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Everything posted by ~48_South~
So I have meant to ask this question for a while now and it keeps slipping my mind, however a conversation about shtf with some family last night made it pop back up in my head. If a situation were to come about to where you could not bug out via a vehicle and you had to hoof it out,what would you do or what sign would you use to try and let others know you are only passing through and mean no harm to anyone? For example I am 80 miles away from my go to hold up for shtf, if I have to bug out on foot I can travel the 80 miles on foot via the interstate having to go through heavy populated areas putting myself at a great risk, or I can just go off the roadways cut roughly 30 miles or so off my journey. Now the problem lies in when I run into a fellow traveler or property owner who see's some random heavily armed guy on their land or simply in somewhat close proximity to them. Im not a fan of getting shot nor a fan of shooting someone else I just want to get from A to B with as little conflict as possible so what would you guys recommend as sign to show you mean no harm,flag/symbol?
Im a huge Savage fan, have and have had several models(Mostly their"Tactical"line up). Decided to buy a Remington 700 AAC-SD a couple of months ago, got it and put it in the safe while waiting for my B&C Tactical medalist stock to arrive, stock came in a week later went to the safe and pulled the rifle out and to my surprise it was covered and I mean covered in a light haze of rust and yes the safe had 2 Dehumidifers in it. Then once I got the gun thrown together it wouldnt feed properly be it in the B&C stock or the factory hogue stock, it instantly went on the selling block and I will stick with my savages that have never failed me and have always performed better than I could have asked. I spent right at $700 for my 700 out the door and then over another $200 on the B&C stock, I could have bought the Savage from the factory in a nice McMillan for the same price...
VIDEO : Tactical Response Fighting Shotgun
~48_South~ replied to Fitty%'s topic in Training Discussions
Great vid subbed -
This has happened to 2 of my close friends,if I remember correctly one was notified within 24 hours and the other was a couple days later.
BOTACHTactical.com seems to have disappeared.
~48_South~ replied to Beltaine's topic in General Chat
I saw last year around this time they had a great deal on a Eberlstock sniper sled drag bag and instantly ordered it after seeing it was in stock. For some reason I decided to check online reviews for the company after placing my order, and after reading the reviews I definitely started to panic thinking my $170 had possibly just been stolen, I decided to try and call them and surprisingly the guy answered the phone and was quite nice, a few days later I got my order and couldnt have been happier. All of that being said I was probably just one of the lucky ones,but they treated me right the only time I gave them my business.. -
Just got the email myself,I too am done with them if nothing else for the insane price gouging that they tried to pull and are still doing to an extent.
Was he suppose to stand there and get shot in the head while searching to figure out where they were taking fire from or was he suppose to lay down beside the car and hope they eventually stop shooting at the giant target in the road or was he suppose to just start spraying wildly into the distance like RAMBO,could be wrong but dont remember anyone on the teams packing a 240 or 249 so suppressive fire at distance with AR's,AK's,and or definitely MP5's when you have no clue where you are taking fire from likely wont count for jack. So what did he do wrong yep put the car in neutral what a IDIOT I mean we all know when your unarmored car starts getting blasted with rounds and you throw it in gear and punch the gas that and it doesnt go anywhere you should instantly stop check and make sure its not in neutral because we all know bullets cant effect whether a car runs properly or not.....and what if he had done it right and got it in gear for sure the driver of the rear car was taken out instantly,so if he "Did what he should have done" he would have drove off and left his team behind. As far as him laying in the median,yeah sooooo he put distance between himself and the giant target identifiers scattered all over the road, a smart move imo when you are trying to actually survive,ok well he laid in the median"Longer than he should have" maybe he was still trying to get eyes on the enemy so he could put down accurate fire, I mean us smart people know that the break in fire couldnt have simply been due to the enemy fumbling around reloading a PKM or RPD,Yeager is a fool for not knowing the lack of fire means the bad guys are retreating. Sure most of the team instantly stopped what they were doing and immediately started attending to the wounded,and they call Yeager a coward for not doing the same,however it seems as though you would want someone to keep their eyes open for movement incase another spamming of lead and copper may be heading your way, then again Im not on Seal Team 6 so wtf do I know. Others simply dont like Yeager because he doesnt accept responsibility, responsibility for what accidentally putting the car in neutral or the deaths of men on his team,did putting the car in neutral cause lives to be lost or where they already done, if he had started to drive off would he of had to come back for the rear car putting his men in more danger for a longer duration since they all would still infact be inside the unarmored car? I really dont know do you know,I mean Im not sure what the protocol is for contractors under heavy fire in a convoy, if a vehicle goes down are the other vehicles