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Everything posted by ~48_South~

  1.   Regardless of how you want to look at it the father murdered a man according to Texas Penal Code Title 5 Chapter 19 Sec 19.02.
  2. The guy should go to prison, he broke laws and should pay for doing so and I do not mean a slap on the wrist. He killed the guy at the scene,for all I know the driver was knocked unconscious from the wreck and was shot in the head without the father even knowing the driver was drunk. I mean the dad walked home got a gun returned to the scene and shot the guy, that is definitely premeditated in my book, not to mention the story says he had his kids helping him push his truck up a dark, narrow, rural road,if by dark they mean night time then the father is a fool imo for putting his families safety in harms way and is partly responsible for the death of his kids and may even be fully responsible depending on the facts, I havent seen the road but there are situations where a person wouldnt have been able to stop their car in time drunk or not, blind curve,top of a hill who knows. There are places all around my house on rural roads that if you were sitting still or pushing a vehicle in certain spots you would get hit 6 out of 7 days of the week.  The father knew what he did was wrong hence why he dumped the gun before the cops showed up, to me it doesnt sound like he flipped #### in a fit of rage,he left his injured,dying,dead family to walk home get a gun kill a man and then get rid of the gun before law enforcement showed up.....temporary insanity doesnt sound like it in my book, to me it sounds like a guy who was more pissed off with the damage to his truck than the well being of his family, I would have never been able to leave my family laying there and the only thing running through my mind would be what can I do to help save them. Had he stayed with his family and later killed the guy after the tox results I would be bit more sympathetic though it doesnt make it any more right when it comes to legalities.   Now I know it sounds like Im taking up for the drunk guy and that is definitely not the case...I do not agree with drunk driving and I do believe if you take a life in a DUI you should lose yours and if you are a repeat offender then the previously stated should apply to you under a form of prevention.
  3. ~48_South~

    Keltec RFB?

    Only thing I know about them is the problems Sturmgewehre had with his short stroking,a rifle in the $1500+ range would have to have exellent reviews to make that purchase. Im sure you already know the RFB takes FAL mags, and being a SA58 Para tactical owner I can tell you those mags are not cheap currently.
  4. TOP TIER- LEWIS MACHINE AND TOOL(LMT),BCM,DD,LWRC,NOVESKE,KNIGHTS ARMAMENT(KAC),POF,BARRETT,and last I can think of but not least LARUE. Im adding the RUGER SR-556c to the top tier list as well, was going to use it as a mid tier, but it has out performed 2 rifles I own on my top tier list so I guess it deserves a spot there.     But LOWER TIER IMO- DPMS,DOUBLESTAR,BUSHMASTER,RED JACKET,STAG ARMS,ROCK RIVER,SMITH AND WESSON,and random other AR manufacturers. Just because I listed them in low tier does not mean I think it is a bad rifle, lower tier is just what I consider to be more on the realm of entry level rifle for the average person.   7.62x39 for Home Defense is a bad idea imo, that thing penetrates pretty well and will no doubt go through a few walls, if you want a rifle for home defense stick to 5.56 or a pistol caliber carbine.
  5. The top is rocking a JAE Stock(J. Allen Enterprises) depending on options it will cost you $1,000+ I ordered one for mine and I think it was $1400 with the options I got,however after waiting for 10 months and still no word on a completion date I decided to cancel my order. Now I dont know what glass or can is on it, but just going on a they probably used the good stuff Im going with the price of atleast $4,000 between the glass and the stock that is ofcourse if its Premiere,USO or equivalent glass. Thats not counting the rifle or can to which if the rifle is a custom build you can be looking at some serious coin on a rifle whos accuracy can be met for far less.
  6. Slip fall bang shoots woman in red laying on the floor.
  7.  I guess my Remington 700 AAC is the only one that had a poor finish that rust easily.
  8.  The Savage 10 FCP-K is definitely the one I would recommend in your price range, it will run you around $750 ish, it has a heavy barrel that is fluted,accu trigger, and already has a muzzle brake installed that definitely makes it a pleasant shooter. I would avoid the cheaper Remingtons at all cost like the Model 700 AAC-SD bought one a little while ago,sat it in the safe the day I got it to wait on some parts I ordered for it to arrive, when I pulled it out a week later it was covered in rust as to where I have never had any issues with the performance or finish from my Savages.
