'm not very good.  I always made the most progress when I had someone else to practice with.  Or maybe it was just more fun with someone else.  Good luck!
  13. An AK with a wood stock is already accepted as evil. What you need to do is hide the mag. Think of a Marlin 60 double tube in .223.
  14. I had my own rifle at 12 and hunted alone with it.  I still have it.  I encourage my kids to arm themselves at home.  Of course, the oldest is over 40 and the youngest is in the Army and they have their own homes.  I was shooting with one of my grandsons a few weeks ago.  He's 9 and has his own 22 and 410 that his dad got for him.  He's a pretty good shot.
  15. Additionally, I suggest that there are likely more deaths attributed to the use of phones while driving in our country than there have been as the result of attacks with an AR 15.
  16. I was browsing in a local gun shop today and an employee asked if he could help me find anything.  I responded by asking what he had in bulk 22lr.  His reply...."just memories".
  17. Thanks Garufa, You saved me from bursting a blood vessel.     To the OP, you're free to ask what you want for an item.  It doesn't bother me at all.  You'll either sell it or not.  It's still a free market.  Supply and demand and all that.  Right now there's more demand than there is supply.  There's no arm twisting involved.  I'm bothered more by those that criticize an asking price.  
  18. I rarely read something that makes me actually laugh out loud but this did it.
  19. Just home from Food City, M&P .40 on the hip.
  20. Isn't he in charge of the whole interweb?  After all, he did invent it.
  21. Collinsville is not a great place to be stuck.  Too crowded for me.  I've been "stuck" working there a few times.  Don't know where you are staying there but if near the Hampton/Doubletree/Drury/Comfort Inn area, Bandana's is just a stone's throw and actually has some pretty good BBQ considering it's Illinois.  If you're really bored you could take a hike to see the world's largest ketchup bottle.
  22. I know you don't like muffs but I'm hooked on the electronic muffs.  I can hear everything around me well but it attenuates the sound of a gun.  This is great when shooting with others because I'm more aware of what others around me are saying and doing and even better when shooting alone because I can hear if someone is approaching.   The low profile design muffs make it possible to use with a rifle.   
  23. I own some property in an adjoining county.  There are a number of dogs loose in the area and running deer in the woods.  Is it legal to eliminate this threat to the deer population?  I'm a dog lover and hate to do harm to any dogs but I also hate to see them running deer.  I believe dog owners have a responsibility to control their animals.  This is a dilemma for me.  I couldn't find anything on this. 
  24. I didn't like him before but now I like him less.  Geraldo, this morning on Fox News, was calling for a ban on "assault weapons".  He described them as guns that "spray bullets" and nobody needs such a weapon.  I don't have any assault weapons because none of my guns are capable of spraying bullets so maybe I need not worry.  I think he unintentionally got the description more correct than he intended.    He also said he killed a squirrel with a .410 when he was younger and never got over it.  Maybe he didn't prepare it properly.


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