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About 32TennInfantry

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  • Location
    Chapel HIll, TN
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    CT Technologist


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 48

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  1. I am the local reenactment group XD, been doing it for 15 years. Trying to find used muskets for loaners. New ones, when you can find them, are ridiculous right now...
  2. I am in search of reasonably priced reproduction or original (if in SAFE WORKING CONDITION) American Civil War-era infantry muskets. Specifically the following models: Pattern 1853 Enfield Rifle-Musket M1861 Springfield Rifle-Musket M1842 Springfield Musket M1816 Springfield musket, percussion conversion
  3. Hello Everyone, I am a new member located in Chapel Hill. I have been collecting 20th century Mil-Surp weapons for about 10 years. Recently, I decided to shift the focus of my collection to antique and black-powder weapons. I am an avid Civil War reenactor and run my own unit, the 32nd Tennessee Infantry. I am a former Florida Sheriff's Deputy, but have worked in Medical Imaging since my wife and I moved to Tennessee 3 years ago. I look forward to being a part of this community. Cheers!
  4. I have the following for sale: M1896 Swedish Mauser - 6.5 Swede ($750) Nagoya Arsenal Type 99, ground mum - 7.7 Jap ($500) Wartime-date Izhevsk M91/30, I believe it is a post-war Ukrainian refurb- 7.62x54R ($350) Sporterized Egyptian contract FN-49 - 8mm ($1500) Gardone-Val Trompia M91/38 Moschetto - 7.5 Carcano ($400) Available for meet-up in Middle Tennessee, Saturday - Tuesday. Thanks for looking!


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