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About Boogra

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  • Location
    Thompsons Station
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Sig P365
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Spring XDm

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  1. Hey all. Newbie here. I wanted to get some opinions on what you guys think an effective caliber might be for elk. I may eventually use this mystery rifle for buffalo someday, assuming I get that draw within my lifetime. I'm leaning toward 7mm PRC, as I'm looking for a flat shooting cartridge that won't leave my shoulders worse off than they are at present. If my budget for the rifle is upwards of $1500, which brand do you guys like? Right now, I'm looking at the CVA Cascade LRH, which is about $700 under my budget, but the reviews I've read and watched seem really amazing, and it is available in 7mm PRC. Thoughts if you have some on this?
  2. Thanks, folks!
  3. Hey neighbor. I'm new here, too and am in Thompsons Station!
  4. I'm new, too. Looks like we're basically neighbors. Hi neighbor.
  5. Hi everyone. Lived here in TS about four years. TN native who moved back for the Covid party from Mississippi, but my family's been here in TN since the late 1700s. I like pew pews in general, love to bird hunt, do a little fly fishing, love my wife, my kids, my Wrangler...usually in that order. I game here and there - mostly World of Warcraft. Love talking politics, especially if the other party is 'trigger-proof'. Getting ready to take up elk hunting and bird hunting out West. Haven't yet hunted in Tennessee, but would absolutely love to. Thanks for the space and the time, and I'm looking forward to hanging out here.


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