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Everything posted by ~48_South~

  1. Just curious if anyone here has ever tried changing the habits of whitetail and if they had an success with it. For example most of your deer are showing up on your cams and what not under the cover of darkness to feed and bed down,now I typically check my cams around mid afternoon but what if I started waiting until late night to check them and do so regularly,do you think this would make them shift times that they come into my area ,daylight rather than nighttime, or do you think they would simply decide my property is no longer a safe area and move on elsewhere??? I have tons of whitetail activity on my cams, its just rare that they make the daylight appearance,and its not as simple as just tracking them down to where they are moving in the daylight hours because they are leaving my property around 6:30am and going elsewhere and come back late evening.
  2. And another one that I thought was funny with a couple young'ens and mommas
  3. Yeah I really only had interest in harvesting a couple doe this year but after seeing the bigger buck its got me foaming at the mouth a bit, I normally wouldnt take out the 7 that appears to be dominate but if he is infact an older buck that is scaring away the trophies I will probably take him out if given the opportunity. Below are pics of all the bucks that have strolled through minus the 9 pointer to which it appears I deleted off of the sd card or got mixed up with a different 7 pointer. First buck young 3 pointer Different 7 pointer not the one that appears to be dominate A couple more of the big buck as he came in Couple more of the dominate 7 Now for a couple of this morning NEW little 5 pointer
  4. Yeah the 7 from what I have seen so far will be the easiest one to take out,he didnt show up lastnight but a new buck made an appearance around 6 am and stayed till about 6:30 am a 5 point with about as nice of rack as you could get (form wise) for a 5 point. There have been a total of 5 Bucks that have made an appearance here since the 5th of this month,only 2 of which have been return customers so far.
  5. The Camera is setup near a dry creek bed, it is a pretty flat field approx 10 acres I guess with the creek bed running through the middle, the direction in which the camera is facing is towards approx 20-30 acres of woods unfortunately my property ends at the wood line which is maybe 100 yards from the camera.To the left of the camera is a thicket maybe half an acre in size then past that thicket my property line ends and a 20 acre wheat field starts. From the way the deer seem to typically come in the look as though they are coming from the wheat field in a diagonal direction through the woods and then onto my property,then they leave via the woods and just do a circle through the 3 properties if I had my guess. The area is extremely active and is a bedding area from my guess, I let the grass grow tall there this past year and you can see all of the trails going through it and buy the camera there are alot of bigger areas of crushed grass where they appear to be bedding. The big buck in the pick stayed for roughly 20-30 minutes before he left I had over 100 pictures of him but only posted 3, as far as activity up until this past Thurs the 11th I have been averging 1,000+ pictures a night(Mostly deer with a couple of coons) with the camera setting on 3 burst pics and 15 second delay. The doe seem to come in early evening typically around 5:00pm and stay around the area pretty much all night and have stayed as late as 10am and the 7 pointer is the only buck that has been caught out after daylight other than the 3 pointer. Now I typically check the camera daily and the deer dont seem to mind but this time I left it on from the 11th till today the 13th approx 48 hours and the number of pictures dropped from 1,000+ in 24 hours over the past week to 170 pics for 48 hours in the last 2 days, and the only thing caught on camera that 170 times was this 7 point buck not even a doe showed up and typically there seem to be atleast 5 doe and camera at one time every night, except for the past 2 nights.
  6. Ok so heres a little backstory, I own a little over 30 acres that I havent hunted in roughly 15 years. Last deer season I decided to buy a game cam and put it out during the season beside some corn I set out, and simply watch and see the pictures of all the animals that came out,ended up not hunting last year. Decided to set the camera out again this year and do the same just see what comes out with no real intentions of hunting my property this season. Well it started out as usual a bunch of doe show up every night for probably the first week, then to my surprise I get a couple Bucks to appear a 3point a flimsy 9 point and a crooked 7 point. None of the bucks were anything I had to just hunt and simply just enjoyed seeing them on camera. Well a week ago this guy shows up(see below) This buck sent me into hunting overdrive, I figured I would let him come around for a week remove my bait and then try and tag him after the 10 days is up, unfortunately he hasnt made any real regular appearances, and when he was there he seemed to get ran off by the 7 pointer which I simply thought was a fluke in the pictures since the size difference between the 2 isnt even comparable. After watching my cam for the last few days the 7 pointer is there non stop and he seems to be running off everything, I mean the does arent even showing up anymore. Everything I have read says to let little bucks walk to draw in big bucks, well is it possible a little buck is the dominate one in the area and is actually scaring away the bigger bucks??? Below are a couple of the 7 pointer. Let me know what you guys think.
  7. Just get you a Gen 1 or a Gen 2 and you're good to go. I personally like the grooves but I have regular sized hands so they dont bother me. Not to mention the amount of people who like the grooves vs the amount of people whos fingers wont fit in them is probably atleast a 1000:1 ratio so I doubt Glock really cares to be honest.
  8. I cant believe nobody has brought up Heckler&Koch yet, I have had several of their USP series including the 45 Tactical and the Stainless 45 compact and they were a dream, also another great 45 is the Sig P220 Elite, and though I have only owned Glock 21's when it comes to a 45acp Glock Im sure any Glock will treat you right,though I feel you would probably like the HK or SIg better. As to Yeager, so many people hate him that I cant help to love him. A good friend of mine always bad mouths him and truly cant stand to watch or listen to him,the irony is that everything Yeager says about firearms always happens to my friend like the 1911's suck video, my friend sold his Glock then went and bought a Sig 1911 after watching said video and he instantly started having problems with it, I couldnt help but to hit the ground laughing. While I dont look at Yeager the same way I do say Travis Hailey or Chris Costa, he still has some valuable information imo.
