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Everything posted by MacGyver

  1. They didn't ask for his permit.  They asked for ID and he would only provide his permit.
  2. Something that you really need to consider when looking at vests is not just how much gear they can strap on there, but how that gear is placed and more importantly, how you're going to use it. Look at the vest listed above: That belt is useless. It looks like it holds a lot of stuff, but let's think about it a little bit. First, the cross draw. There's a place for it, but just like small of the back carry, there's a good potential that in a stressful situation you're going to be sweeping yourself with the muzzle for part of your draw. You can make your own decisions, but it's not for me. Next, let's look at those pistol mag carriers. Go through the motions of removing a mag from a pouch up around your shoulders. It's wonky at best. I don't have a problem with the rifle mag carriers - but they've gone and stitched an admin pouch above it. If the pocket is there, you're going to stuff something in there. Well...now you've got an issue when you're trying to get a good grip on your rifle magazines and they're going to hang up when you try and extract them. We've got a bunch of folks on here who have spent more than their fair share of time downrange over the last decade getting shot at for a living. Most would be happy to share their rigs. Here's are two great setups by guys whose lives have depended on them: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/35847-new-equipment/?p=597123 http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/68590-hsgi-sure-grip-belt/?p=1016301
  3. For "casual" use that mostly resembles sitting in a closet, the Condor and Voodoo Tactical vests are fine.   Like you said above, it's a substantial investment.  If you're considering it really is a buy once purchase, we're it me, I'd spend a little more money and go with someone like Tactical Tailor or Eagle Industries.  The difference is worth it.
  4. And I'm all for showing the emperor without his clothes, so to speak.   We own and use both a 3D printer and a CNC mill.  Both were purchased for less than $2,000.  The economy falling off the cliff in 2009 put so many small tool and die shops out of business that you can still find lightly used machines for pennies on the dollar.    For that matter, the internet and rapid-prototyping companies like FirstCut have made rolling your own more economical than ever - why bother with buying and setting up your own equipment when there are dozens of companies that will machine you parts from your own drawings for $99.   It's funny to watch them try to stuff Pandora back in his box.  It's sad to realize that they actually think they can succeed - and yet these are our "leaders".
  5. The .dxf file that generates the print file is exactly the same as the .dxf file that generates the g-code for a milling machine.   I'm excited to see all of the popular support for 3D printing as it's dropping costs and promoting innovation.    But don't kid yourself.  This is not an amazing new way to manufacture a gun.  People who want a gun that can't be traced buy one off the street.  People who are looking for one-shot zip guns like the Liberator aren't going to print one.  They're going to go to the hardware store, spend $25, and make their own out in the garage with nothing more than a few hand tools.
  6. Y'all are going to be disappointed in that vest.    I know the price is attractive, but a lot of the "tactical vests" on the market today are overblown photojournalist vests that they ran in ACU instead of khaki.   It might be okay if the only time you're going to put it on is when you take out the trash and then promptly go back inside, but wear it longer than that and you'll be disappointed.  The craftsmanship, fit, adaptability and durability of that vest are lacking.   If you're looking for a vest, it's worth the money to get an actual MOLLE equipped plate carrier that you can customize when you figure out that the placement of all those magazines, Twinkies and whatever else you strap on there isn't to your liking.  Or, if you're not going to use all that real estate to actually carry armor, you might consider a good belt and some mag carriers like HSGI makes.
  7. Yep.  The best 10/22 trigger job is a call to Tony Kidd.
  8. You can't use a Georgia permit for ID.  It's a laminated card for some crazy reason in 2013 does not have a picture on it.   This is a non-story.  This guy went looking for a confrontation with law enforcement and they obliged.
  9. Creive Hall is a nice are that is still relatively undervalued.  Pretty convenient to everything, too.
  10. That's correct, Dave.  We'd still do the normal secret santa.  This would just be a sub-group.
  11. And, as far as makers go, we can cast a pretty wide net.  Man.  We've got blacksmiths, blade makers, leather workers, wood workers and all kinds of craftsmen.  I'd even extend it out to the canning crowd, beer makers and wine makers, etc... (assuming that it's okay to mail/exchange that stuff).
