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Everything posted by MacGyver

  1. Nice. I knew you were going to end up with a set at some point.
  2. Somebody needs to cook up some gel and do some conclusive testing. All this supposition over .22 rounds is killing me. I'm going to go with OhShoot here. There isn't a hollow point commercially available in a .22 round that is going to expand in any way that's significant. Your biggest risk should you have to employ one of these mini revolvers in a social situation, is not getting the penetration you have to have because your round fragmented upon impact. You need a bullet that get's the maximum consistent penetration.
  3. Looks great from my chair.
  4. Nice info. I agree with you on being fast and light. I think that's why you see so much gear shed on the trail within 100 miles of either terminus.
  5. If you got the mag version, the best rounds are the CCI mini-mag +V's. NAA publishes the data on their site, and they chronograph about 100fps faster out of that short barrel. I do carry one as a backup from time to time, and pretty regularly when I run. Use the safety notch between the cylinders. I've never had the hammer come back without me pulling it back.
  6. Glad you were alright.
  7. You guys were there as we were leaving. Wish I had realized it. I would have loved to have put a face with an avatar. Have you tried B&C Barbecue over on 8th in Melrose? It's pretty good. They say they make everything in house but the buns. I appreciate the little guy who thinks he can do it better and decides to make a go at it.
  8. When I was in college I ran a machine shop for the engineering school. We had a big old radial arm saw that had been donated to us when it's owner literally cut his arm off with it. Every time I ever used it, it was like staring down a killer. It wasn't some story your mom made up about a kid breaking his back on a trampoline, or some kid blowing his fingers off with firecrackers. You knew that this saw had run on a guy and cut his arm off before he ever knew what had happened. Gives me the willies just typing it. The really amazing thing to me is truly how fast accidents can happen. The Boy Scouts are right about being prepared. Good save, Mike.
  9. Not a bad show at all. Found a couple of things I'd been hoping to pick up. It ws better than the last few goodman shows I've been to
  10. Chainsaws and table saws scare me to death every time I use them. Healthy fear is good I guess. Glad you're okay.
  11. This Paul krugman is not the Nobel winner. He never makes the distinction clear, but the nobel winner passed away a few years ago.
  12. Well, I'll make it easy for you. SHIRTS - 'Twinkie, Twinkie, Cupcake' T-Shirt, Black
  13. I was in Green Hills Mall the other night with the wife and kids. Saw a guy wearing one of their "twinkie, twinkie, cupcake" shirts and laughed out loud.
  14. Report back, HvlMtl. I'm interested in Sunday afternoon if it's worth the time.
  15. I will vouch for it as well. Great series - especially if you are refreshing training that you have participated in elsewhere firsthand. The Dynamic Handgun series is great, too. Both of them represent 39.00 well spent.
  16. Just checked out their site at Scrap Yard Knife Company . Great value for knives of those specs! Might have to pick one up.
  17. I've got a Blade McX as well, and love to fly it. Like Photoguy, most of my other RC aircraft experiences have resulted in spontaneous hedge trimming at some point
  18. Man, how disappointing. Hope you guys are able to recover the weapon.
  19. It's a kinder, gentler head bopper I guess.
  20. Nice. You've joined a very small group, and I'm sure have memories you'll never forget. Congratulations again.
  21. Certainly in here. And Brooks, if you want some help on administrating it, just let me know. I know it was a major job to marshall that and the St. Judes donations this year.
  22. Nice! Gotta love a blade that thick.
  23. That first one is awfully pretty. Wonder how much that would set you back?
  24. If you're ever in Nashville, you are more than welcome to try mine out before you buy one. If you want to see some more video of it in action, Travis Haley runs one for a good bit of the Magpul Dynamic Carbine series of DVD's.
  25. I really like the BAD lever. It does take a couple of steps out of the manual of arms, and makes some movements much more efficient in my opinion. I run on two weapons, and have had zero problems with it affecting the bolt hold-open feature. It's really just bolting onto, and extending the bolt realease. It doesn't require you to keep you finger in the trigger guard. It extends outside the guard, where the manipulation of the lever is performed.


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