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Defunct Ammo

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About Defunct Ammo

  • Birthday January 24

Profile Information

  • Location
    Nashville/Fairview, TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Landscape & Hardscape Technician


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Canik MC9
  • Carry Weapon #2
    CZ P-07

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  1. Can't go wrong with a .44 big iron. Where'd you find this beauty?
  2. Got quite a bit here as well. Probably 2-3 inches if I had to guess. I've only seen 2 cars drive down my street today. Was pretty icy all day.
  3. Man if you were closer I'd snag that P-01. Currently in the market for one but I unfortunately can't make a 4 hour drive out that way.
  4. My favorite is my CZ 75 compact with truglo tfx night sights. Love that thing to bits. My second favorite currently is my CZ P-07 gen 2.
  5. It's been awhile since this thread has gotten some love. What's everyone drinking tonight? I'll start. 1½ oz Screwball and 2½ oz Borgata marshmallow liqueur stirred in a chilled glass. Nice and smooth. Peanut butter and marshmallows make a great pairing!
  6. So much wrong with this video. First guy using his armpit as his holster, victim using his back left pocket as his holster, and the thugs walk in with an AR pistol visibly protruding out of one of their backpacks. Then the victim tries to negotiate instead of GTFO of there. Even the bystanders didn't seem to endangered enough to get out of there as well. Open carry has so much more risk involved than concealed.
  7. my only bottleneck would be my 3080's 10GB of vram. i could get so much more performance if it were 12 or 16GB


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