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Everything posted by ~48_South~
Well for starters why would you AOW an FN 5.7, I mean sure someone might but it makes no sense to me as to why someone would, the amount and type of firearms he typically uses nobody is going to question him over something such as a forward grip on a 5.7 or throwing a stock on a AR pistol. People watch the video's and say well hell he runs around with a bunch of MG's all the time so it must be legit. I mean in the FN 5.7 video he mentions that he was originally going to have Dustin from Top Shot shoot the long range scene,however the history channel said he is to valuable and wanted him to have no part in it...ok maybe... or did Dustin not want to be caught on camera having anything to do with an unregistered AOW, just seems a little strange that he mentions Dustin hiding off in the distance the same time he is breaking out the 5.7 with the grip. Even if you were going to put a legit grip on a handgun,why that grip on that gun, I mean its HUGE and ugly as hell,just looks like something he pulled off of one of the rifles they had laying around at the time. As far as the stock goes, if you were showing someone a gun of yours and it was an SBR would you say "This is my PWS AR pistol" or would you say this is my PWS SBR? Ofcourse it should be stated Im simply assuming this and it is nothing more than my personal opinion, and I have no facts at all to prove he is even remotely coming close to breaking the law.
Why would you buy a thureon over a standard AR,just curious? From what I can tell one of those things are running around $800 and you can definitely get into a legit AR for around that price or hell I would buy an Arsenal AK. The Thureon looks like a $300 rifle to me,and even if it did cost $300 I would buy a Kel Tec Sub 2000 before I bought the Thureon.
Depends...do you like interchangeable backstraps and a frame that has different texture adding a little more grip or are you fine with a standard gen 3 frame? For me personally Im fine with gen 3's.
$535 on Gunbroker including shipping + around $30 for transfer and bg check to your local ffl so around $565 out the door.
I want this. Kriss. (NOT a Japanese American rock band knock off.) :D
~48_South~ replied to Steelharp's topic in Handguns
They arent that great and do have noticeable recoil Guns&Leather use to have one you could rent for the range, I was not impressed to say the least. Knock $1,000 off the price tag and maybe, but you can buy a nice new Gen 3 Glock for around $500 add a Mako PDW chassis system to it(Or whichever chassis you like)for around $400 and then you have a multi role system for $700-800 less. -
Lol I had the exact same thing happen with what sounds like the exact same gun, mine would key hole without even hitting any obstacles in its flight path, I was pretty upset to say the least when I noticed that happening.
My SGL 31 and one of my SGL 21's both run Aimpoint Comp ML3's with LaRue QD mounts and using that set up its hard for me to really tell a difference in accuracy when firing off hand(I dont shoot them benched). Im not trying to argue with you about key holing but I have put all of my weapons/various calibers through paces to see how they compare to one another in certain situations, be it shooting through a car to hiding a target in brush, and in MY experience as soon as the 5.45 hits a small limb/twig it starts flipping(Your mileage may vary), I like to know the limitations of the weapons I own and ammunition they shoot. As far as finding ammo in SHTF I was simply stating that the 7.62x39 seems to be the more common round,if something crazy ever happens all I have to do is look in the closet and I will find 8,000 rounds(I shoot ALOT!!) just between those 2 calibers so Im personally not worried about it.
The 5.45 will key hole if it hits anything at all so lets hope you arent having to shoot at something hiding in bushes with it, I own 2 Arsenal SGL 21's in 7.62 and 1 Arsenal SGL 31 in 5.45. If I had to pick one for SHTF its going to be one of my Arsenal 21's in 7.62, I like being able to shoot through objects without having to wait for whatever it is to come out from behind cover, and I personally think 7.62x39 is a way more common round to be found during SHTF. Both rounds are cheap as can be imo. 500 rounds of 7.62x39 and 750 rounds of 5.45x39 or roughly the same price(Silver Bear). Yes the 7.62 has more recoil than the 5.45 but you are trading penetration for recoil reduction. As far as accuracy goes they both perform like battle rifles from my Arsenals,there isnt a HUGE difference in accuracy within 100 yards between my 21's and my 31's, if you are overly concerned with having an accurate rifle you might want to stick with a NICE 5.56 AR platform.
17 for me,cheap ammo,easy follow up shots, and I like medium to large framed handguns rather than compact or sub compact.
If a gun breaks on me once I am in no way shape or form going to count on it to save my life in the future, I would ditch it asap and get something better.
I typically dont like 1911's, I just cant shoot with them at all...doesnt matter if its a $400 Rock Island or a $3,000 NightHawk Ive shot them all and cant hold any consistent groups. I can pick up pretty much Glock,Sig,HK,CZ and shoot great with it,I just cant with 1911's. I DO LOVE the feel of a 1911 thats why I have owned several in the past even though I cant shoot with them. In this situation the reason I would take the Glock over any other handgun I own is that, they have been put through the ringer time and time again and keep on ticking,they are the AK47 of the handgun world and then some imo. I would much rather shoot my HK USP Tac,CZ 75 TS,or MK 23 Socom than the Glock but for shtf the Glock is the one I would make sure to take with me.
