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Everything posted by MacGyver

  1. First step is mindset. Know you're going to get out alive.
  2. You must've told him something he didn't want to hear.
  3. Oh...believe it http://www.thefirear...-55-suppressor/ There's some fool out there that will buy anything.
  4. That's my general thought, too. That said, I hope I've got at least a couple of weapons that become treasured pieces of well shot family history.
  5. This should serve as a reminder to us all that when you die, your family may well just divide up the stuff you cared about and sell it for whatever they can get for it. Reminds me of the old saying that, "my worst fear is that when I die my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them."
  6. Solve this problem in a direct impingement rifle and I'm sure you could retire rich after all the arfcom guys empty their wallets in your direction. BTW...even us engineers have the occasional day like this. Nothing humbles you quite as much as drawing something up only to have a machinist ask "how exactly do you expect this to work?"
  7. Bolt carrier group still has to have room to cycle.
  8. It's not a bad looking pistol if that's your thing. I'd forgo the diamond, but could see a reasonable premium if this is in fact legit. That said. $17K is ridiculous. Maybe we should weigh in on how low the price drops before it sells (assuming it's not taken down for fraud). I say it sells for $3000.
  9. I enjoy a good discussion on religon or politics. Sometimes both at the same time... I've found that we generally run into problems when we encounter one of two types of people: 1. People who aren't interested in facts, opinions or anything other than their own position. They can't offer anything other than a party line, whatever thatline may be. I generally don't engage these type people as I really don't find that they have anything to add to the discussion. It's unfortunate, because they've clearly got a passion for the subject. 2. People who get so wrapped around the axle when confronted with something that they don't agree with that they instantly resort to name calling and personal attacks. We've had a lot of this around here lately, and it's frustrating. My admonition to both of these types of people in PMs before taking an administrative action is usually to either get a better position or better rhetoric. We welcome healthy debate. I just want to see people add to the overall conversation.
  10. Here's week 03 - Dual Citizenship - Early Christians in Rome http://player.vimeo.com/video/49929135 Enjoy!
  11. There's got to be something missing from this fine piece of reporting. This cannot be the whole story. Interestingly enough, violent crimes against persons are statistically about half of what they were when I was growing up in the '70s. Yet, we all scare so easily these days that you'd think a child molester is lurking around every corner.
  12. Sorry for the delay in posting the second week. Here's part two for anyone who's interested Week 02 - The Political Implications of the Gospel http://player.vimeo.com/video/49414576 Should get part three up tomorrow sometime.
  13. I was down there running the Sipsey. Only heard one shot all weekend. They're definitely overrun with hogs, though.
  14. Two chances between now and election day. New moon this Saturday and again on October 15th. The Saudis have already granted them safe passage over their airspace. Man, what a proverbial way for them to flip Obama the finger. A lot of parallels between current times and the last days of the Carter administration.
  15. 147gr Federal HSTs here.
  16. I definitely had a little bit different morning this year than in years past. As someone who was in 1WTC that day and spent 9 months there afterwards, my kids know about my involvement there. They're young, though so their understanding is definitely limited. This morning, though I was driving my oldest daughter who is in kindergarten to school. There was something about it on the radio, and she asked me about it. We got to talking about what happened, and this morning, for the first time, something changed for my daughter. She realized that 2,977 people had been killed that day by those 19 attackers. In her words, "they didn't get to come home." How do you explain hatred to a kid?
  17. GoDaddy is having serious issues today all the way down at the registrar level. It's affecting a lot of stuff. They're supposedly working on it.
  18. There you go. Good luck with this. I'm kind of interested in the answer myself.
  19. RWS Subsonic is the quietest subsonic ammo I've shot. Hard to find, though.
  20. That's really weird. Folks like Vimeo would seem to be incentivized to get their stuff working on as many platforms as possible. Now that said, I posted here over something like youtube so that I didn't have to break it up into chunks. The video that I uploaded yesterday was a 1.9Gb H.264 .mp4 file. It well could be that their algorithm gives priority to smaller stuff and works bigger stuff in when it can. Who knows? I am glad to have some visibility into this, though. We use Vimeo at work all the time. The person speaking in this video really brought an interesting perspective. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. And interestingly, even though I've been involved in the planning, I have no idea where it's going to end up.
  21. Ahh. XP video codec issue. Thanks.
  22. Interesting. Thanks. I have no idea what's up, but would have expected Vimeo to be platform independent.
  23. Let's talk later this fall. Sounds fun.
  24. Yes. There's been a lot of interest from all over. We're going to try our best to get them all up and online.
  25. Here's video from last night's topic on Civility & Tone in Political Discourse if anyone is interested: http://player.vimeo.com/video/48964178


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