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Everything posted by spookboy

  1. Sir, You have me sold on it! Does anyone have a Black Rec cover and heat sheild they wanna trade for my chrome or whatever color it is?
  2. i'd kinda like to make it look like this ,but in black Im strongly considdering the TS stock.
  3. and parts of the green are starting to flake off, should i just paint over it ?
  4. IM pretty sure Im the only one with one this FUGLY! Ill try posting it again.........
  5. Did anyone look at the pic i originally posted? someone already painted the stock some Funky almost OD green. I want it back 2 black
  6. I would like to know what i can use to paint my hi-point. im thinkin cheap ladies and gentlemen, wally world cheap(x-mas and all) is there any flat Black that will cover the almost chrome surface on the reciever and bbl shroud(heat sheild) and if i need to prime the plastic stock I need to know.A pic 1122091903a.jpg picture by dtbspookman - Photobucket
  7. Nice, id like the opition on mine of camo or not though... for 1300 clams id like to pick my color. Like the NEW"Benelli" 223 semi auto, a year ago it was labeled the Rx4 Beretta storm
  8. whered you find that @?
  9. he ment mag size, all makers of 22lr pistols aka ruger, browning, etc all only have 10 shot mags. imi used to make a 15 shot 22lr called the "mountain eagle"........
  10. I believe you are refering to a ruger blackhawck in .30 carbine? or the 9mm blackhawk with the conversion to .30 luger ? you might wanna check that, if it is a .30 carbine id say go for it. Have someone check it out for you if you dont know what to look for in a used rovolver.
  11. I'll play! My top 5 1. Glock 19 2. sub 2000, would change these to S&W .357(revolver) and marlin .357 combo if in the woods. 3.Ak, prefer bulgarian slr but not up to the $ yet 4.Mossberg 590 a1( w/bayo:D) 5.Ruger 10/22 or 22/45 mk II
  12. my vote goes m1a! That 700 sure is PURDY though!! But, like i said, my vote is going m1a
  13. maybe i missed this, If i am cayying in my yard and DONT have a permit, then what? do i get disarmed and questioned? or if i pull my d.L. to prove thats where i live is that enough?
  14. My vote was gonna go for the iwi BARAK, But the slide looks like the front of a beretta 93r, or the robocop version , So therefore my vote is for a compact AIRSOFT version of this gun,The beretta 93r, with mods... Edit: after looking closer i'm about 90% sure its an airsoft gun of some type.IF i was the bank teller i wouldnt chance it though!
  15. Sir i too wish to aquire a .308 bolt gun for the same purpose someday, Congrats on the new purchase and great groups! Keep 'em flying.
  16. ask and ye shall recieve!
  17. Mav 88's take mossberg 500 parts
  18. Well thanks all, i have coped with the fact that im never eating twizlers again:(, im getting there, and yes dralarms ive figured that out, i ushually hit the mens room and rinse out my mouth with water. And rice is a problem also, if i take out my bottoms then its not that bad though. And dear lord, i CANT wait to eat an apple!!! i now take alot less things for granted!
  19. Thanks for the input all, ive had them for about 4 months now, but just quit useing the glue about 4 or 5 days ago, thats why im having such difficulty.Almost all my zinc poisoning symptoms are gone too!be back to normal in a week or so. thank ya!
  20. Im inquiring to some help with my dentures.A bit about me, im 25 and this incident has left me with....nothing, im starting all over again.I will give you the run down of my story,About 9 or so months ago I was in Daytona(where im from)and was in a bad car accident(totaled).I was driving around 50-55 when this clown comes barreling through the red light(paying no attention) i was only about 10 yards or so off when i saw him,so i yanked my E-brake, needless to say impact was immenent.I wrapped my mitsubishi galont around the reer end of his suburban. Hitting my chin on the steering wheel ,breaking 13 teeth and dislocating my jaw.Since beautiful FLA is a "no fault" state:poop: i get a check to cover my car OR teeth,NOT both. So i obviously have opted for the latter. Now 9 months and $6,000 worth of surg later i have a new grill:D my main question is are these supposed to feel redicously akward? i feel like im wearing a mouth guard. Its hard to say alot of words, wich im working on.I still have to take out the bottoms while eating. I was useing the glue(polygrip plus,white) But got zinc poisoning from it:death: go figure. now that im done being poisoned,lol, im having alot of problems with them. Can anyone offer me any tips?A good dentureist in the area?i'm only 25 and would not like it to be like this for 50 years. Also, looking for a car or scooter that works for cheap(+/- 1000) i am able boddied and can work it off or pay for it in installments or both(since now i obviously dont have one). As always the help is appreciated
  21. Euro(euorpean) mag release, also on the sig 210, sig 230/232, the MIGHTY j22 and the famed hk psp. Its a mag release on the heel (or butt) of the gun.I saw someone put a key ring in the loop type mag release on his makarov, it made the mags drop free when pulled.Note ring shaped mag release behind the magazine.
  22. The test------ The Box O' Truth #23 - ExtremeShock™ Ammo and the Box O' Truth - Page 1
  23. Well what good is it without some pics?
  24. spookboy

    New Colt WWI 1911

    Pictures MAN! We need PICTURES!!! I doubt ill be able to afford one for a good while, i'll be inherating a "us property marked" 1911 date marked 1927 after a while, thats about as close as ill ever get to owning one of these colts or "gems" as it was so put. Lets see this bad boy!


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