  12. Let's see how much interest there is, but let's assume we're going with either/or.   Either you're in with the makers or the buyers.   If there's enough interest, maybe we'll do two separate exchanges. 
  13. We've got quite a few makers of various sorts on the board.  I'm wondering if there's any interest in a handmade subgroup within the Secret Santa exchange?   Basically, when you sent me your name, you'd indicate that you'd like to participate in the handmade group.  You'd be paired with another maker. You would give something you made and get something someone else made.   Seems like this might be pretty fun.   Anybody interested before I post it in the larger thread?    
  14. Why say it with a card when you can say it in the yard...
  15. Why yes I did.   And let me note for the record that if you sign up to participate and then stiff someone, the consequence will affect your further affiliation with this community.
  16. To do list:   Dress up in my camo Strap on a gun Walk around a playground Wait for someone to call to the police Wait for police to arrive Refuse to identify myself Refuse to leave when asked Feign surprise when they arrest me Make bail Post my story to the internet Revel in the righteous indignation within the echo chamber that I exist   I'm sorry.  People can "lawfully exercise their rights" all they want.  Like so many of the other open carry "evangelists", this man went looking for a confrontation and found it.  That's not helpful to the community of gun owners at large.
  17. I don't see the story, here.  Seems to me he found the confrontation he was looking for.
  18. I was a speaker at an event yesterday where I followed Jeb Bush, who was the keynote speaker.   For a guy who purports to be done with politics, his speech sure sounded like a guy who's thinking about a run in the future.
  19. I'll be glad to coordinate. Respond publicly here. PM me with your details.
  20. I saw a couple on the Turnpike as I was coming into your town earlier today.
  21. I'm not sure why we're seeing this now. If press accounts are accurate, the civil service board, made up of citizens in Hamilton County ruled unanimously to uphold this firing almost a year ago. What's changed to bring it to the surface? I'm not sure the OP has a future in private security regardless of whether or not he gets his permit back.
  22. That's cool!
  23. In 2009 I got rear ended by an officer who was texting and driving.  Slow speed, no injuries, but in about the worst possible circumstances otherwise.  He was 20+ year Major in another jurisdiction driving a patrol car home from an off-duty security assignment. 6 different cars responded to this very minor fender bender.    I heard they let him retire, but it ended his career.
  24. Heard this on WRLT this morning when they were featuring local stuff.    I'm pretty sure if they had let Chris Robinson from the Black Crowes be the front man for the Jayhawks, this would have been the result:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=RGihIF6Wg4M   I've been listening to the self-titled album since.  Pretty good album.
  25. Guilty.  You know what... It's one on a whole long list of unfair advantages I claim.   I don't want to discount this problem. Being a white, evangelical male, I don't know that I have standing, so to speak.   That said, I will make one point that I find so interesting - and this applies to your average, upper middle class entitled white kid, too.  We're at an inflection point in history.  The internet has changed things radically, and the boat is pulling away without us - all of us.  So many barriers are being knocked down right now, and we're so focused on who's getting what from the government's teat that we're failing to see the world shifting around us.    Education is changing.  We're almost to the point where there are some truly viable alternative paths.  I'm a postgraduate educated Engineer - recognized as an expert in my field.  In the last year, I've taken four Stanford and MIT engineering courses outside of my discipline.  These are the MOOC's (Massive Open Online Courses) that you hear people talking about.  Each one of them has been completely free discounting my time spent.  I've learned so much.   And yet, do you know who's taking advantage of this?  One of my colleagues recently taught one of these courses - and a popular one at that.  We talked about enrollment, and about 1500 people finished the coursework for the class.  Do you know how many of those resided in the US?  About 30.   There is a hungry world surrounding us that recognizes that the internet gives them access to some of the unfair advantage that America has claimed historically.  We're missing it, because we're too busy pointing fingers and complaining that someone got a bigger piece of the pie than we did.  We're about to have our collective asses handed to us.  And it shouldn't come as a surprise, but it will.   I know that I'm privileged.  I'm appalled at our history, but I can't change or affect that.  What I can change and affect is my behavior.  As I tell my kids, you can't affect the fact that the world is unfair and it sucks sometimes.  You can affect how you respond.  I hope that I can use my privilege to help people who haven't had the same experience I've had. 


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