  9. What exactly is the rifles intended use,are you wanting a battle rifle chambered in 308 or are you looking to throw some glass on it and stretch the range out a bit, or are you simply wanting something in the middle. If its battle rifles you could look at a PTR91,M1A,or you could build one awesome Saiga conversion with your budget, that being said the only ones of those I see you getting any real precision out of would be the M1A with a ton of upgraded match parts if you bought a base model or the PTR91 converted into a HK PSG1 clone either way be prepared to spend A LOT of money in the process but if you like projects then either of those 3 fit the bill. If I was looking for a more accurate rifle within your budget I would have to go with the Remington R25,its definitely one of the most accurate AR's I have ever owned, Im personally not a fan of the camo or the front handguard but I got over that rather quickly when I started throwing rounds down range with excellent results.
  10. I would be interested in attending as well.
  11. I view 1911's the same way I view Glass on a Precision rifle, you need to save up and get the best one you can afford dont simply run into the store and buy the first one that you can afford with the change in your pocket. Personally there are only 3 real options in this category Wilson Combat,Ed Brown,Nighthawk and thats about it imo.
  12. I was about to say the same thing,maybe a person would whip out some cleaning supplies and make it seem accidental themselves to try and make it to where their family is more at ease rather than having to deal with the thoughts of a loved one committing suicide, I heard on the radio the other day that suicides are up 75% or something nation wide,not sure if there is any truth to that number or not.
  13. Great guns a blast to shoot.love the sights,very accurate,and feels great in my hand.
  14. The way I look at it is which one holds their value better? If both are around the same price then I am definitely going with the Nighthawk due to it being a more recognized name and inevitably holding its value better. Im not saying Hero 1911's arent good(Never shot one though) but when I think of small shop local builders I think of Useltons and how I use to see his $4,000 1911's sitting used on shelves throughout various local gunshops for around $800.
  15. Most accurate handgun I have ever owned out the box is hands down the CZ 75 Tactical Sport mine was 9mm but it also comes in 40, full size mega accurate,best trigger ever, 16 round capacity in 40 and 20 round in 9mm.
  16. Yeah as stated above I would wait for one of those gun buyback deals,they seem to pay ya pretty good for less valuable firearms.
  17. My stainless XDM started getting rust speckles on it within the first week so I sold it immediately.
  18. Maybe the ones in the mall or used for decoration arent actually sharp, I wasnt trying to order some $20 chunk of sheet metal it was a $500 Katana, if you have enough firearms to last several lifetimes I dont see whats wrong with someone adding a nice blade to the collection,or why they are automatically "chodes" but anyways,below is the problem I ran into. WARNING: Dirks / Swords cannot be shipped to AL; CA; CO; CT; DE; NY; TN; D.C.; MA; Miami-Dade & Sarasota counties, FL; Canada or Puerto Rico. Please check your State, County and City laws for restrictions before ordering Dirks / Swords. I believe I read (cant find the link now) that in Tennessee anything with blade length over 4" and has NO OTHER PURPOSE than to inflict serious bodily injury or death via stabbing or slicing is prohibited. The swords at the mall may be legal because they are sold as decoration,and the replicas I have seen have never been actual sharpened swords or "Battle Ready" swords(Maybe some sell sharpened idk) and that may be their loophole. Most blades can be excused to having several uses hunting,camping,fishing,some type of work related task,as to where a 39" razor sharp Katana doesnt work well with the I use it to gut whitetail excuse. I am not a blade expert either just decided to spend some money on one and wasnt allowed to and did a very limited amount of research to try and figure out why I wasnt allowed.
  19. Well they cant be legally shipped to TN,because it wasnt long ago I tried buying one from midway,and it said the item in my cart was prohibited in my state.
  20. I would rather take on someone with a gun if I was unarmed than someone with a REAL katana or the like. Also I do believe Katana's are illegal in the state of TN seeing as how they have a blade over 4" and server no other purpose other than to inflict serious injury or death.
  21. I play Day Z from time to time, I typically get raped by zombies and end up quitting though.
  22. Keep the 238
  23. Wasnt trying to start a caliber war, ballistically the 7.62x39 has alot better penetration than 5.56 so collateral damage should have been way higher had he used that over 5.56. Kind of the same concept as if he had used a Barrett M107 with 2 mags loaded with 707 Grain AP, just not quite to that extreme. I was simply saying we are lucky he went with a rifle that fires a round that travels at extremely high velocity and is designed to fragment on impact rather than punch on through to whatever is behind the original target which in this case would have more than likely been another victim. When there are that many targets in one place stacked on top of one another maximum penetration would seem to be ideal.
  24. Well from the testing I have done personally over the years,after reading the story I thought it was a miracle that more people hadnt been killed since he was using a "AK47" in a crowded theater then I saw the above picture while researching on my own and noticed the AR and instantly thought to myself that explains it. In theory the numbers killed and or injured would have been much higher had he used a 7.62x39 do to its ability to penetrate way better than 5.56, either way it is a horrifying event and my heart goes out to all of the victims and their families.


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