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About dandingo

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    Franklin, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. I haven't. I'll have to take a look at that as well. Thanks
  2. I have a little but I'm wondering if the grip will be a little too much for summer, as I wear shorts and t shirts. I'll definitely take look further though. Sounds very close to what I want. Thanks
  3. Strongly considering getting one for CCW. I currently have a G19 and S&W Bodyguard 2.0. The G19 feels too bulky much of the time and I'm not nearly as proficient shooting with the Bodyguard as I am with my G19 so I'm looking for the Goldilocks. Would love feedback on how it shoots. Also, I have a Smith & Wesson M&P 9C that's virtually brand new that I'm looking to sell in order to pick up a G43X. Will be posting it in the classifieds soon.
  4. Thank you. Yes, I've read up on the restrictions for the permitless carry. Appreciate the info.
  5. New guy here, just went through my enhanced carry class and got fingerprinted but haven't received my card in the mail. Am I able to carry as though I have the permit or do I have to wait until I physically have the permit in hand?


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