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Mark in Hermitage

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About Mark in Hermitage

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    Hermitage, TN
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  1. Local Nashville Law Enforcement, based on my recent interactions and my personal opinion, will not be the Accurate Source for firearms issues in Davidson County. I assumed I could rely on our Constitutional Sheriff to add clarity when Metro police are obviously wrong. Nope. Davidson County Sheriff Officer stated, “Our agency does not arrest or enforce firearm laws within the County/City.”. They referred me back to Metro. That sent a chill down my spine. Previously, I assumed the Sheriff would be an Accurate Source and resource when issues arise between Citizens and metro law enforcement. Who are you gonna call?
  2. General Services District rules changed for discharging on your property. They were revised to require prior permission from homeowners or tenants within 500’ from where you discharge. I’ve attached a screenshot from the municipal website. Final action on the revision dated 6/20/23. Dave Rosenberg, Erin Evan’s and Joy Stiles sponsored the revision. This appears to apply whether hunting on your private property or just plinking. I made an initial Nashville HUB submission to verify Section 11.12.080 Municipal Code and was told INCORRECTLY that “No shooting anywhere in Davidson County unless it’s at an indoor range. I now know that’s only true in the Urban Services District. See attached. Also know that the Davidson County Sheriff was no help in clarifying the erroneous statement from the Nashville HUB. They referred me back to Metro saying, “Our agency does not arrest or enforce firearm laws within the County/City.”. My advice is to study the District Services Map, to ensure you’re NOT in the Urban Services District and then start schmoozing your neighbors.


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