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Everything posted by ~48_South~

  1. I know the Arsenals are simply imported Saiga's that are then converted from the sporting configuration back to their original AK glory with all new parts(US Made). Then the WASR's are typically built from imported parts kits. The Saiga itself is allowed to be imported as a whole rifle due to the way its sporting configuration from the factory in Russia (no pistol grip,no muzzle brake/flash hider,dont think it can accept regular AK mags from the factory but dont hold me to that basically no "EVIL" features). When you start tinkering with imported sporting rifles you need to be aware of 922r to avoid any legal issues down the road.
  2. You Betcha haha
  3. Ahh nice guns and Im pretty sure you let me fondle these while you were buying a gun from a friend of mine lol.
  4.   Ive read stories like this as well funny thing is the same drug from the same manufacturer is sold in Mexico for $100 a dose and even in the US anti venom is typically sold to hospitals for around $4,000 a dose but when asked how much they charge a patient for the dose figures rose to 2-3 times that amount on average and some reported as high as $40,000+ a dose. 
  5.  I personally like 308 for various reasons that arent really applicable here so that being said 270 tends to have a little better ballistics than 308 at range so thats what I would go with in your situation. But that also depends on if he will be mostly hunting in the woods or hunting a nice field. The higher velocity 270 tends to fly a fair amount flatter but the lower velocity often heavier 308 will likely do better in light brush.
  6. 22 Mares leg yes item ID H001ML, 22 mares leg stainless no havent seen one. That being said its possible it may be a distributor special that isnt advertised on their website I know several manufacturers do that such as Remington and Savage.
  7. Apparently there are a few videos of him, for whatever reason the video wont load for me in the link so I dont know which video you guys watched but I googled the title and pulled up one of him talking shizz about Kerry and the UN over the UN arms treaty and goes on to tear up a paper to which is supposed to represent the arms treaty and yells "come and take it mother f-ers) before going full auto. Im sure it has a lot more to do with the hostile tone towards Kerry and the UN than him firing a MG thats getting all the attention. I have to admit hes cool in my book though.
  8.  Definitely cannot agree with you on the M1A/M14 reliability aspect over the other 2 choices. I mean the G3/91 style rifles are straight up tanks,and the FAL's adjustable gas system really helps it out when running in the funk or crappy ammo. Also from my experience the M1A's accuracy really isnt that much better than the PTR 91 if at all, accuracy with the FAL isnt super bad considering the factory trigger on my DSA Para Tac 16"  was 10+lbs(Ordered a Jard). Ive owned 5 or 6 M1A's over 4 different models and compared to my FAL or PTR they just dont do it for me. Can the M1A be made more accurate...sure with a one off build or maybe picking up a Super Match or National Match, even then the only ones that are known for reliability are custom built M14's like LRB or Smiths with forged receivers and actual USGI parts to which a Springfield M1A has neither last I checked. Even then your spending $2,500+ to try and get the kind of reliability that the 91/G3 and FAL's already have then consider that $2,500+ LRB has horrible ergo's compared to the other two so you have to spend another $1,000 on a good chassis at this point you have $3,500+ invested to make it on par with the other 2(IMO),and even then the accuracy isnt going to be anything to write home about and at this price point you are now in Scar 17s,and LaRue OBR/PredatorOBR territory and though LRB's and Smiths are great I personally decided to go with a more modern platform at that price point so I have the 17s and if I decide to spend that much on another 7.62 platform I no doubt will be ordering a LaRue. Also there are plenty of options for FAL's and G3/91's  the only thing I can remotely think of thats more available for the M1A than the other 2 are chassis systems and well the other 2 rifles designs prevent the need for them so thats kind of null and void. Everyone is understandably going to have varying opinions on which weapon platform they prefer however I just dont think its as cut and dry as you make it sound in favor of the M1A/M14 series.
  9. I bought one from Buds a while back it had to be sent back to Bushmaster after the very first shot for repairs, and when it got back to me I sold it and never looked back.
  10.  The beginning of End of Watch when he is going through his locker showing you his stuff. Holds up his handgun and says "Department issued Glock 19" when you can clearly see it say 22 on the slide, then he pulls out his knife and says "Spiderco Tactical Knife" yet you can see it says Smith&Wesson on the blade. That was probably the funniest one Ive seen simply because I dont understand how his lines could end up so wrong compared to the actual equipment in hand.
  11. I thought the service life portion was a bit funny myself,also thought the accuracy (MOA) portion was amusing seeing as how if I had a AK that shot a minimum of 8 MOA or an AR that shot a minimum of 6 MOA they no doubt would both be sold and I would never purchase another firearm from either manufacturer. Ive also seen the AK47 and 74 both perform well past 400 yards and have seen AR15's perform well past 600 regularly so I cant agree with the max effective range data. 
  12. ~48_South~

    AK 74 Issue

    I have had great success with Tapco Mags in my Arsenals in both 5.45 and 7.62 so I doubt as though the mags are the issue especially if it does it with all 4. Troy at In Range is your best bet for work that needs to be done on more of a local level from what I gather so you should get with him http://www.inrangec2.com/ (I have not used him personally but Ive read great things about his work) .Sorry I cant help you more,hope you can get it figured out and up and running soon.
