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  1. Sounds like an amazing trip to New River Gorge! I’ve been wanting to go there for a while, especially with all the hiking options. I get the Bridge Walk being a must-do—I've heard the views are incredible! It's smart to book ahead if you want to do it. I’m also intrigued by the mine tour and ghost town down in Beckley; it’s always cool to dive into some local history.
  2. It sounds like you’ve found a solid balance that works for both of you! It’s refreshing to hear about a couple that understands each other’s needs and doesn’t force shared experiences. It’s all about finding that compromise and enjoying your separate passions. I think it’s great that you both prioritize having fun in ways that suit your personalities. Everyone's marriage is different, and if it works for you, that’s what matters! My partner and I do something similar—we each have our hobbies that we pursue on our own, and it definitely keeps things interesting.
  3. For an Air Supply concert, I’d say go for something comfortable but a little stylish. I usually wear nice jeans with a classic band tee or a button-up shirt. It’s great to keep it relaxed since you want to enjoy the music, but I also like to add a light jacket in case the venue gets chilly. Definitely wear comfy shoes; I’ve made the mistake of wearing cute but painful ones before, and it’s just not worth it when you want to dance and sing along!
  4. Sounds like you’ve got a nice piece on your hands! For Parkers, value can depend a lot on the model, condition, and any engraving. You might want to check out the Parker Gun Collectors Association (PGCA)—they’ve got a lot of resources, and their forum is full of people who know these shotguns inside and out. If you’re having trouble with image size, maybe upload to Imgur or a similar site and share the link.
  5. I’ve had a Sub2000 for a while, and honestly, it’s a solid choice for a bug-out bag. The folding feature is super convenient, especially if space is tight, and pairing it with a Glock is a no-brainer if you're already running Glock mags. The third-gen’s twist for the red dot is a nice upgrade too. I’ve heard people mention the trigger is a bit mushy, but it’s not a dealbreaker for me. S&W’s option is great but pricey, and the mag compatibility is a big factor to consider. For color, go with whatever blends best with your setup.
  6. I’d say bolt actions are generally more accurate, but the Ruger 10/22 is awesome for just messing around. I’ve used mine for years, and it handles bulk ammo pretty well, though it can be a bit picky with some brands. If you're just plinking with your kid and not too worried about precision, the 10/22 is a solid choice—super reliable and fun to shoot.


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