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About KingMem10

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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. Hey ya’ll, Ive been a permit holder/shooter/collector for around 20 years. The last few years cars and motorcycles have been eating up all my time and money but recently I’ve been shooting a lot more. I used to carry a CZ75 IWB or Keltec P11 in pocket but I’ve lost a lot of weight and now downsized to p10s IWB and LCP Max in pocket. This modern lightweight stuff ain’t too bad. Glad to join the group.
  2. I bought a used CZ Shadow 2 from Bass Pro and have been consistently getting type 3 malfunctions with 115 and 124 gr HSTs and Gold Dots. Every magazine of Jhp the third case fails to extract and the fourth round jams under it. I have two “new” factory mags and one 20 year old. They all fail the same way. Great practice for clearing type 3s but obviously frustrating as hell. It feeds cheap fmj flawlessly. I’ve cleaned ejector and polished feed ramp but still can’t get it to feed. The gun was a little dirty when I bought it but really didn’t look like it had been shot too much. I just ordered some 147gr Golden Sabers hoping a slightly longer round will load better but other than that I’m out of ideas. Any tips from the troubleshooting gurus would be helpful.


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