  13.  I say Glock reason being speed, basically the Glock is faster imo and is the easier of the two to become proficient with. Mainly due to the triggers and how each gun would be most likely carried on your person. First shot on the Sig from a fast draw would be in Double Action only and for most people they struggle a lot with that including myself, what I did with my Sigs is I would draw fire from double action decock and reholster and repeat once I finally got to where I felt I was good enough firing from double I started trying double taps and going from double to single was as every bit as difficult to get myself accustomed to than drawing and firing from double in a timely fashion.  The Glock I draw and can put several rounds on target more accurately and twice as fast as I could with the Sig so that ultimately was the deciding factor for me. Not to mention the amount of modifications you can do to a Glock, in less than 10 minutes you can turn a Glock from a stock out the box handgun to a fire breathing full on race pistol and back again.
  14. Yeah Im curious if it was an early example and had the carrier tilt going on I imagine it can have a effect on accuracy but Im not expert on the issue, and if that were the case maybe at the time Ruger didnt know of the problem ofcourse I could be way wrong and they may just have horrible customer service(hope thats not the case) they arent cheap rifles, I think my 556c set me back $1500 so they should definitely take care of the customer if they are having an issue.   Also as stated a couple post above the Ruger is a front heavy rifle,even my sr556c feels significantly more front heavy than my kac and lmt, however the last time I held the sr556e it felt like it balanced great,not to mention it can be had for several hundred less than the 556c.
  15.    Thats interesting mine shoots right at 1.25 MOA with 55gr PMC, and it blisters everything I have put it against in the same category in the accuracy dept shooting the same round. As a matter of fact if you google SR556 accuracy the whole page is pretty much nothing but people raving about how accurate of a rifle it is, gunblast did a review on it and said they are getting .5 MOA with Black Hils 69gr as a matter of fact out of the 8 different brands of ammo tested only 2 shot over 1.3 MOA for him(SS109 2.2MOA and 55gr winchester 2.9 MOA) and 3 different brands shot sub MOA,one of which was a .8 and the other two were shooting .5 and after putting several thousand rounds through mine I cant help but to agree with his findings,though I will admit I have never shot match ammo out of mine or tried a bunch of different rounds to see what it likes best. Not saying something wasnt wrong with the examples you shot but I definitely dont think its the norm for this rifle.   I just noticed gunblast was doing their test on the 556c(14.5") which happens to be the same model I have which seems to be less common than the standard 556e model,so maybe the 556c models hold way better accuracy than the E's I dont know. Well just found another review from gunblast running a standard SR 556, and while it didnt achieve as good of groups with match ammo as the 556c it never shot over 1.75 MOA with any round tested and still had 3 brands shooting sub MOA so I dont know once again.
  16. I like the SR556, Ive put a lot of rounds down range out of my 556c and the thing is a dream. Its probably my favorite AR to shoot out of the ones I have and thats running against a LMT LM8,and a KAC SR-15. I shoot more accurately with the SR556 than the LMT or the KAC and so does everyone else who shoots them. I decided to just let the SR556 run dirty to see how long before I would get a malfunction and though I havent been shooting much since the whole scare thing I am probably at around 1300 rounds without so much as a drop of lube, and I run the rifle hot and fast. The only thing with the 556 is the early models had an issue with carrier tilt which Ruger has since corrected. The factory trigger on the Ruger also felt a bit heavy compared to what I remember my other AR's feeling like but first thing I did on everyone of them was change them all out for timney's and geissele's . I havent owned a Colt in years but I am sure they are fine rifles,better than my SR556 doubtful but your mileage may vary.
  17. Dont know about locally,however there are a ton of them on GB selling for about $300-$400 less than that.
  18. Yeah go butane and you should solve the problem,I personally have packs of bics.
  19.  I think "purge night" would by far be the most silent night of the year lol. All crime is legal for 12 hours,the chances of you simply walking outside and immediately getting shot in the face would have even the most notorious of criminals hiding in a cave somewhere.
