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Everything posted by Volphin

  1. I thought Puleo's was posted???  If not, I'll consider returning.
  2. I usually just roll my eyes and say, I'm a sheep dog.  Look it up.  And then walk away.
  3. Two words.  Dreamland BBQ.  
  4. I'll just say this:  Long ago I became fed up with dealers that jacked up ammo and firearm prices for the latest panic they invented.  I shop nationwide for my arms and ammo.  I don't need to support gougers, and I will not.  I have ticked off a few with my offers on certain weapon systems and listened to them bi^%$ and moan... but I have attended the SHOT Show more times than I can remember, and I know exactly what a small dealer's costs are, and their regional distributor's costs.  Now if a dealer takes the allotted margin, those dealers are respected and supported with my business.  I don't want wholesale, but I expect the deal to be in line with pricing parameters set forth by the OEM.  
  5. Volphin

    Cool Vid

    Warning.  Science Content @ 5:57   Very interesting...     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp5gdUHFGIQ&feature=youtu.be&annotation_id=annotation_2872350177&feature=iv&src_vid=OubvTOHWTms
  6. Gee, elections are coming up huh?  All show and no go.
  7. Thoughts and prayers on the way.  Keep us posted on her progress.  
  8. I'm sorry, but if you are in business (and I own one), you do not have the luxury of a bad day.  You service every customer, large and small with courtesy and professionalism every time, ALL the time.  That's business 101.  You can chat about it later with your close friends over some fermented hops at operating temperature.   If I have a bad day my customers will never know it.  There are duties to be performed.  Too many employees and their families depend upon the income my business generates, and when business is down, it's their kids faces I see at night.   That is all.
  9. I'm a TAC-50 too. We should have a party. :) Discretion, patience, and attention to detail are your most outstanding characteristics. Although you don't like the spotlight you will however act in the face of buffoonery.
  10. I've been to one SHOT show many years ago in Vegas.  I really need to get back to one!  :)
  11. Good post Bersaguy.  However, what many people do not know is that the two F-16s sent to intercept 93 Heavy were unarmed.  They were directed to bring it down.  The pilots agreed that one would ram the cockpit and one would ram the tail.  Thank goodness it went down before that became necessary.     As a result, policies were changed to keep fully armed response aircraft fueled and ready at key bases.     Which leads me to wonder, who thought unarmed planes were a good idea anyway?  Geeez!
  12. No, she left behind HIS AR.  It's ok though... she's blonde and hot.  ;)
  13. I run limo tint on my SUV. It's no darker than some of the unmarked crown vics.  ;) Never been hassled in any state about it.  Then again, I'm not out doing stupid things either!  LOL
  14. Great to hear!   Called off the media.  :)  So glad to do so as well!  
  15. I'm sending to the news media in our area.  Luckily I have some PR contacts that will hopefully get it out ASAP.   All my prayers Paul.  My son is 14 too.  Am willing and able to help in any way.  Just say the word and I'm there.
  16. Only one of two things happening here.  1) Dude wants out of the .mil really badly.  2) Dude wants to set up legal action against NY. The tip off is the weapons & mags themselves and the choices made by painting his guns in weird colors.   'Course he could just be a whack-o.   Wish he was from bama or something though.  ;)
  17. "Theresa Hamill and Robert Hamill are devorced"   Don't let Alabama kids write your news stories.   :rolleyes:
  18. http://www.arcamax.com/entertainment/weirdnews/s-1391625?source=outbrain    
  19. Volphin

    Honest people

    Well played sir.  :)
  20. 10-Ring wrote: "Depending on how the tire is out of balance the chances of getting it to balance with weights on the inside only is slim.  They also will not be able to do it with most electronic wheel balancers, which is all most shops use anymore.  Sorry man, you might try a black paint pen on those weights."   That is not the case.  A wheel balancer will support tape weight mode and can easily be balanced to zero.  Did I mention I'm an ASE Master Tech?  LOL  Got my start in the tire biz.  OP, the best tires on the road are Michelins, hands down.  You have to decide what you want in new shoes for your ride.  If high mileage, look at the tread wear rating on the tire... higher number = more mileage. If you go off road, then look at the tread pattern, load rating and inflation pressures.    And be aware that the model names of tires are NOT SKU driven.  There are Michelins with the same sidewall name that come in 70K mi tread ratings and 40K tread ratings.  You have to look at the part number.
  21. Incorrect.  You can balance a tire/wheel assy in dual plane mode (same as he has now) using Tape-A-Weights for the inside and outside plane.  The Tape-A-Weight simply adheres inside the rim, out of sight close to the spokes.
  22. Volphin

    Armed Citizen

    I like the 10 year old that can handle an AR.  Warms my heart.  :)
  23. Put me in for 2 lowers and 2 uppers depending on costs.   V
  24. She's a band director.  She puts in a lot of hours with the kids and teaches music classes too.  I'm pretty sure it's not a member of the band... those kids are the smart ones.  Who hates on a band director?  It's the easiest freaking class in HS!  I hope they have the nerve to brag about it.  
  25. So I get a call from the wife who has just arrived at work.  She is a school teacher. She had two loads of items for her classroom to bring in from her car.  Took the first one in and placed them in their proper spots in the classroom.  5 minutes max.  Came back out to get the other half of the load to find her car keyed all down the side.  So fresh the paint dust was still on it.  The car was parked 10 yards from her classroom.   Her car is only one year old.  I'm just so pissed I could scream.  To make matters worse, there are no cameras in the parking area.  She doesn't make all that much $$ but she saved a long time for that car and now some little punk just Fd it up.   GRRRRRRRR!      


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