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Everything posted by Volphin

  1. I offer this prayer for your Grandfather and your family:     God of all consolation, In your unending love and mercy for us You turn the darkness of death Into the dawn of new life Show compassion to your people in their sorrow. Be our refuge and our strength To lift us from the darkness of this grief to the peace and light of your presence. Your son, our Lord Jesus Christ,  By dying for us, conquered death And by rising again, restored life. May we then go forward eagerly to meet him,  And after our life on earth Be reunited with our brothers and sisters Where every tear will be wiped away.   I never got to meet either of my Grandfathers.  I'm glad you did.
  2. Ok kieefer, here's what I would do...    This is a Honda powerplant.  They last a long time with proper care and feeding. I would weigh carefully how long I was going to keep this vehicle.  If you choose to keep it, and hey, car payments are not cheap, then get a good (low mileage) used engine from a recycler.  My 98 Honda Van motor has one with 327,000 on the clock... they are built like tanks.  Use car-part.com to find one near you.  If you find one in my neck of the woods, I can pick it up for you as I'm in the Nashville area about once a week.  Replacement is easy, and all of your semi-new components will swap over.  Many of the yards offer a guarantee with their engines as well.  Also, keep in mind that there are many B16 variants out there.  Your PCM will dictate what you can run, but check your VIN and engine block number to get the variant nailed down and go with that.     This chassis IMHO would not qualify for new crate engine.     HTH    V  
  3. I'm also a certified ASE Master Tech.  I agree with Glock55.  
  4. http://stufffromjudy.posterous.com/best-commercial-shatner-ever-did-i-unconditio
  5.  An airplane was about to crash; there were 5 passengers on board, but only 4 parachutes. The first passenger, Holly Madison said,  "I have my own reality show and I am the smartest and prettiest woman at Playboy, so Americans don't want me to die."   She took the first pack and jumped out of the plane.   The second passenger, John McCain, said, "I'm a Senator, and a decorated war hero from an elite Navy unit from the United States of America ."   So he grabbed the second pack and jumped.   The third passenger, Barack Obama said, "I am the President of the United States and I am the smartest ever in the history of our country, some even call me the 'Anointed one.'"   So he grabbed the pack next to him and jumped out.   The fourth passenger, Billy Graham said to the fifth passenger, a 10-year-old schoolgirl, "I have lived a full life and served my God the best I could. I will sacrifice my life and let you have the last parachute."   The little girl said, "That's okay, Mr. Graham;  there's a parachute left for you.  America's smartest President took my schoolbag."  
  6. I was a band geek too.  In fact, I guess since the wife is a band director I still am.  LOL It's like band camp ALL YEAR.  Jealous?  You should be.  ;)
  7. Hmmmm.  Collective... collective...  where have I heard that before?
  8. I see the value in these targets as they mentally train you to see the threat.  They should be more indicative of the population though.
  9. I personally could care less what the AG's opinion is.  Send it through and sort it out later.
  10. This list made me sick.  #1 should be double tap the fu@#$  bast^$&*.
  11. Nice intel 2! Now about my Ex... LOL
  12. My brother sent me this in an email.  I cannot confirm the content, but found it powerful nonetheless.     Here's the story as told by this young lady's father... My 14 year old daughter, Daphne, and I went to a gun rally at the NH Capitol in Concord on Saturday, Jan 19, 2013. I don't even own a gun, but I'm a strong believer in the Constitution and the wisdom of our Founders especially when it comes to government taking away our freedoms, and I don't like the direction Obama is taking the country on that issue. You know, America, land of the free, and all the core strengths that made America great.  I made up a bunch of signs and Daphne prepared a letter before the rally, thinking she might hand it out to anyone who was interested. While attending the rally, Daphne noticed that the speaker had stopped talking and that he was handing the bullhorn to anyone who wanted to speak. She pointed that out to me, and soon she went over to the Capitol steps, got in line, and waited for her turn. After fighting her way to the front of the line, she stood there, on the steps of the NH State Capitol, and read a shorter version of the letter below.  She brought the house down.  After the cheers had died down, dozens of people shook her hand and congratulated her. A couple of reporters interviewed her briefly and other photographers took her picture. Just before she left, a representative from the New Hampshire Assembly talked to her and asked if she could come and speak at a hearing on gun control on Tuesday, Jan 22, 2013. Daphne said, Sure. On Tuesday, we picked her up from school at 12:00 noon and drove to Concord. We found our way to the Legislative Assembly Hall, Room 204. The room was packed and there was a line down the hall and around two corners. Soon, they moved the meeting to another room. The second room also proved too small. Finally, they sent us across the street, up to the large chamber in the Capitol Building.  The room was near capacity. About ninety-five percent of the people were pro 2nd Amendment rights. The Representatives and PACs got to speak first, then the common folk. Daphne was in the first 10 folks to speak who were not representing a group. She was poised, though a little nervous, and spoke clearly to the crowd. When she was done, she brought a copy of her speech to the front of the chamber where the representatives were sitting, and they fought over who would get to take it from her. The moderator had previously silenced the hall from cheering or clapping, but people told her they would have cheered if they could as they shook her hand on the way out. The whole proceeding took more than 3 hours. TRANSCRIPT:  Delivered to the New Hampshire Legislative Assembly January 22, 2013 Dear citizens of New Hampshire, Four days ago, I was across the street for a gun rally on the steps of the Capitol. I had never been to a gun rally before. I expected it to be all about hunters and guns. I was surprised: People were not afraid of not being able to hunt. They were not afraid of criminals at all. Do you know who they were afraid of? The Federal Government. I was shocked. They were afraid of the government taking away their freedoms.  The reason I went to the rally in the first place was that I heard children, like me, talking with President Obama about guns on the radio. I think those kids were far too young to make policy, and got it all wrong.  