So I broke down and tried replacing the oem hammers on a P-07 and on a PCR. Both already had spring kits from MCarbo and I polished all the moving bits. I was skeptical that changing hammers was going to make any real difference. I figured no way will it change anything, I mean, the dimensions have to be the same to be interchangeable, right? Well, i could not have been more wrong. I'm no machinist, so to my un-calibrated eye, the do, the look the same, but boy is there a massive difference in the SA trigger. There now is a proper crisp break instead of a spongy, dragging break with the original hammer. I don't know what kind of voodoo/hoodoo/black magic those boys are playing with down there, but I'm glad they are. Installation was easy enough for me, and I think I'm gonna get plenty of practice now that I'm a believer. If you are kicking the idea around about trying it, I say go for it. You won't be disappointed. Unfortunately now that I've tried 'em, I'm looking at a small fortune to do hammers on the rest of my toys... can't wait to try one on my new P-09C.