  9.  Oh hell, I cant believe someone would do something so stupid, I have no doubt this picture will end up pushing lawmakers into implementing a full on confiscation of all firearms nationwide.....he's not dressed in a suit,he has to many tattoos,he isnt wearing his gun the way I feel he should be,he isnt carrying the gun I think he should be, Im sure his IQ is that of someone whos head has been ran over by a bulldozer. Shame on him for attending and making the rest of us look bad. Lord knows had he not been there the media would have done nothing short of holding second amendment supporters on their shoulders while screaming their love for us in the streets  :shake: .
  10.  Not all of the open bolts are FA,but all of the FA's are open bolt. They stopped manufacturing the open bolt semi's some time ago due to "How easy it is to convert to FA" or atleast thats the way I understand it. In no way would I spend extra on a open bolt over the closed,basically it is a huge pistol that is clunky and the sights suck, you are way better off spending the money on a modern handgun Glock,Sig or whatever. It looks cool but thats really it,unless its one of the FA models I wouldnt mess with it at all and even the FA you will need to get you a Lage upper to throw on it which will cost you another 600+ and I had several thousand to put towards a FA it would go to a UZI or AC556.
  11. Ill be there with a minimum of 3 including myself
  12.  I would be very surprised if it didnt go all the way through, I know someone personally that did the same thing but it was with a 20 gauge and bird shot and it blew a couple of shingles off the roof.
  13. I agree with others on the Sig 220 make it a Sig 220 Elite and you will really love it. 
  14. From your list I would buy the M&P 9MM and 45, if it was me personally buying under the carry class take away M&P and replace with Glock(Cant stand M&P factory triggers), if I wasnt necessarily looking to carry and wanted a fun gun to shoot I would go HK USP Tactical in 45 and CZ75 Tactical Sport in 9mm(Both models are large guns and $1k+ roughly though)they are hands down 2 of my favorite handguns to take to the range.
  15.  Im a little confused as why you would buy 10 round mags when you already have 20 Mags for the weapon, buy 10 rounders just in case of what? I hope a lot of the 10 rounders got bought up by people who do not have a safe full of magazines for their weapon and could not find or is not willing to pay a premium for a couple extra mags for their handgun. 
  16. Nobody in particular, fact of the matter is tons of soldiers come home and spew out bs battle stories that never happen to try and make themselves look like war heroes (Not referring to anyone here rather some I've met personally)so I'm hesitant to buy into the everyone overseas has experienced this type of combat environment hoopla. The ones that I know personally who have been through the ringer never bring it up,they don't down or diss people that do stupid things in battle,at most they simply say James or whoever made a mistake in the heat of the moment and leave it at that. Now take another marine I know, he would watch the Yeager firefight and call him a p**sy coward and go on to explain how he has been in worse situations and ran over and ninja chopped all the bad guys into submission while he used magic powers and healed all of his wounded team in the process, when in reality he was infact the punk who never saw any real battle and damn near went AWOL before deyployment and and did nothing but cry about how he didn't want to be in Iraq. As a matter of fact most soldiers I know personally that talk the big game are bullsh**ters and I know a bunch so you should understand why I'm more hesitant to just instantly believe what soldiers tell me they have in fact experienced. Heros are still called heros for a reason,not everyone has it in them to sacrifice themselves in order to protect or save the lives of others. I have the most respect for people of all branches of military and law enforcement and thank God for their services and sacrifices they've made on our countries behalf and on the behalf of people such as myself. However some soldiers tend to give others a bad name and for whatever reason I seem to know more than a handful of those.
  17.    Nope just dont like hearing him called a coward for the move overseas, when majority of people who call him that, have never been in that situation even if they say they have been. Big difference having pop shots taken at you from 800 meters than having you car instantly get shredded. If people talked crazy about that cop that hid behind his car and begged for his life while he was getting gunned down by the nut with the M1 I would defend him as well.  Not a member of Getoffthex.com,just seen the firefight video with James and think most people who judge it have no clue what they are talking about. Same thing with the steroids, is that even fact,or is it possible he really did get on a better diet and start working out?    Yeager keeps getting compared to soldiers as well, he wasnt a soldier he was a cop and was definitely lacking the propper training. Soldiers are better trained to deal with situations such as dealing with friendly casualties than leo's imo.   It should be noted I dont think what he did in the video was good move by any means,I personally didnt find anything wrong with it because I always wrote it off as him talking shit,and never thought he would have been popular enough for that video to take off the way it did. I mean there are far worse videos on the net from people I consider to be true tinfoil hat batshit crazy that have never even been given a second look.
