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Everything posted by Volphin

  1. Apparently my forum search was less than thorough. lol
  2. Nicely played mam. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2012/mar/20/blount-county-nurse-gets-no-jail-time-for-nyc/?partner=popular
  3. Lately I've noted an increase in panhandling and such in busy retail center parking lots like Wally World and Kroger. I have been approached probably 8 times this year and my GF has been around 5. Most of them are just scam artists bumming a couple of bucks with some sob story. I never give them anything, and when I can, notify store security. It happened again last night at the Kroger on Middlebrook. As I once again turned the dude away, I checked my surroundings. If I ever had to fire my weapon it will hit my intended target, but the projectile would most likely carry through to impact someone's car or worse, an innocent person. I keep replaying it in my head trying to find the right angle to eliminate this scenario. These things typically go down very quickly and it would be next to impossible to find the right angle. I know I am probably over thinking this, but if I discharge, beyond my target is my responsibility too and I take it seriously. Thought I'd open it up for discussion.
  4. OK dude. You owe me a keyboard. I just spat coffee all over it reading your funny post. Oo SHINY!
  5. I took a day or so to process this article. It is a revolting denial of a basic human right IMHO. The wheels have not just come off the wagon up there, the whole thing has rusted to dust. And they have the nerve to be snobs... LOL.
  6. Good situational awareness... and FWIW, that would weird me out as well. He was probably just a vagrant, but he was wearing a thug "uniform". I would have moved inside to do my transaction and notified the manager of his presence. Also, there are thieves that will try to memorize PIN numbers and such by watching ATMs or debit card pads in use. Always cover the keypad with your hand and do not make your PIN obvious to anyone.
  7. Yep, charges dropped. Maybe there is some hope for this world after all. http://www.myfoxboston.com/dpp/news/local/charges-against-man-who-fired-warning-shot-at-man-suspected-of-robbing-his-home-dropped-20120223
  8. That's a lot of data! Wonder if it will still be there after the Planet X hoax is over? I LMBO on their June arrival dates. Or will they just move the date again? HAHAHAHAAaaaaaaa.
  9. Lately I've been watching that Prepper's show on Nat Geo. Maybe I'm weird, but I just don't buy into much of their paranoia. I do however, believe in being generally prepared to bug out if need be. I am trained and capable of living off the land, so my bug out bag is light with only core needs for doing so. It contains a tent, ax, knives, comm gear, fire creation gear, backpacking stove, 500 rnds of 22LR, a few MREs, water purification gear, layered clothing and sleeping bag. My BOB also serves as my back country camping/hiking pack. I was thinking of including a handgun, but it seems too heavy. And if I ever bug out, it is to the hills. Opinions? What would you take?
  10. I just play it safe and never mix the two. Was at Chili's last week for a quick snack with the better half. Was Ccing so no drinks for me. But my 1911 must have printed a bit as I got an approving nod from a fellow customer.
  11. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/02/21/new-hampshire-man-faces-felony-charge-after-firing-gun-into-ground-near-burglar/?intcmp=obinsite
  12. I may have my better half avail herself of this opportunity.
  13. I have followed Emily's progress for some time now. IMHO it is a wonderful series that hopefully will inform many who wish to arm themselves inside the beltway, but had no idea where to start. THIS is what investigative reporting SHOULD be. Kudos to you young lady!
  14. Great sign! I would gladly put one on our door!
  15. Decided to pull my Grandfather's old Beretta o/u 12 ga. out of the safe and send some shells through it. I really need to check the shotgun for model #. Grandpa bought her when he was 23, so it has to be around a 1930 model. She really enjoyed shredding pumpkins @ 50 yds. My shoulder is kind of sore though. Was shooting small game loads and found about 15 buckshot shells mixed in, so I sent those downrange as well. Thanks for the fun Grandpa, RIP.
  16. Very well written and worth the read.
  17. I'm not worried about what 6 DC guys and a cat think.
  18. Well this isn't quite the thread I was looking for, based on the title... LOL
  19. I liked shopping there because of the great used guitars that would show up from time to time. (Even more cool ones have been showing up as people trade in because of the economy). Besides, they just don't make them like they used to. Someone suggested Rik's... I like going to Rik's too, but the selection leaves something to be desired. If anyone can suggest another shop that would be great. I travel the entire state for work so I can shop just about anywhere. GC won't see another red cent of mine and I have no qualms discussing it with their management. I can only hope that after reviewing my past transactions that they will compute the value of a lost customer over my expected purchasing lifetime and perhaps reconsider. And FWIW, I have carried into this store before, as usual, deeply concealed before their posting.
  20. There posting is all inclusive for all weapons. I don't know what to say except I have a choice where I get my guitars. My last purchase was $5K on a '66 Martin.
  21. I sent in my pet peeves. Dear Sirs, Here are a few suggestions for Hunting Season Regs. 1) Allow hog hunting year round by any means with or without aids and baiting. These are, and are going to continue to damage our mountains and farms if we do not eradicate these pests. Plus the meat can be used by the hunter or distributed to those in need. The procreation rate of these animals is astounding, astonishing, and frightening. 2) I have read your handbook, website and other PDF documents. While I am fairly well educated, there are those who are not so. Utilization of simpler, plainer language would promote better understanding of the regulations on the books and the reasoning behind them. This would add to increased compliance for good intentioned hunters and strengthen the prosecution of those who poach, spotlight or otherwise break the law. 3) On a humorous note, please misprint duck season dates in the Waterfowl Guide and post the actual dates online. Everyone knows ducks can read very well and are long gone during the season. However, they seem to have a problem with net access thus far. (lol)
  22. Instead of using milk cartons, you could use Ballistics Gel. Here is a good formula to make it, although it is not "calibrated". http://www.customcartridge.com/pdfs/BallisticGel.pdf HTH V
  23. Volphin


    Woooo boy! How did I miss this thread! Marge, get me the popcorn NOW! I said NOW WOMAN! lol Very interesting discussion. Lots of good points here. I guess the biggest take-away is that not all threats are readily apparent. My position is this: I want our troops to do their job VERY well. Their job is to hunt the enemy and kill them by any means, at any time, using ANY tool they can field or find. HOWEVER, Tim BECAME the enemy when he used his skills to kill and maim unarmed civilians in his homeland. In this country there are laws and procedure for accomplishing change. Violence is NEVER the best political option. Further, I see many here are touchy about the rationalization brought forth by the thread originator. It WAS designed to shock. BUT, as any armed forces member will tell you, experience has proven that you must be ready for any threat, regardless of appearance. Threats come in all forms. I recall an American soldier tossing a grenade into a mess tent in Iraq, and another shooting up Ft. Hood. Vigilance goes beyond looking for the obvious. Too much is at stake.
  24. Look big brother, don't pee on me and tell me it's raining. This was no airplane. This was a subsurface ballistic missile launch. I've seen enough of them to know. Further, please note the warhead clearly shown in the video evidence. If this was not ours then WHY did we not detect it, WHO fired it, and WHY were we not able to/chose not to respond? This is not going away. Half of LA saw it at rush hour.
  25. I travel quite a bit by car to see customers. Lately, I'm having to fly more. What is the best travel safe to use when checking your firearm?


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