  20. As others have said its a no go from me on the Cetme, if you like the HK 91 style rifles I would go with a PTR 91, good gun,reliable and the mags are dirt cheap only down side is the recoil on the 91 style rifles is pretty rough for a battle rifle due to its roller delayed blowback action as opposed to its gas operated competitors,it also beats up brass pretty good.the PTR91 can be had on GB right now for $1200+ish(Pretty much pre panic price maybe $100 over) and I can go ahead and tell you it is a way better rifle than the cetme. Now once again I agree with some other posters above and would recommend the FAL specifically the DS Arms SA 58, I have the SA58 Para Tactical Carbine which is a 16" fluted folder with a top rail on the receiver for optics and a quad rail, and let me tell you I love love love this rifle,it has an adjustable gas system so the rifle will run with pretty much any ammunition and in some really dirty conditions, if you order directly from DSA you can have them build the gun to your liking with whatever options you want, my SA58 set me back about $2,000 but just the folding stock adds right at $300 to the price tag over the standard stock and I will go ahead and tell you if you are a right handed shooter you do not want the para stock, I shoot lefty but if I hold it righty and grip high like I tend to do the folding mechanism digs into your hand while shooting, other than that the SA58 is one bad dude.A standard SA58 could be had pre panic for about $1400ish on BUDS. Only thing with the SA58 is read the instructions on adjusting the gas system before shooting it,mine came from the factory fully closed and it was trying to rip the head off the casing when ejecting the brass,my FAL runs perfect almost fully open which leaves a lot of room for adjustment should it start getting real dirty or gunked up. The M1A is not a bad option as well however I dont think it is quite as reliable as the PTR or FAL( I have owned 2 Socom 16's, a Scout and a Standard before someone says I must not have ever owned one)but it does seem more accurate to me and feels better balanced, ofcourse all of that is simply a matter of opinion as I have done no real comparison testing between them so take it for what you will. One thing I like about the M1A is the amount of aftermarket accessories available for them, I mean you can turn those things into everything from an extremely accurate match rifle to the most tacticooool of tacticooool rifles, the only downside is none of thats cheap when it comes to the M1A,however the other rifles dont really have a bunch of options when compared to the M1A especially the FAL. My favorite of the M1A's I owned were the Socoms,both were bought pre panic one used for $1,000 and one new for $1,400 I think,however the M1A seems to have the highest price increase post panic they still seem to be selling with a $700-$800(Atleast the Socom 16) premium attached to them while the other rifles listed are selling for MSRP or lower. In the end it really just boils down to your intended use for the rifle,but for me the FAL won my heart,I even prefer it even over my 17s,that being said I like the M1A better than my 17s as well.
  21. Been doing a lot of research on this over the past couple days and people seem to like the Gamo CFX since it is fix barreled they say it is more accurate than your break barrel options in that price range (it is still a spring piston gun), if your budget is $300 you could get a Benjamin Discovery for maybe $330 including pump or for around $100 more you can get a Benjamin Marauder which is one bad dude, they are both PCP(Pre Charged Pneumatics) rifles which everyone act like PCP is the cats meow when it comes to air rifles,the rifle has a high pressure air tank built into the rifle, some like the discovery can be pumped with a hand pump others with higher tank pressure need to be filled with by a oxygen tank, a lot of PCP owners just go ahead and buy a diving tank or what not so they have air on demand to refill if they cant or dont feel like using the pump.   Spring Piston Pro's- Less finicky than PCP rifles,dont have to worry about refilling your rifle with compressed air you always have air on demand, some like that spring pistons feel more like a real gun when fired recoil and so on.   PCP Pro's- Insanely accurate,most are semi auto,no pumping between shots,typically spring piston guns are not supposed to be left cocked(charged with air) for more than 10 mins or so,with PCP that isnt an issue and you dont have to worry about scaring away game while loading like you would with a spring piston,most PCP rifles have a velocity adjustment so you can go for a lot of velocity but more air cost per shot or less velocity and less air spent per shot,typically PCP rifles fire at higher velocities than spring piston.   Bottom line from all the stuff I have read online I have gathered basically if you get good shooting a spring piston rifle you will be good at shooting anything, if you get good shooting a PCP rifle well...you will be good at shooting a PCP rifle lol. My take on it is its like comparing a factory Glock(Springer rifle) to a custom 1911 race gun(PCP Rifles).
  22. Check out EdgunUSA on youtube, he has a fair amount of reviews on rifles and is quite the shot with them. Only problem is most of the rifles he uses are really high end items.
  23.  Had to look up the lures(I mostly fish for cats) and there is no way I could cast a $200 lure,those 3:16 lures literally cost more than my rod and real combined. I would have to switch to 65lb test and have scuba gear on standby incase I ever got it hung up before I let one of those hit the water,they really are beautiful though.
  24. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-57568871-504083/david-barajas-texas-man-charged-in-fatal-shooting-of-suspected-drunk-driver-who-killed-his-sons-authorities-say/   That isnt the exact link I read yesterday but its close enough, I just googled the fathers name trying to find more information on what happened. It says the driver had blood alcohol lvl of .175 which I think is suppose to be big time under the influence from what I understand but I know nothing about all of that.
  25.   Nor am I,however I thought I would look up the laws on the books in Texas Im sure the father would fall under one of the 2 what I assume to be defenses to murder below. Which would maybe get him down to manslaughter which is a 2nd Degree felony in Texas with a punishment from 2-20 years in prison and a fine not to exceed 10k.     Sec. 19.02. MURDER. (a) In this section: (1) "Adequate cause" means cause that would commonly produce a degree of anger, rage, resentment, or terror in a person of ordinary temper, sufficient to render the mind incapable of cool reflection. (2) "Sudden passion" means passion directly caused by and arising out of provocation by the individual killed or another acting with the person killed which passion arises at the time of the offense and is not solely the result of former provocation.   All in all Im saying the father did in fact commit a crime according to the books, from the majority of responses on here I can only gather that if one were to get into an accident to where another party may be injured you need to make sure you are condition 1 and ready to draw before seeing if you can offer help.   Sad thing for everyone involved and I will be praying for both families.


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