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About kcsueb

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    Nashville, tn
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  1. Hello all, I was looking for some advice on what to do in this situation. I don't really have anyone in my life to talk to you about these things that knows very much, I really feel like you all will know more than anyone else I would be able to find lol so here goes! I have a very 'fluffy 'non-aggressive Alaskan Malamute. For the past 3 years of her life I have ran her around this 3.5 mile loop that would be considered my neighborhood. We live very rural. I may pass a total of 15 residences on this entire loop. Most residences are quite far away from the road, horses, cows, dogs, cats etc Recently to the left of my home going down the road a lady has gotten more than she can handle with her dogs to where they will chase you down the street on foot on bike or in your vehicle. So I have opted not to walk my dogs past her property or anywhere near her because of that. She has a very fast very adamant sheep herding dog that will bite your tires and rip your bumper off if you don't get past him before he can get in front of you. She also has a massive livestock guardian dog that will chase you down the road and she is very scary lol **(I really don't know what to do in this situation as well) I have now decided to start turning right down my driveway where there are two new houses built and a gentleman who has just moved into The farmhouse about a year and a half ago on the corner. He has always only had one Great Pyrenees named Aryan. Recently in the last couple of months he has gotten another great Pyrenees. And now he is letting both of the dogs out all night long whereas he used to put Aryan up late at night. In situations where Aryan would usually bark at me a couple of times and then run back to his house and ignore me he is now 10 times more aggressive, chasing me to the point where he ripped a hole in the fence to be able to chase me even further down the road, barking . ( He is behind a fence not able to get to the road, but tore through a secondary fence to go through their pasture alongside the road) I have a job where I work odd hours and sometimes I don't get home until 10:00 11:00 at night. I absolutely must walk my dog she has gained 30 lbs during the winter time and late at night I simply put her on the leash, and walk down my road. *She does not chase things she has zero aggression. I have a video of a small dog coming up to her in public biting on to the fur of her neck and hanging off of her neck and she's just standing there ignoring it until it's owner finally got to it. * The last two nights I have walked down the road, these Pyrenees will bark at me the entire length of their fence. My dog does not bark back or even pay any attention to them. Tuesday I walked her at 8:30 p.m.. Wednesday I could not walk her until 11:00 p.m.. The man that owns the house on the corner waits for me to come back around with my dog .walks out of his yard, closes the gate behind him.. has a rifle in his hand over his shoulder. He stops me in the middle of the road and tells me that for the past two nights I have woke him up with his dogs barking at me. He tells me that I am not allowed to walk my dog at night anymore and that I better not do it again. He is very aggressively speaking to me. He is angry that his dogs barking at me walking down the road has woke him up two nights in a row. To the point of waiting for me to pass by, catching me out in the street and stopping me, armed visibly... And telling me directly that i will not do it again. Kind of like how your dad would do it holding a belt when he found out you snuck candy... I called the police to ask them if he was allowed to do that and they basically tell me not to walk my dog past his house anymore. I feel that this is something absolutely crazy that has happened and that I feel just anxious about it..I feel he broke a law. But trying to find Tennessee gun law specifics is very difficult for me I guess as I've been trying to find something somewhat relevant to what happened with no luck. What should I do in this situation just stop walking her around my neighborhood? Was he within his rights to meet me on our public road, stop me in the street while holding a weapon and demand that I do not pass his house with my dog at night anymore? Thank you all!


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