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Everything posted by ~48_South~

  1. I would suggest you not tell the cops that he informed you he was unarmed and he stated that he had no intentions on harming you if you did infact ever end up shooting someone under those circumstances. From my understanding of the law,yes you should let him go,simply call the cops and hope they can catch him. I personally would probably drop him (Non Vital) but in doing so I would expect to be arrested and probably sued by the person who was commiting the crime. The guy being twice my size would have me on edge even if I knew he wasnt armed due to me being afraid he would try and get my weapon from me,so if he did anything other than lay flat or possibly haul ass the other way he got shot. Do I feel bad the guy got shot breaking into someones house...NO, I personally feel that anyone intruding someones place of residence should be free target practice for the homeowner, and there are several reasons I feel that way. For starters if someone breaks into your house knowing there is a strong possibility someone is home such as cars in the driveway a light on in the kitchen or something like that then I feel the intruder is more dangerous and probably has the mind set of harming you rather than surrendering should a conflict occur, also even if a person broke in and had no intentions of hurting anyone and lets say they thought nobody was home while they were doing it but all of a sudden you pop out of nowhere, odds are that moment where you confront each other the intruder will be just as terrified as you,now the typical person will always try and escape danger rather than confront it, but if the route of their escape becomes obstructed during all that then the situation gets to a whole different level of serious imo. Like I said a criminal could have no intentions of harming you,but when he feels his life is at risk and there is no way to escape I imagine most will do whatever they can to stay alive or escape,including using violent force against you the homeowner. The only case of home defense that I felt was wrong is where the guy calls 911 because his neighbors house had been broke into, the operator instructs the guy to not go outside more than once all while he is telling the Operator he is about to kill the criminals, he runs outside and shoots them both in the back with a shotgun anyways,and is said to be a hero(even though both men were unarmed and shot in the back in broad daylight). Now all of that being said the part that bothers me is he was instructed 14 times by dispatch NOT TO GO OUTSIDE and confront the criminals, he does so anyways kills them both and then runs back in saying he didnt have a choice when it came to shooting them.
  2. When they say its producing the recoil of 10 30-06's they mean when you fire the weapon the felt recoil is 200+lbs and seeing as how typically 30-06's produce only 20lbs of felt recoil they are right in saying its like firing 10 30-06's at one time. Keep in mind, in the video the recoil is literally knocking the chair back,something a 8lb 30-06 doesnt do. When I first saw this thread I crunched the numbers in the same way you did but realized after the fact that they couldnt be talking about the ROUND simply producing 200lbs of recoil not including rifle weight,they had to be talking about the felt recoil of that round being fired out of that gun is 200+lbs of felt recoil. My main long range stick is chambered in 338 Lapua Mag, and my 338 produces 37lbs of recoil out of a 9.5lb rifle which is almost double the recoil of a 8lb 30-06 and the recoil of my 338 is no where near that of the recoil in the video.
  3. You can buy the Arsenal SGL-21 61 off of BUDS for only $747 (Not including transfer+BG). If you are wanting a cheaper AK maybe look into the Norinco MAK-90's they are built to really good specs,but then again all AK prices have gone up so I would stick with the Arsenal( I own 2 SGL-21's and a SLG-31) all of mine have functioned above and beyond what I expected them to.
  4. I have owned the Socom 16,Scout,an currently own the Standard they have always worked well for me and have yet to let me down. I typically shoot 168's out of mine. I ordered a JAE stock for my Standard about 2 weeks ago now just have to wait the 10 months for it to get here.
  5. Yes you use to be able to purchase handguns at Wal Mart I was just a kid but remember it. My first handgun was a Commemorative Pacific Theater of Operations Colt 1911 still have it ofcourse.
  6. LMFAO,now that was funny!!!
  7. If you dont have the 10k for a registered reciever you can try and find a registered DIAS for probably around 7k or a registered lightning link probably from 5k-7k
  8. Ahh I didnt realize you actually had to push this forward I thought it was spring assisted as well, that being said it definately takes out almost all of the cool factor for me.
  9. Im going to say 10k+ if you could even manage to find one that has been imported
  10. I failed to notice the link above until after I posted lol Its from Hungary I believe Purpose of the rifle Highly-efficient, special, multi-purpose weapon for land-, air-, territorial and independent armed forces. Its task is to destroy - with its shell, which delivers significantly (5-8 times) greater energy comparing with the ammunition of the conventionally used small arms - the enemy's important pinpoint targets, armoured rifle troops, light shelters and buildings, radio- electronic constructions, missile launchers and hovering helicopters within a 600-800m shooting range. In case of urban warfare/conflict it can be used for demolishing the enemy's firing positions in buildings, weapons under cover and armoured rifle troops, which are manoeuvring on the streets. It is suitable both for squads and independent units. Due to its small arm categorisation, its weight and portability, make it an ideal heavy weapon for the parachute, airmobile and territorial troops. It is also a highly effective small arm in repelling terrorist action. As this type of action is common in the field today, we believe it would play a key role according to the new North-Atlantic strategy, considering its significant destructive force, combined with formidable accuracy. Important hostile targets can be neutralised safely within a 1500m range. It is also a highly efficiency, bodyguard-weapon for protection of important target personnel, which can extend significantly the firing range of the safe-zone around the target person, as an attack by a light armoured combat vehicle can be repulsed - by quick fire - within 300m. It is also suitable to repulse the so-called, "self-propelled (suicide) bombs," which are installed in vehicles, with even one shot to the power of the vehicle outside the effect of the (non-nuclear) bomb.Weight including magazine: 11.5 kg Length in firing position: 1126 mm Transporting length: 928 mm Height of sighting line: 360 mm Muzzle energy: Russian caliber: ~14.5 Kj / .50 Browning: ~14.5 Kj Muzzle velocity: Russian caliber: ~ 780 m/s / .50 Browning: ~ 870 m/s Length of barrel: 730 mm Magazine capacity: 5 rounds Optional sight: 3-12 x 50 or 5-25 x 56 Optional camera with eye monitor (EOP): Sero Development, aming: 10-300m Piercing capacity: 250 mm concrete wall from 90°angle from 100 m (with Russian caliber) Armour piercing: 20 mm armour from 100 m (with Russian caliber) Rate of fire: 5 shots < 3 seconds Maximum range: 2000+ Effective range: 1m2 target from 1500m
  11. Thats about to be very illegal I mean the Atkins 22 stock appeared to work the same way.
  12. My Favorite Handgun I have ever had is my CZ 75 Tactical Sport it is the best shooting pistol out of everything and I have from just your basic Glocks to my NightHawk and the Tactical Sport blows them all away when it comes to accuracy and just a fun gun to shoot. The trigger is sooooo awesome on it and I have it in 9mm has 20rnd mag capacity which is also another thing I like. However taxes and everything the gun set me back over $1,000 so Im not sure how a basic cz would compare but I know I sure do love mine.
  13. Why would it not suddenly become illegal,thats what happend to the SWD/Cobray Streetsweeper, the Armsel Striker-12 and the USAS-12 all 3 were reclassified after being regularly available on the civi market to Class 3 Destructive Devices ? If you were to not have one registered within the grace period the BATF allowed then you would now be in possesion of an unregistered DD which would = some serious trouble if caught. I would say that if the Saiga were to be reclassified it will no doubt follow the same fate.
  14. ~48_South~

