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About PoonPlatoon909

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  • Location
    Monterey, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    G43X MOS

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Just Getting Started (2/5)



  1. I have the full size. All factory. Box, mags, all accessories. 1 box of 50 ran thru it cleaned then put away. Located in cookeville area
  2. Only trade I would consider is a G19 MOS other than that cash is king
  3. $620 Same size as a Glock 43X optics ready, 2 15rd mags Meetup in Monterey, Cookeville or Crossville must be legal to own firearms in TN
  4. I have a Shadow Systems CR920X with two mags
  5. I’m in the same boat as far as deciding to comp carry or not. Seems to be what’s popular in the industry right now. I recently purchased a handgun with a comp from the factory after watching all the guntubers praise it for the comp, I’d give it a try. So I Took it to the range to zero my red dot optic and run more rounds down range with my EDC and can honestly say I couldn’t tell the difference with reduction to recoil or muzzle rise VS. My non comp’ed G43X edc. After reading all the comments on this thread I’m leaning more towards not comp’ing my EDC tho I love the aesthetics of comp’ed guns I think the extra money for a comp is better spent with more range time and training.
  6. Swampfox sentinel green dot mounted on slide $680 for the package


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