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Elmo Fudpucker

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About Elmo Fudpucker

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    Chattanooga, TN
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  1. Back when I took the mandatory 8 hr training to get my permit, the cop who taught it said the open carry right is more so that you don't have to deal with getting in trouble for having your gun seen when holstering, etc. than it is about openly carrying. That aspect makes sense. For all the reasons that have been aptly stated above I agree that it's just a bad idea to open carry in public.
  2. To me over-ruling federal unconstitutional over reach is a very valid concept. Ever since the Civil War the Federal government has been continuously gobbling up power and stomping all over states rights. We really have lost sight of how weak the federal govt was before the Civil War. It is this abuse of federal power that has allowed socialism to gain such a foothold as it now does, and is why our national deficit is through the roof. Why should the federal govt be able to pass laws and make mandates if they are unconstitutional?
  3. I think that is a balanced approach to the issue. Enjoy our freedoms but we don't have to be in people's face about it either. Unfortunately where I live the houses are simply spaced too close to do any shooting. Not a good idea to be in the yard shooting when your yard is only 1/2 acre. Makes cutting the grass easier though.
  4. 29 yrs married and still happily. We're not big TV watchers per se, but on the weekends my wife will chill out and watch Hallmark and Great American Family movies, most of which I can't stand. She hates the action stuff I like to watch. So we usually end up watching different things in two different rooms when we do. I'll sometimes break down and watch something with her she is watching just to spend time with her. She'll sometimes do things with me she doesn't really care to do. That's called relationship. When it comes to vacations, fortunately we both mostly like doing the same things. We both don't like the beach and would much rather be in a cabin in Gatlinburg or the like.
  5. I had a large pine tree about 2' in diameter about 90ft taken down, and hauled off about a year ago for $1500 (Chattanooga). It had to be taken down in pieces because it had power lines and the house on 3 sides.
  6. Can you shoot me a pm? I'm interested in you sig. I haven't been on this forum for quite a while and for whatever reason my account got deleted at some point so I just had to create a new account. I'm also in Chattanooga, East Brainerd to be specific. Thx


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