suppose to just drive off and leave the other guys behind or are they suppose to stop and fight,once again I dont know however I highly doubt you are suppose to leave part of your team behind which in this case Yeagers mistake is null and void seeing as how the rear car went down almost instantly and Yeagers mistakingly putting his car in neutral and thinking it was out of service caused him to bail thus causing everyone else to bail could possibly have actually accidentally saved lives(Including his own), not saying it did but it is possible. The way I see it he was a fat cop that was not properly trained for the situation he was presented with at the time of his deployment,it is my understanding at the time the requirements for working as a contractor werent near as strict as they seem to be now. In which case the loss of life and outcome of the situation ultimately would fall on the shoulders of whoever was in charge of selection rather than the people selected themselves imo. I know it sounds like I am a Yeager fanboy,but seeing soooo many people talk of how they have been shot at(Not referring to anyone here) and this and that and judging him calling everything he did mistakes drives me insane. Im sorry but if some sh*t face took a pop shot at you from 800 meters with an AK47 while your cruising around in a armored Humvee you have no clue as to what Yeager or any of the men on that team were experiencing that day and should stfu and go back to lying to everyone about how you were Chuck Norris and how much ass you kicked over there rather than the truth which is how you sat on your ass playing Call of Duty on xbox most of the day(Actually know several soldiers personally that do and did this). Now there are others who have actually gone through similar situations and or worse and have managed to perform almost perfectly,but at the end of the day we are all different and will all respond differently to high stress situations. Is Yeager an Egomaniac?-For Sure Is Yeager a Blowhard?-Imo Yes Would Yeager be my first choice for training?-Definitely Not Does Yeager give some useful advice?-Sure does In the end I like him, sure I dont know him personally and if I had to spend any real amount of time around him Im sure we would probably end up with some fist flying, but I like how raw he is. I respect his idgaf attitude and the way he seems to stick to his guns ,compared to others on youtube his channel is very different and in a way somewhat refreshing to me since he is so far from the norm. Everything above is simply my opinion on him from the somewhat limited amount of research I have done on him in the past and watching the "coward"video. I am not in the forces and have never been ambushed by anything more than a swarm of gnats so my opinion on this matter is really just invalid and a waste of time.
Puppy Shot And Killed For Wandering Into Neighbor's Yard
~48_South~ replied to daddyo's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name='Sour Kraut' timestamp='1353115342' post='846963'] We had Heinzl, Colby bred and various others..never an issue with them being aggressive.Ours is 40 lbs and not a mean bone in her body.She is actually friendlier than our Boxer. It is true they where game bred dogs.And they where smaller and shorter. I still think the huge pits are ugly and do not even look close to what they suppose to look like. If you look at most breeds, they have changed in size ,looks and temperament.And not very many breeds changed for the better.Now they are bred for size and color.Inbreeding and linebreeding by people who do not know what they are doing is ruining the dogs..more and more health problems are showing up .And that is not just with pit bulls..Pretty much any breed. And the backyard breeders are still cranking out pup after pup. No matter..personal preference and seeing what the so called new age breed looks like..I prefer my dogs small ... Time to get off my soapbox.. [/quote] I strongly agree with you on improper breeding procedures,I see(Or use to)kennels that actually market their dogs as being line bred dogs like it is a good thing,you are also right that pitbulls have drastically changed in appearance over the years be it negative or positive it is what the market wants. -
Puppy Shot And Killed For Wandering Into Neighbor's Yard
~48_South~ replied to daddyo's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name='Sour Kraut' timestamp='1353106839' post='846861'] Pits do not suppose to weigh that much..The old time lines..like Jeep,Heinzl and such where never that big..I seen pits that are huge like the Gotti lines.. they are awful looking.Overbred,inbred andruined by people who think bigger is better.Ours is barely 40 lbs and she is an old bloodline..like the suppose to look.The ghetto breeding has ruined the breed..sadly...just saying This wasnt a jab at you.I am just saying.I love pits.We bred and have own this breed for over 20 years now..Dont think I am bitching at you:) [/quote] Some people think the little 50-60 lb pits look awful, small pitbulls were bred to fight, bigger ones are bred to work(Weight Pulls) seeing a 80+lb dog pull 6200+lbs is a sight to see. Typically if I see a small pit I instantly think fighting and start to question whether or not the breeder is using their dogs for illegal activities. The breed is far from ruined simply because you dont like the bigger stronger dogs, as a matter of fact the big pits are what really made them more of a mainstream animal, people admire the size and the strength of the breed, and them going so mainstream has helped greatly in removing the negative stigma attached to the breeds name(Though there is still a ways to go)which was brought on by the reputation of the animals used for fighting which was the old bloodlined small pits such as "Jeep" who was a champion fighting dog bred for sheer aggression and stamina hence why the breed has such a horrible reputation in the first place....just saying. I have had several pits over the years from retired 47lb fighters to the gotti looking wider than they are tall dogs, all have been great dogs each with unique personalities, they have ranged in temperament from bat #### crazy to big lap dogs that would never hurt a fly. -
