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About Rt101

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  • Location
    Spring Hill, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Sig 365 macro

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Just Getting Started

Just Getting Started (2/5)



  1. Any interest in ak’s?
  2. The website won’t let me pm you, but I have an fnp45 if you’re interested.
  3. While I wouldn’t mind teachers doing that, I just don’t see 99% of your average citizens doing that. And the teacher or anyone for that matter is at a huge disadvantage if they’re in a hallway with a pistol fighting someone with a rifle. Most people will just get themselves killed by leaving the room.
  4. My expectation would be that in an active shooter situation, the armed teacher would barricade their room and then defend their class. Then responders don’t think the teacher is the threat, and 20-30 kids are safer for it.
  5. I use the same stuff in my 365 as well.
  6. Not quite an fnx9 but I have an fnp-45 with a Steiner mps and 7 mags if you’re interested.
  7. I can’t send a private message as I’m relatively new to the forum, but I’d do 30 dollars. Send me a message and we can work out the details.
  8. Would you happen to have an Alice frame with or without pack?
  9. What country of origin are these?
  10. I’m gonna be honest, just reading the season for coyotes on twra in the past led me to believe they were fair game 24/7 with anything on private property.
  11. I just carry based on weather. If I’m layered up I carry a full size Glock or Cz, if I’m only wearing a t-shirt with no jacket I carry an sig 365 macro. I prefer wearing a belt even without a pistol, so I don’t worry about being able to use a pocket holster
  12. That’s an awesome collection, I’d like to hop in the line for the ar180 since I know some other people replied to it first.


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