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Everything posted by MacGyver

  1. To his credit, even in a time where none of us even knew what a helmet was - much less owned one - the kid did put on an old Army issued M1 helmet that somebody had for his inaugural trip down the hill.   The funny part of this story was that someone played a joke on him and put a pair of underwear around the headliner on the inside.  So, after the wreck he was left lying in a neighbors yard bleeding and hurt.  The helmet had of course gone flying in the crash, but he was left with a pair of underwear on his head.  So, all us kids came running up to see how bad he was hurt, only to find him lying semi-conscious with a pair of underwear on his head.   I haven't thought about that in years.  People are looking at me like I'm nuts as a sit here laughing as I type it.
  2. Can you imagine the lawsuits you'd suffer today by even so much as designing something like that.  They'd be sued out of existence.   I've got to imagine they use this thing as a case study in law school.
  3. We had one of these in our basement as a kid. To my knowledge, it's probably still there. How you can have a 'Most Dangerous Toys" list without including this thing, I have no idea. That's a Flexy Racer. A sled on wheels - with bearings and all. As close as I can tell, it killed just about every other kid who ever so much as touched it. My sister and I were under strict orders that if we got on that thing and it didn't kill us, our mother would certainly finish the job. I only ever saw one kid ride it. When I was 6 or 7 an older kid in the neighborhood got on it and proceeded down the hill on our street. He was likely going about 40 when he suffered a rollover crash on the curb - and that was actually a far sight better than the 64 Buick he would have hit otherwise. It returned to the wall of our basement only to be spoken about in whispers by the children of the neighborhood after that.
  4. Speaking as a forensic specialist, it would be hard to change that telemetry data in a way that would both stand up to both the laws of physics and good forensic science.  Even if you could pull off changing the telemetry data, it would be extraordinarily difficult to do so without an actual forensic scientist being able to tell that it had been changed. Especially since there are multiple methods by which to corroborate that change.
  5. Hey, that's awesome! I was hoping this would pan out for you. That is an answered prayer.
  6. Well, I'll try to put more notice out next time. Today was really last minute. Since I was downtown, I decided to pay a visit to my favorite Memphis political institution, Ms. Jacqueline Smith. From there, Central is right across the street, so I enjoyed some wet ribs and greens.
  7. i'm having to head to Memphis tonight to work a case tomorrow. It's short notice, but are any of you Memphis guys interested in doing some barbecue tonight?
  8. MacGyver

    4 Lb AR-15

    Seem like a super lightweight build could go even further.  Decide where you're going to mount your optic or whatever and remove the rest of the rail at large by milling it flush.  It's not going to save ounces - though it might shave an ounce or so.  These things are hunts for grams, so every little bit counts.
  9. MacGyver

