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    Columbia, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    springfield Hellcat

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  1. Thank you, you were absolutely correct.
  2. My mistake, I meant would my training for the VA CCW be accepted by TN. Here is a response straight from the TN Dept. of Safety. I sent them an email yesterday afternoon and they responded this morning, that's impressive for a state agency, but I'm learning not unusual for TN. As an aside, I spent the last few days meeting with water and electric utility, as well as soil testing and TN Dept. of Env. folks, and everyone has been incredibly friendly and helpful. Cynthia Clark (Safety Support) Jun 27, 2024, 08:45 CDT Good Morning, We look forward to having you in our state. We have two types of permits in the State of TN. Your valid Virginia CCW permit exempts you from our training course for the Concealed Carry Permit; however; it would not for our Enhanced. Our Enhanced permit allows you to carry open or concealed where the Concealed Carry Permit is just what is says, you can only carry concealed. The training for the two are different so that's where the difference comes in. I hope this has answered your question. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us again.
  3. Thanks, but I'm confused, why are there two lists of states, one includes VA and one doesn't. Perhaps I'm missing it but the description, and cited law, seems the same. This one includes VA... Under T.C.A. § 39-17-1351(r)(3)(B), the department may issue a permit to a new resident based on the applicant having a permit in a state with “substantially similar permit eligibility requirements as this state”. The department has determined that the following states have substantially similar Concealed handgun carry permit eligibility requirements and therefore applicants with a valid permit from these states do not need to provide proof of a safety training course or a training exemption to be issued a Concealed handgun carry permit: Arizona Florida Idaho Iowa Maine Massachusetts Montana Nevada Oregon Utah Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Complete the Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit application; Provide proof of U.S. Citizenship or Lawful Permanent Residency; Pay the fee; and Be fingerprinted.
  4. Preparing to move to the Columbia area, I'm a regular DPA competitor now in in eastern VA. I welcome recommendations on any IDPA match resources near Columbia. Thanks.
  5. I'm preparing to move to TN from VA, I have a valid VA CCW. Is it possible to convert this to a TN CCW permit and if so how? Thanks.
  6. Thank you TNGO for having me as a member, preparing to move to Columbia from VA. I visited my builder a few days ago and was gratified to see several salespeople open carrying. I feel at home already!


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