[quote name='breadstain' timestamp='1352690674' post='844108'] Already my top plan. I'd like to move to eastern Tennessee where there are some mountains. So far I've locked onto two TVA plants and Y12 as places for potential jobs. I don't imagine Oak Ridge would be very difficult for me to get a job there. The pay is good, equal to what I'm going to be making here at full pay (pretty good for a security guard). Thanks to everyone who replied. All of the reasons you love the state are reason I find lacking to stay in Minnesota. I appreciate your comments and as they were all kind, it says something about the residents. I do hope that my 30 guns and I can find a more reasonable place to reside shortly. On that issue, has anyone encountered resistance to creating SBRs? Or any other NFA items? I'd like to get one, but general stupidity is an uphill battle here. Not that everything is illegal, its just that the misconception is that they are illegal, therefore a CLEO signature is pointless. I don't feel like going the trust route, not if I don't have to. If anyone else has anything to add, I like to hear these comments. I'm surprised no one said history. That's one thing I like about TN as well. [/quote] I have only heard of a handfull of people having issues getting LEO sign offs for ANY class 3 item in TN, and it seemed that those people brought it on themselves by acting a fool in public giving them a bad rep. Nashville is a pretty liberal place and people seem like they have had no problems getting their paperwork signed off on there so I imagine just about anywhere you go in TN you should be fine,suppressors and SBR's have really seemed to take off in TN over the last few years. We have a class 3 section on the forum you should check out there are a lot of topics with a fair amount of valuable information there.
Ex Felon Arrested After Shooting Intruders
~48_South~ replied to xRUSTYx's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I think if someone is convicted of a felony and are going to permanently lose all of their rights and drastically decrease their ability to get a good job by 100%+ for the rest of their lives we should just have a spare room in the back of the court house where you put a slug through their head the instance they are convicted. While I dont think all felons should just be running around with guns I do think you should be able to regain your rights after say 7-10 years of sentencing after a review from the courts(Non Violent felons). Hell there is no telling how many people on this forum that have committed some type of crime throughout there life that had they been caught would have ended up with a felony conviction or loss of gun rights at a minimum,only difference between them and the criminal is the criminal got caught imo. -
[quote name='Troutburger' timestamp='1352409176' post='842017'] Once BHO ends the import of foreign ammo 5.45x39 is likely to become rare and expensive. I have a converted Saiga 7.62x39 and had a Wasr10. I just dont see what the big deal is about an ak. Had more jams with that wasr than any of my AR's. I'd buy ammo and save for a 308. [/quote] Yeah but as of right now bulk 223/5.56 cost almost 2.5 times more than 5.45x39 ammo, for example you can get 2,160 rounds of 5.45 for $80+ less than you would pay for 1,000 rounds of 223/5.56 not to mention if you stockpile the ammo and it gets banned then you would be able to sell it off and make a nice profit. WASR's can be thrown together rather sloppy at times and it is not uncommon to find one of those guns that tend to be a lemon,all of my AK's are Arsenal's and they have functioned great with thousands of rounds put through them,not saying they are just better than a AR but they seem as though they are WAY more forgiving when it comes to neglect.
I would get a AK in 5.45x39 and train with it if funds tend to be tight, the ammo is soooo cheap for that gun so you would be able to spend alot more time shooting for alot less money than 5.56 or 308. Not to mention the AK would be a good investment to have if the government decides to get serious about banning "EVIL" rifles.
No, dude(Cory)has whored that chick out to get views for quite some time now. I use to follow him back when he hardly had any subscribers,then the more he put her in videos shooting stuff wearing shorts it seemed the more his channel grew. Cory seems as though he is quite a skilled shooter,he is extremely fast and thats what drew me to subbing his channel in the first place. He started putting the chick (Erika) in his vids and his channel started growing, ofcourse everyone wanted more and more of her in the video's and it seemed as though it got to a point where she was the only one in the videos doing any instructing. She had basically 0 experience with firearms much less actual training,she has improved greatly since she first started but still she has nothing to offer me and I personally would never trust her firearms advice(She is still way to new to the game and goes off the experiences of others rather than her own). Finally unsubscribed from them when she got focused on some butterfly flying around or something rather than the training at hand in one of their videos. It makes me mad that people that apparently have never seen a girls ass in shorts managed to control the direction in which his channel grew,but hey its the world we live in and sex sells.
