I care for our troops today that are persecuted in many ways, such as multiple deployments to the Afghanistan, Libya and the other hot spots that our government gets interested in. They have very restricted freedoms while deployed over there, and yes that includes religious freedoms. Even back home they are used as tools of the political game such as in the sequester and the Government shutdown. Most young soldier and his family live at or below poverty levels which is another form of persecution. Troops are required to take sensitivity training and diversity training no matter what their beliefs are.
I support the Wounded Warriors every month because I care. Before my last back surgery when I had to give up my motorcycle riding, I was a rider in the Patriot Guard for our fallen troops. How many welcome home parades do you hear of now for our returning troops from the sand box?
Yeah, our troops are persecuted in many more ways. I care about all of them and what happens to them.