    IS $599 TO HIGH

    Booyah I would go for the one below Ruger GP100 357 Revolver Mag SS 4 inch Hvy NIB : Revolvers at GunBroker.com
  15. ~48_South~

    firestar M 40

    Guns&Leather had one a couple days ago(Greenbrier Location) Im sure its probably still there it was stainless Im pretty sure it was in the 3's however I dont remember if it was the m-43,m-40,or m-45. If you decide to go up there and look as soon as you walk in the door look to your right it should be in the bottom section of that case.
  16. Pretty much any bottle necked centerfire should get you to 300 yards if you are wanting less recoil you are probably wanting something around a 243 winchester round.
  17. ~48_South~


    There is generally not much of a price difference between current manufactured full autos compared to their semi auto cousins I have seen MP5's sell for around $700 and M16's for around $500. The only way a $1 part can turn an ar15 into a $10k rifle is if you start off with around a $3k ar15 like an LWRC or something and then the $1 part is actually a $7k part and the reason for that is its limited availability. People dont pay alot for FA's because they think they are better they do it because once all registered machine guns are gone,they are gone. Price reflects the availabilty and demand of the weapon and since the numbers are very limited the price is very high(for private citizens). However if you are a c3 dealer or some sort of law enforcement agency you can typically get FA's cheaper than you can the semi.
  18. I still have not purchased one I kind of forgot they existed to be honest lol Im still looking for some more info on them myeself
  19. Aimpoint is horrible for low light just woke up home defense I would highly suggest not going this route. Its still a tubed optic so your field of view is pretty much **** while looking through it and could become quite a problem if you have just jumped out of bed and started trying to defend your home I would go with an Eotech if I had any plans on using the optic at night in close quarters. In all actuallity I would buy a Mossberg 500,590,930,Remi 870 Tac,1100 Tac for home defense these are all within your price range and will more than likley be way more useful in a home invasion situation than a SCAR just my 2 cents though.
  20. Ive had problems was out shooting one day and then next thing you know the hammers is just flopping around all over the place no tension what so ever. I didnt drop the gun or anything of that nature it just straight up broke while shooting. Sent it off to Walther for to get the repairs and it took forever to get it back which as soon as I got it back I got rid of it.
  21. Thats way way way to much money for that rifle unless its a milled reciever and then its still to much money for what you are actually getting, they are great guns however I just recently sold one of mine for $350 I heard there was one at a local gun shop recently for mid 3's as well cant remember where though. The MAK 90's are suppose to be better made than the average ak you can find at the local gun shops these days thicker barrel,thicker reciever yada yada. Some of them were imported with the FA 3 hole recievers so be sure that the one you purchase is not one of those. I would just stay on gunbroker and you will end up snagging one for a good deal. Here is one brand new in box sitting at $515 on gunbroker with 3 hrs left now it might end up going sky high at the last second but ya never know until you try Brand New Norinco Mak-90 7.62x39 AK-47 AK47 : Semi-auto at GunBroker.com
  22. ~48_South~

    Ar-15 Questions

    Just buy a cheap DPMS 16" and it should fit the bill I can shoot all day at 200. great groups at 300 and on paper at 400 oh and that is using iron sights at the shooting complex in clarksville. The 308 AR uppers alone typically exceed your budget so I doubt if the 308 will be possible. However 5.56 should be plenty good enough for all you want.
  23. The Burris AR332 is the most you would need its fixed 3 power specifically designed for the 223 and cost about $200-$300 less than an aimpoint
  24. Hey everyone I was thinking of purchasing another beta c 100 rnd drum for my M4 but stumbled across a KCI 100 rnd drum, and I was wondering if anyone knows anything about them. The KCI is roughly $100 cheaper than a Beta C but it looks absolutely identical to a beta c drum, hell it even comes with the same pouch. If any of you have any input or advice it would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
  25. Welcome Tim, love the music.


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