Man, where's Jerry Falwell when you need him?
But, it does make me think - the DNC hasn't even really touched on the Mormon thing yet. There's a lot of mud left to sling between now and November.
Of course, the economy sure isn't getting any better, either. And that hurts Obama, just like it hurt the Republicans last time. Doesn't matter who's fault it was. Incumbent gets the blame. Maybe Romney can claim he inherited this mess.
A lot of our retail clients in automotive are saying stuff is definitely slowing down again. People bought the press that the economy was getting better or simply couldn't postpone buying durable goods any longer and started spending again. They've picked up some debt and are now regretting it.
Of course this drought is piling on, too. Sure we're getting some rain now, but it's too late for corn crops. A smaller yeild means higher gas prices and food prices through the election. I paid $3.60 today in Brentwood. I bet it gets worse before the election since they're all using corn based ethanol as the primary oxidizer.
Should prove to be an interesting fall.