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Everything posted by MacGyver

  1. I'm a forensic specialist dealing in information crimes (identity theft, intellectual property theft, industrial espionage, child protection, etc...). Grew up heading up a team for a security agency. Got tired of travelling 51 weeks a year, so I started my own firm here in Middle Tennessee. These days I don't find myself getting shot at nearly as regularly, but it's always good to be prepared. I'm more likely to come face to face with an angry suspect than find myself stranded in some third world garden spot - but you never know when the reaper is going to show his face. A little bit of gear and some preparation turns the table in your favor.
  2. So I've been a reader for a while, but just signed up to be a member. Small business owner - crazy times - this economy keeps a guy pretty busy. I've been a shooter my whole life. Shooting sports were a part of our family growing up, and I count myself fortunate to have been a Boy Scout back in the day when they still considered it a life skill to be proficient with guns of all types. I'm a forensic specialist who travels pretty much anywhere there is a crime to investigate - so the whole HCP reciprocity deal is pretty important to me. This seems to be a great community of all types of people. Looking forward to being a part and getting to know you all.
  3. So I've been a reader, but not a member for a long while. But tonight I came across this post and it struck close to my heart. So hello all - here I am - with a enormous first post. Work carries me around the world to some pretty rough spots - usually without much in the way of backup. In more than one case, I know that I am here today because of what I've had in my pockets or on my person and used that to survive. Survival gear is just like your carry weapon. If it's sitting at home - it won't do you any good when it comes down to needing it. Man has an incredible capacity to survive - but a little gear goes a long way. If you are going to stare down the reaper and send him packing, you have to be prepared. My kits are broken down on a graduated basis as opposed to just a bugout bag - what if I'm not at home when it all heads south. I need to have some gear on me as appropriate for any occasion. These kits are broken down into levels pocket, I, II and III and are fully 'stackable' That is, if I've got Level III, then I also have Level II and I. Here they are: Pocket kit - this stuff goes everywhere - everyday - to church, the grocery store, wherever - this is what goes in my pockets: Multitool (currently Leatherman Skeletool CX), Knife with locking blade (backup is good - currently a Benchmade axis folder - a big knife can do a little knife job, but not vice versa), small lighter, small flashlight (Streamlight Nano is AMAZING), lip balm, space pen, phone, wallet, carry weapon - usually IWB Level I kit - this should fit into a cargo pocket comfortably - some people like an Otter box or something like that. If you are old school, this is your tobacco tin kit. Both are too bulky for me, so I fit it in one of those wallets for kayakers that looks like two heavy ziploc bags and folds in half. Contents: · Flint Rod and Scraper – 1 ea. · Butane Lighter – 1 ea. · Betadine – 10% solution ½ Fluid Ounce Bottle -1 ea. · Signal Mirror – 1 ea. · 24 Fish Hooks & Split Shot · Large Fish Hook – 2 ea. · Spool of Tripwire – 1 ea. · Sewing Needles (Large Eye)– 3 ea. · Fishing Line (10-12 lbs.) – 40 ft. · 550 Para Cord – 20 ft. 2 ea. · Eze-Lap Diamond Sharpener – 1 ea. · Space Blanket – 1 ea. · First Aid Kit – Personal · Button Compass – 1 ea. · Fuel Tabs (Hexamine)– 2 ea. · Freezer Bags – 2 ea. If I'm actually in the field then my other cargo pocket usually has a MS2000 rescue strobe, a MSR steripen, a better compass and a Garmin Etrex loaded up with the maps of the operating area. If I am in a more civilized area, the Level I kit goes on the inside pocket of my suit coat and the extra gear in my briefcase along with a bigger light and some extra AAs. Both make it through magnetometers at the airport fine - the kit is so crowded it just shows up a one mass - that or the fine folks manning it just don't get paid to care. Level II kit - carried in a small (500 cu. inch) ruck or buttpack - Always in the car. I'm always stuffing things in here. Thus, there are always some extra goodies, but the contents always include: · Insect Repellent · 550 Para Cord – 50 ft. - (You really can't have enough) · Ranger Sighting Compass · Flashlight (larger LED light plus LED Headlamp) · Dehydrated Sponges · Mini Cable Ties – 50-75 ea. · Commercial Game Snares – (4 ea. Small, 1 ea. Medium) · Animal Scent Lures · Fishing Kit · Small Frog Gig · Sun Screen · Hygiene Kit (Campsuds, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Dental Floss, Small Roll AP Paper) · Clear Plastic Trash Bags · 9 Hour Candle – 1 ea. · Medium Fixed Blade Knife · Notepad (Waterproof) with Pencil · Tubular Webbing – 1 Inch, 15 ft. · Carabineer (Locking) · Sling Rope – 15 ft. · Mini Chain Saw · Emergency Bivy (AMK makes a great one that's cheap) · Trioxane Fuel Tabs – 4-5 ea. · Emergency Strobe · Global Positioning System · VHF Radio with Weather Bands · Extra Batteries – 6 ea. AA, 3 ea AAA · Leather Gloves with Liners · Watch Cap · Rations – 2 Day (3 High Protein Myoplex bars, 3 Gatorade, Peanut Butter, Bullion Cubes, Tea Bags, Sugar) · Nalgene Canteen (1 Liter) – 2 ea. · First Aid Kit (Rapid Deployment Kit) Level III kit - carried in a small assault ruck (~1500 cu. inch) - this one is for when you know that you might be stuck out for a while - I guess this one qualifies as the 'bugout bag' - and for me, it's truly that - by the time we get here, things have seriously headed south · Water Purifier · Game Snares – (3 small, 2 medium, 2 Large) · Utility Pot · Military Fuel Tabs – 5 ea. · Gortex Pants and Jacket · Nalgene Canteen – Large · Sling Rope – 50 ft. · Hydration System · Large Fixed Blade Knife · Small Shovel · Whetstone · Gortex Bivy · Poncho Liner · Stove with Fuel · One pair clothes - matched to mission, environment, season · Extra Socks · LRP First Aid Kit · Pistol with Extra Magazine · Ammunition (matched to objective, but typically 40 ea. Hollow Point, 10 ea. Shotshell) · Rations – 3 Day (5 High Protein Myoplex bars, 5 Gatorade, Peanut Butter, Tea Bags, Sugar, Bullion Cubes) Beside the Level III kit is a Sabre Defence M5 with an EOTECH 552 - I occasionally think that I need to swap this out for something that draws less attention, but keep coming back here. It's fast, light, and if it really heats up, I know it won't let me down. Parting notes - Unless you have a specific mission need, ditch the military surplus gear and go commercial. It's generally lighter, faster and a lot more comfortable. That said, some of the companies selling new military, tactical gear make great stuff - BlackHawk, Tactical Tailor, etc... Wife and kids add some extra considerations, but suprisingly not that many - you only need a little extra gear, and kids have an innate sense of adventure. Important note - work out a phrase only known to your family, a rendevous point and meet time- this sounds silly, but how often are you really all together. Text message, voicemail, whatever, you all know where to go and when to be there. Last one out of the house grabs the Level III and other required items. At some point I'll post the first aid kit contents. Luck favors the prepared.


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