Naturally, I don't want my mom or dad to die either, nor my friends or family. But I learned in school that the First Amendment gives us our Basic Freedoms, like Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion and Freedom to Assemble. To protect our God-given rights, our Founders gave us the 2nd Amendment: The Right to Bear Arms.  My Civics teacher taught us that the reason our Founding Fathers gave us the right to bear arms is to protect ourselves from the government of man because when man is given absolute power, he becomes absolutely corrupt. In 1776, guns freed us from the abuses of King George. Today, guns keep us free from tyranny by government. If President Obama wants to take our guns, isn't he taking away our means to protect our right to freedom? Wasn't the 2nd Amendment given to us to protect our 1st Amendment rights? It's not by chance that those are the first two amendments. They were the two most important gifts our Founders gave the American people. I don't know. I'm just a 14 year old girl, and that's what I thought I learned in school. Did Mr. Obama learn something different in school than that? I think it is terrible for someone to use a national tragedy for political gain, don't you? So, when I heard Mr. Obama issued 23 gun control orders in the wake of the Newtown tragedy, I was upset. In school I was taught executive means to execute laws -- not make them. When did that change? Didn't the president swear an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution? Doesn't the 2nd Amendment state: "the right for people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." ˇ Tell me how 23 orders on gun control is not an infringement. Can someone please tell me that? Has King George returned?  I hope New Hampshire members of congress remember their pledge and do not use this tragedy to create unjust laws.  So I ask myself, what gun would our Founders want their citizen militia to have today to protect us from a government greedy for power. I think Thomas Jefferson would recommend a semi-automatic rifle with 50-round clips, and pistols that hold 20. But, I'm sure George Washington would demand these arms. Just so you know, I don't even own a gun, nor does my mom, or dad. But when I'm old enough, I want the right to buy a gun if I want to, so I can protect the America that I love. I hope I never need one, but I always say, "plan for the worst and hope for the best". Unfortunately, that's sort of why the government is taking away our guns: they are planning for the worst Americans, and not thinking of the best. Maybe the question we should be asking is what caused the morality of the United States to decay? Are parents no longer teaching their kids "thou shalt not kill?" I want to live in an America with laws that protect the best people on Earth, not the worst, don't you? Wouldn't that be more free? Wouldn't that be more American? Isn't freedom what America is all about? The right to bear arms is our best guarantee to live free.  Finally, at my track meet at UNH on Sunday, I read the banner on the wall. It said three words: Tradition. Pride. Excellence. I hope and pray that New Hampshire will continue its tradition of excellence and lead the way for the rest of the county, and never infringe on my rights. May the people of the great state of New Hampshire carry on their long tradition of freedom, so we can proclaim with pride the words our forefathers gave us: Live Free or Die! This is our United States. This is our New Hampshire. And that should never change. Live Free or Die, New Hampshire! Thank you, Daphne Jordan Nottingham, NH  
  13. I'm with the others here... keep the mini and bide your time.  Prices are dropping fast.
  14. I always stick with irons for my AK "golf clubs".  That said, if you want to reach out to 200+ yards, that is another story.  125 and under go irons IMHO.  
  15. The pipe he uses for incoming air and to hear the outside world is 50 ft long x 4" ID.  I do believe a suppressed .308 with a night vision scope could see him passing in front of the opening at the other end.  Plus the atmosphere in the pipe is stable, unaffected by wind and with stable humidity. The projectile will fly flat.  Once his profile is confirmed, I say a SEAL (who else right?) should SEND IT.  It would also be nice if the SEAL was a DAD like so many of us here.  :)
  16. This is the way it should be.  :)
  17. Thanks for the replies guys... check at Crossroads and struck out.  Bucnball, I just might do that.  PM me and we will connect at the show.  :)   V
  18. The good news is I bagged a NIB AR-10 Bushie for $1250.  The bad news is I can't find any 20 rd mags at all, let alone some ammo.  <sigh>  This config can take the FN-FAL mags too.     If anyone sees any mags out there, will you please let me know?   Thanks all....
  19. This "administration" should have more respect for their predecessors.   From George Washington's address to the second session of Congress: "Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty, teeth and keystone under independence. The church, the plow, the prairie wagon and citizens' firearms are indelibly related. From the hour the pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that, to ensure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. Every corner of this land knows firearms, and more than 99 and 99/100 percent of them by their silence indicate that they are in safe and sane hands. The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil influence. They deserve a place of honor with all that's good. When firearms go, all goes. We need them every hour."
  20. ...shall not be infringed.  Try it.
  21. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352483729' post='842551'] Yep, didn't say the guns didn't get hidden a time or two. Point is... avoid the crazy. Doesn't take a gun to have things go really wrong. My second wife was batsh#t crazy. I removed ME from the house until it was time to kick her out legally. [/quote] +1
  22. I can't stand someone poking their nose around what obviously isn't their business. I've dealt with morons like you describe before. Usually I reply with: Did you wear your seatbelt on the way here? Why? Same reason I carry. Next. Or sometimes it's fun to put on a fake bronx accent and say loudly: "You ain't the boss o' me."
  23. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352480873' post='842523'] I've been thru two divorces with firearms in the house. Nobody got shot. [/quote] I drove to work today and didn't get in an accident either.
  24. I don't know the man or his family, but divorce and the "games" surrounding it are always awful. It is a very emotional time for all involved, including the kids. The biggest mistake people make is getting angry and lashing out (and some try to bait such a scenario). That serves to do nothing but inflame an already bad situation. If you find yourself in such a situation, my advice is that all firearms should be removed from the home, perhaps given to a family member for safekeeping, prior to filing.


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