Glocks are accurate,and they can withstand some major abuse. http://theprepared.com/content/view/90//administrator/
If I had the 2k I wouldnt bother with a build I would run with the Savage 110 BA in 300 win, ofcourse you wont get any glass with that. If I wanted a complete rifle with glass I would probably go with a Savage 10 FCP-K in 308 for 700-ish change out the stock to a Bell and Carlson and then you should have $800 to $1000 left for glass.
I use to like Mossbergs shotguns but Im seriously about to stop buying their products. I mean Barrett style muzzle breaks and crap stuck on the end of pistol grip shotties and now this, I cant even take their company serious anymore. Its to a point now that Im embarassed to own one of their guns.
Thats kind of like saying a HI-POINT is on par with a HK.
EDIT: Should have read 2 post above me before I posted this but yeah what The Dude said My 31 appears to be a little more accurate and the ammo is cheaper for it than my 21,that being said the 5x45 tend to key hole like a 5.56 will in brush where the 7.62 typically eats right through the obstacles. This guy does a pretty good review over both rifles you might want to check them out,in the end I bought 2 SGL-21's and a SGL-31. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkYFlihPNS8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0hatbAtwZk&feature=relmfu
Yeah with the options I got it was around $1200-1300 and a 10 month wait,but if you order it with all of the bells and whistles you can get it in 5 months but it will run you about $1600
You use a 23 inch Asus at Pro Circuit LAN's
I dont think you understand,he isnt technically getting paid for playing a video game,he is getting paid for the views he gets his sponsors advertisements he just uses video games as a means to attract those viewers. Its like superbowl commercials,companies pay big money for air time because they know how many people will see their product,successful youtube commentators work the same way,attract as many viewers as you can by any means neccessary the more viewers you get the more advertisements get seen and the more you get paid. If he wasnt productive he wouldnt be getting paid, that much I can assure you. He might not be physically productive but in order to make a decent living off of youtube you have to work your ass off and then some.
Makes a Difference Where You Defend Yourself
~48_South~ replied to oldogy's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Very well said -
Makes a Difference Where You Defend Yourself
~48_South~ replied to oldogy's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
You cant base your decisions off of what a LEO would do in that situation, no offense to LEO's but I have seen several get out of some sticky **** just because they have a badge. There is definitely a difference between theft and robbery though,Robbery differs from simple theft in its use of violence and intimidation. Armed robbery would be if he threatend you with a weapon and took your stuff,kind of like aggravated assault, I can point a gun at you and get an aggravated assault charge or I can shoot you in the knee and get a aggravated assault charge. In the end you have to decide the threat level and act accordingly,but for me personally them running from me is not enough of a threat for me to shoot(Not saying I wouldnt want to),them advancing towards me is a different story. -
Makes a Difference Where You Defend Yourself
~48_South~ replied to oldogy's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
When I read your original post I wasnt reading in the way of you being sarcastic, I visualised I big man standing there with his hands up saying he isnt armed and means no harm(As others have stated that is highly unlikely situation). Im not saying shooting the man would be wrong per say, I was simply stating in those circumstances I think you would be in violation of the law if you did shoot, do I think its right...NO, definitely not,but laws are laws. Think of it this way, if I heard something outside late at night I grab my gun and go out and investigate to find someone breaking into my car, I confront them at gun point and they run away into the opposite direction of me, would I shoot them in the back as the fled probably not,reason being I dont want to go to prison and lose all of my rights over someone trying to steal my stereo. Now if the laws were different to where I knew me shooting someone that was trying to steal my property be he armed,unarmed,advancing,or fleeing was justified then ofourse I would shoot them,they could comply with my commands and likely live with a painful wound and a strong memory,or take door number 2 and leave in a bag. -
I think what the guy meant is that the man in the video figured out a way to make an easy income and is taking full advantage of it and its profits. As far as him not being productive to society meh, I mean sure he is fat and yes he is probably lazy but he is great at his job which is commercial advertisement. You have a product you want to get out to a market of 15-20yr olds then stick it on one of his videos and it will get seen. I played Call of Duty Black Ops professionally,and made few thousand extra dollars in my free time during my weekends off work. The game was fun and I just happend to be really good at it, I saw an opportunity to make some extra cash for doing something I enjoyed a weekend or two a month so why not take advantage of it? You simply go to a LAN play a game you enjoy and if you win you get a check, simple as that. In the end I got a couple nice guns for doing something I enjoyed and didnt require alot of work on my part.