My place has had bait on it for the past several years,that being said I have not allowed anyone to hunt my property nor have I hunted it while baited. When I want to hunt I typically go to one of my family members places(More Land),this however is the first year I have strongly considered hunting my own place due to it appearing to be over run with bucks 2:1 buck to doe ratio atleast from what Im gathering on my cameras. Anyways I looked up the legalities of hunting over bait and to no surprise its illegal,however it is my understanding if I do decide to hunt I have to remove ALL bait a minimum of 10 days before hunting and that is no problem for me. I was in academy the other night wearing my camo overalls and camo jacket and noticed they had corn cheaper than what I had been paying and as I was checking out I actually stopped and thought how bad this probably looks to others.
My daughter got her first deer this morning.
~48_South~ replied to jtmaze's topic in Hunting and Fishing
Glad I looked at all the pictures before commenting lol, nice buck to bad about the car but glad to hear she is okay. Ive been seeing more and more hit on the interstate lately definitely has me driving with my eyes peeled. -
Well he came out this morning like I had hoped for unfortunately he never showed me the injury. However you can see where the skin looks ripped and blown out almost looks like an exit hole on a paint can or something. Any idea what the dark spot on his front left shoulder/chest could be,what are the odds of a buck getting shot where the little spot is and the bullet exiting in front of his hip but on the same side and it surviving,seems like that bullet would cause a ton of damage on a trip that far through the deer???
Its really hard to explain what draws me to it, it always seems to keep you on the edge of your seat and craving more of the show. I got the first season thinking wth Ill give it a shot and see what this is all about 13 hours later I finished the first season and went and got the second(didnt start watching until 4th season was beginning) did the same thing on my off days with all of the other seasons. A friend of mine finally watched it after weeks of me telling him how good it was,same thing happened to him started on the first season and ended up wasting the whole day watching the first season and then went on to the next seasons as I did. This show will piss you off sometimes,make you sad others , and has some funny moments as well. I find it way better than the other shows people constantly talk about such as Dexter or Breaking Bad but thats just me. Netflix has the first couple of seasons now so if you have that just check it out and see what ya think.
Im hoping he comes out some during daylight so I can get some better pictures of it and maybe a better idea of what happened. I thought maybe a fence at first but the actual hole doesnt look like it would have the right angle unless it was a through and through in which case I would think he would have been permanently stuck on it.
So a new buck showed up on the cam lastnight and it appears as though he has a pretty major wound. It seems as though he is getting around ok but do any of you have a clue as to what it could be from? Only thing I could think of is maybe he was gored by another buck,but I really have no clue.
Awesome bucks
I have had 2 Primos Cams a 35 and I currently own the 46 both were excellent cams especially for the price, I had bought some Cam from WalMart that was horrible so I went to bass pro and ended up with Primos, Alot of people say Cuddyback are the best but I really dont see why,my Primos 46 seems to do everything that the $250 Cuddyback does except the cuddyback is smaller an cost twice as much,that being said alot of people swear by them so they must be doing something right. The Primos super model 2 looks to be a sweet cam, I think its 7mp and it records audio with the video which I think only a couple of cams do you, can also view photos directly on the cam because its has like a 2.5" lcd display,they are the high end for Primos and pushing cuddyback prices but seem to have a bunch more features I will no doubt pick one up when I feel its time to upgrade.
Thats the problem they never posted the results lol,and I have yet to be able to find where anyone has experimented putting that much pressure on whitetail and noted their success with it. With rut getting so close Im going to stick to what I have been doing and hope and opportunity on the big buck presents itself, after this season I am going to try some different things throughout next summer leading into fall and see how they respond to it simply for the sake of curiosity.
Thats what I was thinking,they seem to have a schedule they typically go by, they show up about the same time every evening and take off about the same time every morning. The only thing is they dont seem to mind me checking the camera's for whatever reason, in all honesty I get more deer on it when checking it daily than when I let it stay out for several days Im sure thats a fluke however,now them not typically showing up during daylight hours could be due to me going down there but they act as though my sent is gone by evening or they just ignore it and come out anyways. Only reason I asked the question is I was reading another forum and a guy said he only had nocturnal deer and someone mentioned for him to try what I said in my original post and see if it got results,to which I have never heard anyone mention that strategy before so I thought I would ask.