    4 Lb AR-15

    Gordon did a ridiculously light one a couple of years ago.
  10. The FAA will certainly have a problem with it.  Federal regulations won't allow for the weaponization of any private flying vehicle.  I guess they want that to be the sole domain of corporate members of the military-industrial complex :)   That said, as I watched I found myself humming Alice's Restaurant, 'And the Sargent came over, pinned a medal on me, sent me down the hall, said, "You're our boy."'
  11. Mater said everything you need to know about old rovers in Cars 2.  "If there's no oil under it, there's no oil in it."
  12. And, truthfully I think our churches probably share some blame in this whole situation. It's not just we as individuals have come to expect too much from the government, but our church is all too willing to cede their voice as well. Think about it. Most of you were married in a church, and stood up and took an oath to each other in front of God and a bunch of friends, family members and fellow congregants. But what stake does that church, or did the church really have in your marriage? It's like we sign the marriage license and then turn the responsibility totally over to the state. If we in the church want to lay claim to any type of moral voice when it comes to marriage, then it's about time we start acting like we have a stake in and a responsibility to looking after those marriages as a community. Frankly, until we start doing that I don't think it much matters who we as individual communities say we will or will not marry.
  13. Agreed. Today we treat everything as disposable. It's a shame that we treat marriages that way. But, when you think about it most of us even treat our churches that way. I sit here in Nashville – the Protestant Vatican – where they're over 900 churches, most of them next door to one another. The consumerist/disposable mentality has crept into everything that we do modern Western life.
  14. I get the self interest and self preservation interest in a lot of regards.  I appreciate an individual operating from that basis.   In many regards, I can see that being a positive way to operate one's life - especially when it comes to things like killing someone, stealing, robbery, etc...   From an adultery perspective, however, it may not hold as much water - and perhaps that's why these site do so well.  If I'm in a miserable marriage - and let's put off the reasons for a moment, as I don't know that it matters.  There may be some financial interest to keep me in that contract of marriage, but there's no incentive for me to not get what I want right now with some other like minded individual.     As a forensic professional, I have plenty of respect for the profound depths of the depravity of man - both with religion and without.  I'm just interested in the moral center of those without when it comes to a site like this.
  15.   Expected, for sure.  I'm genuinely interested in how folks work through stuff like this.
  16. Without a religious basis, what's the point?     That's not meant in either a facetious or preachy manner.  I'm simply curious as to other peoples' thinking.  I can look at it from a couple of different viewpoints, but I really find myself coming back to Fyodor Dostoyevsky who may have had a valid point when he said that, "without religion, everything is permitted."
  17. I've got some Yellow Pear tomatoes that are positively dominating the rest of our tomato plants.  We're probably picking 20-25/day from the two plants.  We've got a variety of other tomatoes that we're still having to wait for them to ripen.  That said, it looks like we're about to be up to our ears in them.   Our cucumbers have done well, but that's only really been the last couple of weeks.  I've got hot peppers producing.  Our bell peppers haven't started much.  Okra is doing well.  Something is eating my brussel sprouts.  When I find the rabbits - I'm liable to have stew.   Our carrots have been little thus far, too.  That said, I shouldn't really have mature carrots until the beginning of August.
  18. Hey, that's great to hear!   Right in time for people's Christmas lists :)
  19. Between this and the Adult Friend Finder breach earlier this year, hackers may be sitting on some valuable data. Unlike your typical retail breach which may provide a credit card number that is worth a dollar or two, these sites contain personal details that can be used for blackmail. Assuming some overlap in their datasets, they've got data on approximately 10% of the population. How many people with security clearances do you think are in there? How about elected officials with access to sensitive information? While this may seem like simple revenge on its merits, there's a lot more to this one. All the same, though - I bet a lot of people are sweating right now - for a lot of reasons. Figure this, too. 10% is a big number and data sets like this are generally representative of the population at large - accounting for some duplicate accounts. Even so, you can figure they've got the data on 2000-2500 TGO members.
  20. Odd name for a tactical training company.   I'm always a little bit suspicious of companies that promote themselves in this particular manner.  That said, I've never heard of them - and in theory they're right up the street.
  21. A storage unit is going to be your friend.  Get as much as your stuff out of there as you can.  People want to picture themselves in your house - not themselves and all of their stuff packed wall to wall.
  22. A good realtor is worth their money.  Note that "a good realtor" is likely different than your friend from church or family member who is a realtor.  
  23. I used a home equity loan to finance about $9500 worth of updates to our house before we sold it a few years ago - wood floors, new carpet in bedrooms, updating a bathroom.  I'm certain that those improvements made our house sell for about $30k more than it would have otherwise at the time.  The market was just starting to turn, and our improvements ensured that the buyer would simply be able to move in. We paid it off in full at closing.   I'd do it again.
  24. Treating prisoners humanely is more about us than it is them.  It is natural to act out in anger and treat a prisoner aggressively.  It may even offer some short term tactical gain.  But, its cost to us is far higher than we're able to recognize at the time.  This is certainly part of the reasoning behind the prohibitions in the USMJ.   It's not until later - when you have to look in the mirror - when you can't get the demons out of your head - when you can't close your eyes without revisiting it that you'll realize the full magnanimity of the action.  They'll label you with PTSD - a "disorder" that is in fact a natural response to traumatic action.  They'll give you all kinds of drugs to help you forget - or at least not care as much that you can't forget.  None of the people around you will understand what you're going through.  They'll hope that you'll get better with time.  You'll hope that you can simply make it through one more day.   Lord knows that we've lost too many of our soldiers to this fight back here on US soil.  We don't understand post-traumatic stress, and as such do a woeful disservice to our troops by not getting them the resources they need. The military needs to do a better job, and all of our individual communities that "Support the Troops" need to do a better job, too.   Indeed, we sleep safely in our beds because there are others willing to stand in the breach and meet violence with violence.  But, if we're going to claim that we are better - we have to be better in action as opposed to just rhetoric.  The cost is simply too high to do otherwise.
  25. I'm afraid this won't mesh with the synthetic snake oil wonder mix that I'm currently using on all of my weapons.  It's a good price, but I haven't seen any reviews by any real operators.  


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