  18. I never would have thought there were so many Internet commandos on this forum. The way some of you bad mouth him I would swear you must have caught Yeager slinging it to your wives. If you have never had your shit rattled by a rpk,pkm,or ak47 while sitting in an unarmored car you should probably lay off the coward thing a bit. For example some have said they think exactly what Yeager stated but would never say it, why not, are you a coward? I'm sure your reply to the previous is "No because I'm not an idiot" so I now ask have you ever shot up a car with 7.62x39, well I have and they zip right through so call him a coward for taking cover in a ditch rather than staying behind the giant light skinned lead magnet, I don't think you're much help to your team dead...just saying. I mean I don't expect everyone to like him but damn,everytime I've seen a coue of you post in any thread mentioning his name you can't seem to help yourself from spewing rediculous BS in your post, and honestly I can't help but to think your manly hood must somehow be threatened by him.
  19.  Oh boy this may go bad,Yeager looks like a wreck on his own youtube vids much less national tv, throw in his personality and constant dropping of F Bombs and you end up with a catastrophic interview, although it may be quite entertaining at the same time. 
  20.  Well you should know before purchasing if there is a legitimate reason to which you may be rejected from purchasing a firearm, now that being said often times people do wrongly get their paperwork denied normally over a simple mix up via one of the parties involved. Simply fill out and send off your appeal that the gun store will supply you with and they will notify you when your paperwork comes back clear and you can pick up your firearm. If there is no legitimate reason for you being denied(IE no criminal charges pending or new convictions or old convictions for first time buyers) your paperwork will come back clear after the appeal.     Bottom line if you think there may be something legally binding that will prevent your paperwork getting approved I would not order a gun online before going to my lgs and getting a green light.
  21.    I think he just realized that most of the firearms community does not support him, to which he was right.  Conservatives in general sit back and do a lot of thumb twiddling and keyboard typing and we hardly ever get things done due to it. Liberals get out and raise ten kinds of hell and typically get results, and if we keep sitting back and doing what we always do the liberals will indeed take everything from us(In no way saying to grab your guns). I mean the reason gun control laws are even a topic is because politicians know we wont do a damn thing to defend our rights we will just roll over let them do whatever they want and that will be the end of it. If they knew that there would be 20+ million well armed people hunting them down if they even thought about trying to impose more strict gun control we wouldnt be going through all the BS that we are now, politicians would avoid that shit like the plague. I will agree that what he did was VERY idiotic but then again Yeager isnt known for being the brightest person(Though he says he is a genius). I watch pretty much all of his videos and I guess Ive been numbed to him in the process because while watching the video I wasnt shocked at all by what he said, and thought it was a little weird that so many others seemed to be.   If you want to see a good video on the issue Travis Haley put one out that was really good imho, I would embed it but I dont know how... :shrug:
  22. He definitely made a mistake saying that in public. I can understand where he is coming from though, and I think the last part of the video may have been misunderstood by the majority of people. Yeager forgets most of the gun community are weak and would rush to turn over their weapons given something like a full on confiscation were put into effect and though they may complain a little would give up their 2@ rights with little to no resistance. I think he truly believes it is going to come down to a fight,hence why he puts out videos saying such things..but at the end of the day only a handful of people would be willing to take up arms and fight to which they would be shot down and labeled lunatics and domestic terrorist by the rest of the country(even the Pro 2@ community) and they would have ultimately died for nothing.
  23.  I have been there several times and have yet to see the long distance ranges crowded 200,300,400yd I believe(This is the side I normally shoot when visiting). The 25-100yd range or whatever it is seems to be a high traffic area though. Overall it is a nice range and seems to be well kept and is actually quite a large place overall, before you shoot just stop at the pro shop to the right of the drive be sure to pay and if you have any questions just ask them they are nice people.
  24. Good story Brian,well balanced indeed.
  25.  Great input everyone much appreciated, I live in a somewhat rural area and own roughly 30 acres of land that connects to my neighbors who own a couple hundred acres. My problem with bugging in,is that I do not have a good water source  anywhere near my house or food source for that matter and my relatives place that I would go to if I bugged out is good to go with a food supply,water supply and actual water sources and food sources(they also prep). Problem lies in bugging out I will no doubt end up having to pass through more populated areas, my pack is pretty light as I keep majority of my gear at my bug out destination and only have my pack loaded with the essentials I see fit to get me to that destination. I figure if something were to ever happen to where I had to bug out and roadways were not driveable it would be better to get on the move immediately rather than wait it out for any amount of time, reason being in my mind as soon as such an event occurs I would figure most people would still be in shock in the beginning and less likely to harm someone else at that point in time as they would say a week after such an event.


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